Oscar Kokoska - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, paintings



At the end of the winter of 2020, the entire enlightened world gave tribute to Oscar Kokoshka: In February, 40 years have passed since the death of the outstanding artist. For this reason, it was also due to the fact that the year was declared the year of Austrian literature and theater in Russia, the Kaliningrad temple of Melpomenned under the direction of Mikhail Andreeva prepared a performance for his audience about the life of the expressionist, which was produced by Regina Sattarov.

Childhood and youth

On March 1, 1886, the spouser Kokoska, who lived in the Poyhlarna, was rejoiced not only by the coming of spring, but also the birth of the second child - the daughter of the forester Maria Roman gave her husband to Gustavu Josef, who continued the generic jewelry, the Son of Oscar (the first died in infancy). Berta and Boguslav appeared later on the world.

Because of the unstable earnings, the head of the family had to walked from place to place, everything was moving away from the city center. As a result, the story ended with the bankruptcy of a man and moving to Vienna. But, despite the burden of early life and the further content of the relatives, the artist considered childhood happy, and the father - a man who gave him the necessary books for primary education.

At the time limit, the boy began to attend the real school, where the emphasis was applied to modern items (including chemistry). But the study of them was little interested in Oscar, more on creativity. Once his drawings noticed one of the teachers and advised him to go to school of arts and crafts. Mentor teenager listened and soon got into the number of students who passed the knowledge of Gustav Klimt and Karl Otto Czech.

To help a talented protege, fill the hand in the image of human faces and find your unique style, the teachers sent a young man in the "Viennese workshops", where he participated in the creation of graphic cards and illustrations.

In 1908, the founder of Modern, who wrote a "kiss" and "lety", put up the work of Kokoshka, "the greatest talent among the younger generation", together with his own. For acquaintance with the public, he chose his autobiographical poem "Dreaming young men", due to the abundance of erotic images, which caused a loud scandal and the author's exception to the author from the educational institution.

Personal life

In 1912, Oscar got acquainted and fell in love with the Alma Maler, who turned out a lot of light heads: Gustav Klimt calmed down in his youth, and Gustav Malener was married, Walter Gropius and Franz Verfel.

In the personal life of the muse and the artist, everyone happened, but as a result, the patience of the fatal beauty was dried, when a man who forbidden abortions, bought out a bloody sheet from the hospital and demonstrated to the public. After parting, he created one of the best works - the "bride of the wind".

In the mid-30s, in Prague, Kokoska met the future wife of Old Palkisk - a woman who in difficult times went out to traded the cookie, in every way supported her husband, on her hands an outstanding artist of art in the end passed away.


The very first resonant exhibition (however, the scandals and cliffs in Oscar had enough of the Oscar) gave an acquaintance with the architect Adolf Lozo, who provided the patronage and introduced into the world of avant-garde.

In the period from 1909 to 1914, the expressionist created a lot of portraits ("Self-portrait", "Hans Titz and Eric Titze-Convrat"), on which he tried to preserve full artistic freedom, so often wrote without simulators. Another distinctive feature of Cocrosky paintings - emotions, expressed through hand gestures, body located in a three-fourth turn, bright colors and a dark inexpressive background.

In 1910, the portraitist moved to Berlin, where he was waiting for rapprochement with Vasily Kandinsky, "Promotion" at the world level Paul Kassirer and work in the publisher of Harvart Valden. The First World War did not bypassed the artist and the artist: he voluntarily replenished the ranks of the Austrian cavalry (before sending to the front, a photo was made in the form and published in the form of a postcard), but after a year he received a difficult injury and removal from the service.

During the 20s, Kokoska was a professor of Dresden Academy of Fine Arts, a lot traveled in Europe, Asia, North Africa, creating mainly landscapes. After coming to power of the Nazis, the master fled to Prague, then in London, where Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler and their adherents, was trying to resist his paintings.


At the end of his rich life, the Master of Epatage managed to work both a writer and a teacher, and a scene, and an artist-designer, conduct exhibitions around the world and release collections of literary works. In the winter of the 1980s, February 22, in the Swiss Montreux of the winner of the Erasma Rotterdam's premium. Death has come for natural reasons: Kokoska died in 93 years.


  • 1909 - "Hans Titz and Eric Titce Conrat"
  • 1911 - "Annunciation"
  • 1913 - "Alma Maller and Oscar Kokoshka"
  • 1913 - "Self-portrait"
  • 1913-1914 - "Wind Bride"
  • 1915 - "Wandering Knight (Self-portrait)"
  • 1922 - "Two children"
  • 1929 - "Arab woman and child"
  • 1929 - "View of Constantinople"
  • 1934 - "Type of Prague"
  • 1937 - "Self-portrait (degenerative artist)"
  • 1941 - "Anschlus: Alice in Wonderland"
  • 1941 - "Red Egg"
  • 1945 - "Christ helps hungry children"
  • 1971 - "Lord, time comes out"

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