Ilya feed - photo, biography, personal life, news, "house-2" 2021



Ilya, I was able to make a brilliant career in sports, but it was not famous for this. He became a member of the Dom-2 project and found itself the focus of millions of viewers who observe his attempts to find the love of life.

Childhood and youth

The participant's age is not a secret for fans. Ilya Valerevich Foga was born on January 1, 1995, he was Capricorn on the sign of the zodiac. About his early years in biography and family knows little. The childhood of the boy passed in the Russian city of Penza, Ilya grew active, was interested in sports.

After the completion of studies at school, the young man went to the army to give the duty to his homeland. Then he entered the Penza State University, where he studied at the engineer.

Personal life

Before coming to the TV project "Dom-2", the guy has already made attempts to establish a personal life. He met with his countrywoman Alexander Program, but it was not possible to create seven young people.

"House 2"

Ilya decided to try to find love on the scandalous well-known television trip, where came on November 25, 2019. The young man managed to conquer the hearts of the participants of the show not only by sports physique, but also the presence of stable income, so according to the results of the voting, it was allowed to remain.

Anna Levchenko chose as an object of sympathy, but the girl did not answer the guy with reciprocity because of his attempts to change it. For some time he remained alone and almost ended up among the main contenders for care. In addition, the participant failed to interest the audience. In the comments to release, it was called boring and gray, not able to attract attention.

Other teleproject participants also did not show interest in the guy. The situation was aggravated when he had a conflict with Jan Zakharova, for which Sergey Zakhakhash was encouraged. After the conversation on the increased tones, I apologized to the participant, and the scandal could end the world, but Tatyana Strokova intervened. The girl wanted to stand up for a novice, because of which he quarreled with Sergey and provoked a fight between him and his young man Daniel Sakhnov.

Despite the fact that Ilya tried to avoid conflict, he still found himself in candidates for leaving reality, but that day the project left another participant. In December 2019, his former chosen Sasha Promezzova came to the show. She stated that she wants to correct the mistakes and return the former feelings.

The guy decided to give the girl a chance that caused discontent from other participants "House-2" and at the leading Olga Buzova. The star accused a couple in a dishonest game and in the fact that they specifically conspire to come to the show together. But it did not prevent the subsection and prosecial to start building relationships on the project.

The miracle did not happen, and Sasha with Ilya continued to quarrel and insult each other before the cameras. The guy accused the girl in the fact that, outside the telestroy, she changed him and flirting with other men, prisoner called the chief of the liar and the hypocrite. As a result, they again broke up.

I decided to try to start a new relationship, especially since Natalia Shpakov came to him. The girl immediately demonstrated a combat character when the former beloved Ilya publicly insulted, but soon apologized.

The first date with the girl was unsuccessful, and the participant was again in the bed of prime. After the soul conversation, young people declared themselves a couple. Ilya was tuned towards the beloved seriously and even in the sake of her fight with Igor Grigoriev, as a result of which he earned a scar on his forehead.

The feelings again did not undergo a joint life check, and after the next parting, Sasha went to the Seychelles. Help a young man to restore the broken heart took a new participant in Tatyana Yakimova.

The girl invited Ilya in the water park to raise him the mood. There, I suddenly it turned out that Tanya could not swim. The guy led himself as a hero and saved the participant than the audience's approval earned. However, it did not build a relationship with her, because he had not yet recovered after an unsuccessful novel with a primetic.

Ilya feed now

The coming 2020 adventure met in the status of the "House-2" participant. Now he supports communication with subscribers through "Instagram", where it reports about the news and publishes personal photos. The pictures show that Ilya supports a sports form and with growth 186 cm weighs 89 kg.

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