Hossaine Chalaned - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



From the Afghan immigrant, who does not speak English, before the author of American bestsellers is the path of Halad Hosseini. The names of his works are poetic, and autobiographical texts are filled with sayings and aphorism.

Childhood and youth

The writer whose name in Islam means "immortal", was born in Kabul in the spring of 1965. Halad - the firstborn in a secured family of immigrants from Herat. The father of the future writer was a diplomat, and the mother taught Farsi in the women's school. Halad has four younger brothers and sisters.

When the writer recalls the early pages of his biography, it claims that the Afghan capital in the early 70s of the 20th century was a prosperous cosmopolitan city in which he loved to launch air coins with cousins, and the sister of Paradise did not have any discrimination on sexual sign.

As a child, Chalated, who adored Eastern poetry, especially the works of Omar Khayama and Jalabyddin Rumi, managed to live in Tehran and Paris - in these cities, the father of the future novelist worked at the embassies of Afghanistan. Also, a big impression on the young hossaine was made by the story of Jack London "White Fang", which he read in the Persian language. Chaled, like the wiping, half-breed: in the veins of the author "Tajik's running over the wind" flows the Tajik and Pashtun blood.

In April 1978, power in Kabul seized the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan, supported by the Soviet Union. The Hosseini family asked political asylum in the United States and settled in the city of San Jose (California), where Chalated graduated from high school in 1984. The beginning of life in America the writer, then did not know English, describes as a cultural shock.

Like many writers, from Anton Chekhov to Sergey Dyachenko, Hosseini first became a doctor. Medical education In the University of California, the novelist calls the "marriage for the calculation", and literary activities - "marriage in love". Holder's work experience as a doctor - 10 years.


In 2003, Hossein's memories of a pre-war Afghanistan and flight to America found a literary form: the first novel of the writer "Running over the wind" came out. A book telling about the friendship of the boys Amir and Hasan against the background of political and military cataclysms, turned out to be a 2005 bestseller in the United States. In 2007, the novel was shielded, Hosseini himself played an episodic role in the film.
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In 2003, the writer visited Afghanistan, a quote from his interview about this visit:

"Usually writers describe the experienced, I first described the sense of the hero when returning to the homeland, and then survived them myself."

In 2007, the second work of Hosseini was published - the Roman "Thousand Shining Suns", dedicated to the fate of two wives of one man, Mariam and Leila, from the rivals turning into girlfriends. The name of the book refers to the reader to the poem of the Persian poet of the 17th century Saiba Tabrii.

The third novel of the writer "and echo flies in the mountains", who saw the light in 2013, tells about separation and meeting of his brother and sisters. They broke up when he was 10 years old, and she was 3 years old, whether their love and children's memories could overcome the cultural abyss lying between them.

Hosseini Book Genre - Family Saga with elements of Eastern exotic, historical chronicles and soft humor. According to the writer, he writes the books to redeem the blame in front of the millions of Afghans, who are not so lucky as he. Critics of Creativity of Hossainee say: although the writer argues that "life is not Indian cinema", its novels have a lot in common with the products of Bollywood. The chief culprit of the victims of the Afghan people, the writer believes the USSR.

Personal life

The personal life of Hossein is known a little. Wife of the writer's name is Roya. Family couple has two children - the son of Haris and daughter heads. The name of the Son means "guard", and daughters - "joy". In 2017, Haris Hosseini ranked 3rd at the US Championship for Oratory.

Now the writer is the Ambassador of the UN Good Will on Refugees. Hosseini Foundation provides humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan.

Khaled Hossaine now

In the second half of 2018, 2 important events occurred in Hossein's life - the writer released the fourth book of "Prayer Sea" and noted the silver anniversary of family life. Joint photos with a spouse posted in "Instagram" on October 4, 2018, Chaled has signed:"25 years married to the best woman in the world."

Since it usually takes 5-6 years to create a novel from Hosseini, it is difficult to expect that in 2019 the writer will have a new book, but the fans of the creativity of the singer of the eastern motives believe that the haladen puts out the idea of ​​the next work.


"In Afghanistan a lot of children, but little childhood" "Life is a train, a loan of your place" "The bad head needs a solid hand" "The desert barley is gracious, and the spring flower will soon die"


  • 2003 - "Wind Running"
  • 2007 - "Thousand Shining Suns"
  • 2013 - "And echo flies in the mountains"
  • 2018 - "Prayer Sea"

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