Where to go and what to see in Moscow from January 13 to 19: with the child, on weekends, tourist, exhibitions


The capital of Russia was no wonder for a long time in tourists from all over the world - an impressive number of all sorts of events, from different exhibitions to colorful expositions in the halls of urban museums, will allow you to choose leisure to taste as a single and a family with a child. It is more difficult to choose what to pay attention from that variety of proposals that fall on the head wishing to relax after working or at the weekend Muscovite or the guest of the city.

Help with the choice and tell about where to go and what to see in Moscow from January 13 to 19, the editorial office will try.

Frozen moments

Fans of contemporary art will curious to visit the exhibition "Phenomenon of Time" passing in the Gallery-workshop ". At the exhibition, the artist of Igor Anisifov, which in his characteristic symbolic manner tried to unite in his own paintings an ordinary everyday life with irrational beginnings. In unusual canvases made by carcasses, gouache, butter and watercolor without preliminary sketches, reflected by the charming interweaving of an infinite stream of time with the melancholy of everyday life.

Benefit price: adult - 100 rubles, preferential - 50 rubles.

Ginger Christmas

Botanical Garden of Moscow State University "Pharmaceutical Garden" - the place in Moscow, where it is worth going to the week from January 13 to 19 2020 with a child, after all, young visitors who are so sorry to say goodbye to the magic atmosphere of New Year holidays, it will be nice to waly for a long time to feel the indequent spirit of the celebration. Here is the Christmas festival "Moscow Gingerbread", which is completed in the approaching weekend. Guests of the event will see all sorts of art objects created from the ginger test, admire the festive capital, made from gingerbread, and will also be surprised by the striking merger of architecture and cooking, causing admiration with a light mixture of hunger.

Ticket price: adult - 300 rubles, preferential - 200 rubles.

Flights of designer thought

Tourists and Muscovites, who are interested in tracing how the creative thought of Soviet and Russian designers developed, responsible for creating industrial facilities, from the 50s of the last century to modern times, it is worth looking at the week in the Tretyakov Gallery on the Crimean Shaft. Guests waiting for the exhibition "Peace! Friendship! Design! The history of Russian industrial design ", divided into 12 sections: starting with radio and sports and ending with aviation and astronautics. On the example of three more than hundreds of exhibits, including all sorts of layouts and prototypes, it is possible to see how industrial design has progressed in Russia.

The price of a ticket: adult - 500 rubles, preferential - 250 rubles.

Charm of nature

On Friday, January 17 In the living yard the festival "Procosidant Russia" starts, which is worth visiting the nature lovers of their fatherland. Within the framework of the event, the largest exposition of the wildlife photographs of different parts of the country, including those included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, from the Volcanic Peninsula to the West Caucasus. Also, the program of the exhibition provides round tables with the participation of scientists and environmental protection professionals. Invited guests of the event - a team of photographers from Italy, who will also present pictures of the wildlife of their homeland.

Ticket price: adult - 450 rubles, preferential - 250 rubles.

Musical knockout

A serious vocal-instrumental blow promises to apply on the drummers of Russian heavy-roche lovers arriving January 16. In the capital Adrenaline Stadium with the next, eighth, studio album American metal team Five Finger Death Punch. The corporate firing vocal, stretching into the string of the nerves, under the floating blood accompaniment of hurricane guitar riffs - what the hard-rock lovers need this winter.

Ticket price: from 3200 rubles.

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