Anna Manyani - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, movies



It is called the icon of the post-war Italian movie. Directors with world names admired the talent of the actress, easily reincarnated in heroines with diametrically opposite characters. Explosive temperament, texture and amazing organics turned Anna Manyan in the legend.

Childhood and youth

Star of Italian neorealism in the spring of 1908 in the slums of Rome was born. Franco Dzefirelli, who knew the actress closely, assured that Anna was born in Egyptian Alexandria. Her mother, the Italian Jew, married Egyptian.

Manyani denied Egyptian origin, but confirmed that the mother found her husband in the homeland of the pyramids and mummies. However, Anna's parents did not have time to remember: the baby was left on the care of her grandparents who lived in an unfavorable area on the outskirts of the Italian capital.

Up to 14 years old girl studied at school at the French monastery, where she took possession of French and learned to play the piano. The first page of the creative biography of the legendary Italian is written right there: Anna Manyani his debut on the school scene in a Christmas play.

In 16, she became a student of the Academy of Dramatic Arts. Duza, where he studied for 2 years. Having an excellent voice, never learned vocals The girl performed on the scenes of Roman nightclubs and cabaret: earned me. Visitors compared Manyani with Edith Piaf.

After leaving the Academy, Anna signed a contract with one of the Roman theaters, but quickly realized that neither development, nor fame work would give her. After collapse, the actress troupe moved to San Remo.

Personal life

Marriage with director Alessandrini was the only official for Manyani. Together they lived 15 years since 1935. But personal life with Goffredo did not work out. Anna left her husband, learning about numerous treasures.Embed from getty images

From the short connection with the actor Masseimo Serato Anna Manyani gave birth to a son Luka, who gave her surname. Luke, whose photo can be found on the network, went in the footsteps of the parents.

The seven-year-old Roman actresses with Rossellin ended due to the hobby of Roberto Swedish colleague Ingrid Bergman. But the director, despite the painful gap, was present in the life of a previously beloved woman to death.


In the new city, Anna Manyany again went to the stage of the nightclub, where he performed in show programs, fulfilling not very decent songs. There is a low and temperamental girl with a bright appearance and saw Goffredo Alessandrini, director. He not only married the Italian "analogue" Piaf, but also entrusted her first role in the movies. Anna played in the episode of his tape "blind from Sorrento".

Alessandrini failed to become a Pygmalion for his Galatei. Anna returned to the shooting after 2 years of family life, but not in the husband's projects. Until the 1940s, she starred in 7 paintings, from which the rating was the comedy "Teresa-Friday", which came to the screens in 1941.

New love, and together with her and glory came to 37-year-old artist in 1945, after the premiere of the Military Drama "Rome - Open City". The role of the fascists of Pina's shot by the fascists turned Italian into the symbol of Rome, and director Roberto Rossellini - in the star of cinema.

To consolidate at the top of the filmiology, Anna Manyani was able in 2 years, in 1947, when the audience saw her in Luigi Dzampi Dzampa "Deputy Angelina". I failed to reveal the rich potential in youth, the actress was in the Zenith of Glory in 40 years.

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The legendary playwright Tennessee Williams, admired by the talent of Manyani, wrote a tattooed rose play for her. Melodrama came out in the mid-1950s and brought Italian Oscar, Golden Globe and BAFTA.

Hollywood Matters drew attention to Anna. In 1957, she appeared in the American Kinoframe George Kukukor "Wild Wind", having met on the set with Juliet Mazin and Marlon Brando. For work in the picture of Manyan nominated for Oscar.

In the Soviet Union on the existence of the actress learned in the early 1960s, after the release of Drama Paolo Pasolini "Mom Roma".

In the late 1960s, the star was starred in the drama Franco Dzeffirelli "Wolf". Among the final filmography of the Italian kinodyiva paintings - the tragicomedy "Mystery of Santa Vittoria" and the drama "Singer".

Anna Manyan's career began a picture of Rossellini about Rome, to bring the line under the creative biography had another film about the eternal city, which is called - "Rome". In Ribe Federico Fellini, published in 1972, the actress appeared as Kameo.


In the mid-1960s, actress put a terrible diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. He was the cause of Manyan's death on the 66th year of life, in September 1973.

At the mortal dog, Anna, until the last minute, was Rossellini, with whom she was reconciled before the death. The director buried the kinodius in the surname tomb.


  • 1938 - "Princess Tarakanova"
  • 1941 - "Teresa-Friday"
  • 1945 - "Rome - Outdoor City"
  • 1948 - "Love"
  • 1947 - "Deputy Angelina"
  • 1951 - "The most beautiful"
  • 1952 - "Golden Care"
  • 1953 - "We - Women"
  • 1955 - "Tattooed Rose"
  • 1957 - "Wild Wind"
  • 1962 - "Mom Roma"
  • 1965 - "Made in Italy"
  • 1969 - "Mystery of Santa Vittoria"
  • 1971 - "Singer"
  • 1972 - "Rome"

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