Group "Fairy Tales of the Black City" - photo, history of creation, composition, news, songs 2021



The horror-punk rock band "Fairy Tales of the Black City" loudly announced itself in 2007 and since then confidently conquers the Russian scene. Fans learned about the team with the release of the song "The Werewolf", thinking that she belongs to the "king and the jester", as the track was recorded together with Mikhail Gornev. Now their creativity is not confused with other teams, because during the years of work the musicians managed to develop their own style, thanks to which they became recognizable.

The history of creation and composition

The history of the Group's creation began in 2007 from the musician Nikolai Yerohin, who later became its leader and founder, he also took the place of vocalist, the author of texts and music. In that year, Yuri Heads joined him as a guitarist. And then the composition was replenished with the drummer Viktor small. The latter left the team a year later, his place immediately occupied Dmitry Kokotovsky, who stayed with artists until 2009. Instead, he came the drummer Vladimir Golovin, who became a part-time guitarist and bass guitarist.

Heads played in the "Fairy Tales of the Black City" until 2010, then left and again became a member of the group only in 2013 (until 2018). Now the team consists of her permanent leader and chief executive of Nikolai Erochene, guitarist and back vocalist Anton Andreev, two more guitarists Andrei Bolotov and Grigoria Shrörerev and Drummer Pavel Zaitsev.


Collecting the team, "Fairy Tales of the Black City" give the first concert. He went away in early 2008 in the Voronezh Art Club "Exit". Quite quickly the musicians accepted, literally for the year they managed to form their own circle of listeners, which quickly increased. Already at the end of the year, the popular group "Purgen", speaking in the genre of Hard-Cor-Punk, invited newbies to heating the public before his concert.

The First Studio Mini-Album "Studio Demo" was recorded in 2009, he consisted of three songs and was quite positively perceived by the public. Therefore, by the end of the year, the guys were invited to the rock festival "Shurf". The next time, such an event had a chance to visit the spring of 2010, it was organized by the "Brigada" festival of Punk-Rock Lessons.

In the spring of 2010, the "Fairy Tales of the Black City" first made one scene with the legendary group "King and Jester". That evening, 1,500 listeners were present in the hall, Voronezh musicians provided the right to sing a couple of tracks on heating to the main concert. The leaders of the team Mikhail Gorenev (pot) and Andrei Knyazev highly appreciated their music, which later contributed to the further cooperation of two teams.

Their second joint speech took place a year later in the Voronezh club. For this concert "Fairy Tales of the Black City" prepared special acoustic versions of songs and for greater entourage were invited temporary musicians with violin, flute and cello. And soon after this event, the group shared in an interview with the Internet publishing news about the release of the second mini-album "Bashmachnik".

The first in the discography of the "Fairy Tales of the Black Cities" full-length album was "Tom I. Dream Guarders" in 2012. It was created in a digital version and opened access for free download. In 2013, the musicians recorded the single "in thick grass", which later entered into the second studio disc 2014 "Tom II. Get up to the stars. " After that, the group spoke at the festival in the Smolensk region together with the "pilot" and "Kukryniks".

The most productive for the crew of the team was 2015, only over the summer, musicians managed to participate in the festivals "Seagull", Motoyaroslavl, "Safonium 2015", "Crimea Fest Point Rou" and Fresh Sound. Third studio album "Tom III. In the spring of 2017, they presented in the spring of 2017, in addition to 11 songs, it included another 3 bonus track. The debut video on the composition "Taste of the Night" fans saw only in the fall of 2018.

"Fairy tales of the Black City" now

Musicians and now continue to delight fans with creativity. News from the Life of the Group is published in "Instagram", they laid out photos and videos. In the summer of 2019, they performed at the Taman festival in the Krasnodar Territory, the new single "Prisoner of the Dark Tower" was presented in the fall, recorded together with Evgenia Egorov. And in February 2020, the musicians gave a concert in his native Voronezh.


  • 2009 - Studio Demo
  • 2011 - "Bashman"
  • 2012 - "Tom I. Dream Guardians"
  • 2014 - "Tom II. Reach the stars »
  • 2017 - "Tom III. Between hell and paradise


  • 2018 - "Night Taste"

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