Valerie Zhiskar d'Esthen - biography, personal life, cause of death, president of France, politics, died



France President Valerie Zhiskar D'Esthen came to power in 48 years old, one can say young for such a solid position. The statesman remember not only actions on the political arena. At one time, a man was in love relationships with an actress of erotic cinema and did not try to hide it, despite the status of the head of state, which attached his person to the shade of scandaling.

Childhood and youth

Valerie was born in 1926 in a rich aristocratic family and even has among the old ancestors of royal relatives. The father of the boy Edmond served as a fishery in the French occupation administration of the German city of Koblenz, where the future president was born. Later, the family returned to their homeland, where the child began to go to school.

Jiscar d'Esthen showed ability to teach, which allowed him to complete the usual school to complete the final school and move to the prestigious polytechnic. Already in the youth, Valerie occupied an active public position and adjacent to the resistance movement. After graduating from the university, the guy went to the National School of Administration - an elite educational institution created by Charlef de Galember to prepare applicants for senior posts.

Already in the 1950s, a brilliantly educated, confident young man represented an active figure on the political arena. He paid attention to the phenomenal memory, the ability to accurately navigate in the budget figures and ambitiousness, which soon made it an indispensable person in the Government of General de Gaulle.

Personal life

About the personal life of Jiscar d'Estin said almost more than about his political activities. In 1974, the Erotic film "Emmanuel" came to the screens, the main role in which the Dutch actress Sylvia Kristel was performed. Seductive beauty for many years has become the subject of a dream of millions of men, and also the mistress of the French president, who entered into contact even before election to the post.

The burden of the head of state did not prevent a man to continue these relationships that he did not try to hide. Valerie took a woman in foreign trips and in secular techniques where she often actually performed the role of the hostess.

The politician allowed himself to have parallel connections, which the mistress knew and herself was interested in other men. Posted in 2009, the book "Princess and President", Jiscar d'Estin forced the public to talk about his novel with Princess Diana. At the same time, Valerie from the 1952th was officially married. Anna-Eymon's wife gave birth to her husband of four children: Valery Ann (1953), Henri (1956), Louis (1958) and Jasint (1960). Son Henri is now engaged in politics and business.

Spouses to this day together, as evidenced by their joint photos in old age. Having stirred up the 90-year-old frontier, Valerie remains a state man (height 189 cm), and his wife retains grace and elegance.

Career and politics

Valerie's political biography began at 29, when he was chosen to deputies of the National Assembly. Already in 36, the man became Minister of Finance of France, which at such age no one had achieved before him. Giscard D'Esthen developed a strategy for economic integration, and also worked on the preparation of the Pompidou-Jiscar law, which regulated the functioning of the Bank of France for 20 years.

The term of the reign of George Pompiduda was cut before the presidential: the predecessor of Jiscar d'Esten died in 1974, on the 5th year of government, and in the country prescribed extraordinary elections. Valerie won the victory, who ruled the country until 1981. During his presidency, important decisions were taken in the field of external and domestic politics.

With it, there were high-speed roads and a nuclear power plant in the country, Soviet-French relations strengthened, and at the same time France began to interact closely with NATO. However, by the end of the period of the Board, the popularity policy has fallen sharply, which was associated with the economic crisis.

Despite the age, politician held an active position for a long time, followed the events at the political world stage and expressed an opinion on the most burning issues. Sometimes it dispersed with the European majority, for example, in assessing the Crimean issue, which Jiscar d'Esthen offered to decide with the assistance of the UN. In 2017, Valerie turned out to be the longest of all former French presidents, leaving colleagues less chances to beat this record.


December 3, 2020, Zhiscard d'Esthen did not. Politician died in 94 years. The cause of his death was the consequences of coronavirus infection.


  • Legion of Honor
  • National Order "For Merit"
  • Military Cross
  • Order of Elephant.
  • Royal Norwegian Order of St. Olaf
  • Order Serafimov
  • Military Order of St. Jacob and Sword
  • Order of Malta
  • Orbella Catholic Order

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