Ole Lukae - character history, main characters and quotes


Character History

A low old eagle with a tricky smile and mischievous eyes - such draws the imagination of the storyman Ole Lukee. However, the resulting image is deceptive. Andersen put a fairy tale in the hero much more meaning than it seems at first glance. In incredible wizard stories, the philosophical subtext is hidden, which includes reasoning about life, death and faith in the present miracle.

History of creation

The fairy tale of a benevolent wizard was first published in December 1942. A short, but instructive story entered the sixth Tom of the collection "Tales, told by children."

Hans Christian Andersen

Hans Christian Andersen compatible in the form of Ole Lukee of several mythical beings. The main character imagined the qualities of a European sandy person. An ancient deity at dusk sneaks to children and painted in the eyes of the baby's sand, so that fidgets fall asleep as soon as possible.

A partial prototype of the storyter was the ancient Greek God Nefene. The book includes quotes confirming this fact:

"I am the old pagan; Romans and the Greeks called me the god of dreams! "

During the narrative, the image of one deity is replaced by another, but with similar characteristics. Now Ole Luke does not just rule over a dream, the character accompanies his brother - death. Andersen colorfully depicts the colorful ancient Roman duo of Gitnos and Tanatosa's gods.

Gins and Tanatos.

Later, the image of a fabulous wizard moved to screens. The most famous cartoon in which the good Lord of the dreams appears - the collection "Lapland fairy tales". A year later, the hero will appear in the "Snow Queen". The wizard plays the role of a storyteller and conducts viewers in the plot of fairy tales. Well, this is a familiar role for funny Ole Lukee.

Biography and plot

No one knows when and where Ole Luke was born. It is only known that a man has long been living in the world. Ole small growth, roughly like Liliput. Magic little man dressed in a beautiful overflowing caftan. In the hands of Ole - two umbrellas: one is decorated with incredible pictures, the other is smooth and faceless.

Ole Lukee

The first umbrella is designed for good children, with its help, Ole brings the kids colorful and interesting dreams. The second umbrella hero opens over the heads of naughty congestion. So children do not dream of a dream, and in the morning they have nothing to remember.

Another magic device Ole is a small fringe, refilled by sweet milk. The little man sprinkles fluid in children, and the kids stick out eyes. It helps to quickly put boys and girls to sleep.

Ole Luke visits the baby named Yalmar for a whole week. Every night, a man tells the boy a new amazing story.

Ole Luka and Yalmar

On Monday, Ole transformed the child's room: raised indoor plants to incredible sizes and decorated with leafs with raisins. Suddenly moaned by a stylist board. The reason for the suffering of the subject - the mistakes that Yalmar made in arithmetic examples. No less suffering from recipe. Letters in the notebook did not have to hold on - they fell from the lines.

On Tuesday, Ole and Yalmar went on a journey. Friends visited the forest, ride boats and visited local princesses. With girls, Yalmar is well known - these are local girls with whom the guy played every day in the yard. The princesses treated Yalmar with sugar gingerbread, which were not sold even at the fairs.

Yalmar on the ship

On Wednesday, the heroes went in swimming. Ole drove the ship to the window of Yalmar, and friends went on a journey. On the way they came across a flock of storks. One of the birds is so tired of the flight that fell on the deck. Yalmar regretted Aist and planted the bird into a cage, but local roosters and chicken mocked the new guest. The boy was angry with stupid birds and let go of Aist on the will.

Thursday in the life of Yalmar was marked by a campaign on a mouse wedding. Ole reduced the boy to the desired size, slept the baby in the suit of the tin soldier and delivered the child under the floor of the pantry mother. The celebration passed in flavored and joyful noise.

On Friday, Ole and the boy again went to the wedding. The bride this time was the sister doll. It was the 101st Wedding Celebration of Dolls. After registration of the marriage, young people decided for a long time, where to go on the journey. In the dispute with chicken and swallow dolls came to the conclusion that it is best to go to the village cottage.

Ole Lukee

On Saturday, Ole refused to tell the boy a fairy tale. Before a man stood an important task: to collect all the stars from the sky and expose them before festive Sunday. The process occupied a lot of time, so the magic man was in a hurry very much.

On Sunday, Ole Lukee was introduced to Yalmar with his native brother:

"Now you will see my brother, another Ole Luka. People call him also death. See, he is not so terrible, how painting it in the pictures! "

The man told the boy that the brother knows only two fairy tales: the first is interesting, the second is terrible. What a fairy tale will hear the child depends on his marks.

The fairy tales of the magic man carry a hidden promise - miracles appear in life if they believe in them. It is worth only to wish, and every minute of life will be filled with incredible adventures. The second home thought was expressed by Ola on Sunday: Sleep and Death come to everyone, and do not be afraid of such a visit. Only from a person depends on the visit of the brother of the deity of dreams.

Interesting Facts

  • Name Ole Luke is used as a name of a variety of organizations. The name of the wizard is called a musical group, a children's camp and a brand of children's clothing.
  • The name of the character means "close eyes."
Monument Ole Luke in Moscow region
  • In the suburbs installed a monument to the fairy tale character. Bronze Ole Lukae is located in Mytishchi near the theater of the dolls "Floor".
  • In 2016, the "PROLINE FILM" film company declared the release of the film "Close Eyes". The story lay down the story "Ole Lukae". The role of the wizard will play the musician Yurki Linnankavi.


"Why am I money! I don't come to anyone for money! "" Wait at night in other people's lands, and by morning - again at home! "" You are the head of the name, ancestor, but I still older than you! "" I will show you my brother, his Also name Ole Lukai, but he is not more than once in his life. "

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