Vyacheslav Gordeev - biography, photo, personal life, news, ballet 2021



Live ballet is about Vyacheslav Gordeyev. At the beginning of the brilliant creative pathway, the future artist greedily vague into the granite of choreographic science. Days and nights spent the day in the Bolshoi Theater, bringing the plastic to perfection, absorbed every word of the mentor, refused his favorite hobby.

Vyacheslav Gordeev

Such fanatical dedication and rare performance appreciated Maya Plisetskaya itself in it. Corn on the back, a nail drove in the foot while performing on stage, grueling training, severe injury, care, depression - nothing stopped him in serving art.

Childhood and youth

Vyacheslav Gordeev was born on August 3, 1948 in the family of the designer and engineer of the famous engineering plant in Tushino. Parents who survived the great domestic dreamed that the Son had a "solid" profession. The conductor of the Military Orchestra turned out to be the most appropriate option. The boy fasted musical basins and did not successfully performed the little plays on the chordy accordion from Berlin, where the mother met the victorious 1945th.

Vyacheslav Gordeev in youth

Gordeev lived near the stadium, so the child's hobbies were predetermined - hockey, boxing, basketball. The first acquaintance with the film playing with Galina Ulanova in the main party led to the amateur studio "Red October", and the announcement of the set to the choreographic school on the way to Suvorovsky - to enroll from 600 applicants and a large ballet.


The first place of study was consolidated in its talented pupil, important qualities - purposefulness, full return, organization, the ability to overcome physical and emotional loads. Later, it helped him for half a year to recover after the hardest break of Achilles tendon and not to leave a voluntary "catguard in colors."

Ballet Artist Vyacheslav Gordeev

1000 leaps per day, the authority of teachers, the lessons of the stars of the Soviet ballet, the first tour abroad, where he received the nickname "Golden Boy", allowed to come true the cherished dream of a novice dancer - to get into the Big Theater. Here he debuted in the most complex on the pirouettes and jumping the role of Harlequin in the "Nutcracker". Already after the first appearance about Gordeev, they spoke as a new star.

Later there was a theatrical and family duet with a "miracle-girl" with the hope of Pavlova, which the Russian and foreign spectators applauded. On the tour in the Vienna Opera, a friendly relationship with the Great Rudolph Nureyev began.

"I remembered it loyal and cute, not at all arrogant. If he liked a man, he was absolutely open. When we crossed in some country, he always called, offered to sit in the evening in the restaurant. Once in America gave me a huge box, where there were several hundred vinyl records: all Opera Mozart, he knew that they were loved by me, and records of the music, which, in his opinion, should be known, "recalls Gordeev.

For 20 years, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich was fortunate enough to fulfill many parties, rarely dropping out one artist. Among them is the prince-Nutcracker, Albert, Romeo and Spartak. The last major role is in the Swan Lake.

Vyacheslav Gordeev - biography, photo, personal life, news, ballet 2021 14044_4

In 1981 he tried himself as a balletmaster. In parallel, he studied at Moscow State University, after graduation he entered Gitis, where he later returned to teach in the status of the professor. At the peak of a creative career, He headed the "Russian ballet", which rising the whole world and marked with a large number of awards:

"I gave birth to" Russian ballet ", and for me he is not heavy. Now the child has grown, in his hands is not Nyantch, I go next and not feel fatigue. "

During the leadership, Romeo and Juliet, "Romonta", "Paganini" returned to the repertoire, "Romemond", "Paganini", the evening of modern choreography and a concert for the anniversary of Olga Lepeshinskaya was held. Since 1999, he was the official representative of the Rudolf Nureyev Foundation in Russia.

Personal life

Vyacheslav Gordeev was married three times and, according to his own admission, each time was guided exclusively to feelings. The first marriage and the creative union with the hope of Pavlova (despite the name, no related links with the greatest ballerina of the 20th century, Anna Pavlova, did not reveal) existed for more than 10 years.

Wedding Vyacheslav Gordeev and Hope Pavlova

As the folk artist of ballet noted in an interview with "AIF", the family was created in favor of the public and therefore did not bring personal happiness. Her ex-husband believes that "if you dance together, it is better not to marry," and the divorce provoked envy of people who wanted to destroy the symbol of the Soviet era.

Vyacheslav Gordeev and the second wife of Maya Saidov with children

The second wife became Maya Saidova, after the wedding, headed by the musical part of his theater. In 1993 and 1995, children appeared. However, long-term relationships did not work out. Now the daughter of love, thanks to his father, is at study in London, and the son of Dmitry receives the second higher education at the Moscow State University.

Vyacheslav Gordeev and the third wife Oksana Zolotarev with sons

The third wife - Pianist Oksana Zolotarev - for 26 years younger than one chosen one, but it did not prevent a long-awaited calm of his personal life. Couple brings up two sons. Nikita was born in 2005, Sasha - 4 years later. Senior is studying in the Cadet Corps, the younger is fond of tennis.

By the way, the modern writer and historian Lyudmila Gordeyev is just a talented single-refamilian Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, in no way relating to his biography.

Vyacheslav Gordeev now

He is active, tireless, sportswear and tighten. And although the Internet does not have accurate information about growth and weight, looking at the photo, it is not believing that the dancer in the summer of 2018 noted the 70th anniversary. And all because the day begins at the ballet machine and continues in permanent rehearsals and lessons. Now it is not necessary to exit the scene, but for example, students.

Vyacheslav Gordeev in 2018

He is interested in architecture. In 2016, without waiting for funding, he independently engaged in construction at the country site of the Children's School of Arts by his project. Subsequently, everyone will be able to get there without exams.

The Big Theater for the anniversary of the artist prepared "Bayadek", and in Sergiev Posad, where Vyacheslav Mikhailovich was almost 5 years old was a deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma, a festive concert was scheduled.


  • "Nutcracker" (harlequin)
  • "Giselle" (insertion pa de de)
  • "Cinderella" (grasshopper)
  • "Spartak" (shepherd)
  • Swan Lake (Pa de Troa)
  • "ICAR" (young man)
  • "Don Quixote" (Bazil)
  • "Nutcracker" (Nutcracker Prince)
  • "Legend of Love" (Ferkhad)
  • "Sleeping Beauty" (Prince Desire)
  • Spartak (Spartak)
  • "Giselle" (Albert)
  • Romeo and Juliet (Romeo)
  • "Wooden Prince" (Prince)
  • Swan Lake (Prince Siegfried)

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