Victor Sviridov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Ex-Gllava FSIN



The tragic finale of the biographies of Colonel Viktor Sviridova, who committed suicide in February 2020, not only showed the relevance of the Russian saying "From prison, not from Sumy," but I put a few questions before the society. The media discusses how reliable the inspections that allowed to carry a gun to the courtroom, and whether laws are fair to correct the convict for slow painful death.

Childhood and youth

Since Viktor Fedorovich was shot at the age of 71, it is clear that the ex-head of the management of vehicles of the service of the execution of punishments was born in the late 40s of the 20th century. Information about the parents of Sviridov, his childhood and education is absent. It is known that the future head of the "transport workshop" participated in the elimination of the consequences of the accident in Chernobyl, but the scale of this participation is not disclosed.

Personal life

About the personal life of Sviridov information is not enough. Viktor Fedorovich had a non-working wife, a minor daughter and a disabled son of the first group, born, apparently in the previous marriage.

The neighbors of the retirement, who, judging by the photo, possessed an impressive Lysina, talk about the courtesy of a man in everyday life and that the colonel family mostly lived in the country. Despite the title of Viktor Fedorovich, it was felt that Sviridov needed funds.

The defendant lawyer expected that the presence of three dependents, as well as the disease of the defendant (4th degree tvolyonic cancer with metastases in the liver), tend to mitigate the sentence and appointment of conditional punishment. However, this did not happen.


In the prison department of Sviridov passed in 2012 from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where he was heading. It was for the transformation of the "comet" in the fashionable hotel, the business studio received a premium pistol, with the help of a shot of whom the scores with life reduced.

After 3 years, Viktor Fedorovich "asked" write a statement about the departure of the head of the "prison automotive". The next task, solved by Sviridov in the FSIN, is the construction of the Pension "Wave" in the Krasnodar Territory. Then the man was retired.

The criminal case at Viktor Fedorovich began on charges of extortion. According to the prosecutor, Sviridov in February 2019, during the separation of alcoholic beverages, he told the former deputy head of FSIN Alexander Sapozhnikov, which has a compromising on him, and suggested to forget about the discustering information for 10 million rubles. Sapozhnikov turned to the police, presenting a recording of the conversation. At the end of March, near the metro station "Vykhino" upon receipt of labeled banknotes, Sviridov was detained.

Viktor Fedorovich argued that he was substantiated, mixing a psychotropic substance into alcohol. Money was intended to create a joint company with a shoemaken.

The lawyer Sviridova insisted on the examination of the ill-fated record. The court refused the requirement, but took into account the certificates of Viktor Fedorovich about the disease. Before the sentence, the man was not under arrest, but under a subscription about the unseen.


On February 12, 2020, Sviridov carried into the Chertanovsky Court of Moscow, the pistol and during the announcement of the sentence (3 years of imprisonment) fired himself in his heart. The arrivals could not save Viktor Fedorovich. I knew no condition in the Russian prisons, a former employee of FSIN understood that it would be deprived of the necessary painkillers necessary for him and chose a quick death.

Sviridov was able to deceive the guard of the court of Eduard Nefedova, putting a flask with alcohol in his pocket. When the frame of the metal detector rang, Viktor Fedorovich gave a securiti container. Nefedov poured liquid and returned the vessel to the elderly man. Sviridov repeatedly did not pass. Now in relation to Nefedov, a criminal case was initiated under the article "Negotiability".

Representatives of the Chertanovsky justice declare that the miracles of humanism showed the wonders of 3 years in prison at the lower penalty for extortion at 7 years.

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