Gifts for the new 2020 rats do it yourself: Original ideas with photos and videos


Although the spirit of the approaching holidays thanks to capricious weather is felt far from all territory of Russia, do not forget that all the bolder gives a voice at the threshold, the hostess of the approaching year, white metal rat. It means that it's time to think about what gifts to prepare for the upcoming celebration for children and for adults, for relatives and for friends - I want to be something original and memorable, not a banal, type of candy box or bought in the store-souvenir .

Here to the place to remember that the best gift will be a surprise prepared by her own hands - about what to try to make a new 2020, will tell the material 24cm.

Dacy with your own hands

Sweet gifts under the New Year tree - what will surely please the youngest family members. Ideas for such presents can be found on the Internet - photos and videos with all sorts of interesting options. And not only those for whom will have to demonstrate culinary skills.

Chocolate Sani.

If you come up with fiction, it is possible to do with the purchase of sweets, of which it is not difficult to build a nice and cool surprise, without inferior to the shopping gift sets. Here is an example of such a sweet gift.


  • Chocolate Santa Claus;
  • 2 caramel canes;
  • small chocolate (like Kinder Chocolate);
  • candies;
  • chocolate bar;
  • glue;
  • Packaging (you can use the sleeve for baking or purchase a special film).


  1. With the help of adhesive, the edges of the battery packing are pressed and fixed with caramel caramel caramel carames so that the landscapes are laid.
  2. Behind the bars to "polozam" stick chocolate.
  3. Santa Claus glue is fixed on Sanya.
  4. Using wrapping paper, a bag with sweets is made, where the remaining candy is placed, and they are tied with a decorative tape.
  5. After fixing the "bag" on Sanya, it remains to give glue to dry - the sweet present in the form of a hurrying with gifts to the children of Santa Claus is ready.

Banana ice cream

Those who are not shyless to demonstrate culinary skills can try to cook sweets on their own. Delicious and original dessert, which will certainly delight the child, will be ice cream from bananas with chocolate icing.

Bananas in chocolate


  • Frozen bananas;
  • chocolate;
  • Hammer peanut;
  • Wands for ice cream.


  1. Ice cream bananas are cut in half and planted on sticks.
  2. Chocolate melts and lower the halves of bananas.
  3. Banana in the glaze collapses in peanuts and give chocolate to frost - dessert is ready.

Such yummy will like not only the kids, like caramel apples (the fetus on the skewer is dipped into the sugar melted in the water). By the way, instead of ice cream bananas, it is possible to do with biscuits - in this case, instead of peanuts use a confectionery.


And for a gift for adults for the New Year, which in Russia, as is known, it is not necessary without champagne, you can build an original alcohol and chocolate handicraft in the form of pineapple.


  • Round chocolate candies in a shiny wrapper;
  • bottle of champagne;
  • Green and yellow (and can and blow up!) Corrugated paper;
  • twine;
  • glue.


  1. Yellow paper cuts with squares for which candy sticks.
  2. Squares with candy are glued to the bottle so that the result is like a pineapple.
  3. Leaves are made of green paper.
  4. The leaves are glued to the bottle, hiding the neck, and wind by the twine.
  5. After drying the glue, a gift is ready.

Entertaining needlework

Ideas for homemade souvenirs in the network set. Here are a couple of examples.

Totem Simpatyaga

As a gift to friends and colleagues with their own hands, you can make a symbol of the upcoming year - rat. True, you have to work a little.


  • Fabric of gray (white) and pink colors for the body and ears (velor, fleece or velvet are best);
  • tail cord;
  • Black eye beads;
  • black cloth for nose;
  • threads for mustache;
  • Filler (cotton, hollofiber, buckwheat, buckwheat husk, millet, etc.).


  1. On the base fabrics draw a circle with a radius of 13 cm, which is separated by 4 sectors of 45 ° and cut. The resulting sectors fold in half and stitch straight edges.
  2. Deciding by dividing the radius required for the manufacture of "bottom", cut off the blanks for the bottom of the toy. "Carcass" is stuffed with filler and sew "bottom" and cord-tail.
  3. From pink and gray (white) fabrics make ears, and then sewn to the figure. You can make a ears-bow, as in a video example, or fasten to the toy on your head, but then the head will have to be fixed in the desired position separately.
  4. Black cloth is swayed. From beads make eyes. After the threads of the thread through the nose and circumcision, the mustache is obtained - the toy is ready.

Such a gift is suitable for adults, colleagues, buddies, relatives, but will like the children. If you do an extra loop, the root will hang on the Christmas tree or on the keys as a key chain.

Soap crafts

You can also make pretty presents from soap with your own hands, which then the recipient of the gift uses for its intended purpose. Required for the manufacture of "spare parts" will be found in profile stores for Hendmade lovers.


  • transparent and white soap base;
  • Green dye (can and dream!);
  • Catter in the form of a Christmas tree;
  • Sequins.


  1. The white base is poured on a texture leaf, removing the surplus.
  2. Mixing the dye with a transparent base, add a mixture to white, set as a catter and, waiting for the hardening, topping the green basics.
  3. Placed in the freezer for 5-7 minutes to make it easier to remove the craft.
  4. Finished soap sprinkle with sparkles.

It is possible in the manufacture of soap to turn the lace - a Christmas tree will get. You can also show fantasy and make soap decorations of various shapes.

Out of paper

It is difficult to submit the new year (and the 2020th no exception!) Not only without gifts, but also without greeting cards. Having under hand scissors, colored paper, glue and fantasy, it is worth trying to make a solemn message unique and original. It remains only to choose the appropriate option - from just pretty drawings to the present volumetric images.

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