Vsevolod Christmas - Photo, biography, poet, cause of death, personal life, books



In mid-April 2019, the Ryazan news agency 7info gave tribute to the memory of the Soviet poet, the translator and military correspondent of Vsevolod Christmas, told readers the main moments of his biography. Date is chosen notunder - it was in the second spring month (according to a new style) 124 years ago in this world, one of the "younger" acmeists came to this world. Slightly later, in the fall, the master Sergei Yesenin's other poems appeared on the world.

Childhood and youth

April 10 (according to a new style) of the 1895th of Anna Alexandrovna's spouses and Alexander Vasilyevich Christmas, who lived in the royal village, was born the younger son Vsevolod, Plato and Olga appeared in the family.

Brunette baptized in the house church of the Tsarskoyelskaya Nikolaev gymnasium, in which the Priest's father taught the law of God, and Sev came here on the last time. The mother also engaged in teaching activities in Sunday School, opened the reading room accessible to everyone and headed the student hostel.

In 1907, the Christmas was forced to move to St. Petersburg, according to one of the versions, the reason for this was the served panehid on the shot lieutenant Peter Schmidt. The head of the family, as well as the director of Innocent Annensky, received resignation due to the inadequate upbringing of the wards participating in the political unrest of 1905. In the northern capital, Seva first went to the gymnasium number 7, and then first.

Creative abilities were manifested from an early years - as a child, he poetically reacted to the murder of Nanny Elizabeth, then carried away by amateur performances, reading in antique authors and, of course, Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin. During his studies in the city, a teenager was published in a gymnasium journal, he distinguished himself at the local competition for the "Copper Horseman", and classmates helped publish the first collection of his poems.

In 1914, the graduate was at the University of St. Petersburg Faculty of History and Philology, but all plans changed the beginning of the war - in 1916 he fell into a spare electrotechnical battalion, the next year he tried to recover at the university, then joined the ranks of the Red Army. In 1924, Christmas still graduated from the Higher Educational Institution, in parallel I student in Giii.

Personal life

In the personal life of Christmas, everything was successful: In 1927, he took Irina Pavlovna Pavlovna in his wife, who became the right companion and the three girls who gave her beloved husband - Natalia, Milena and Tatyana. It is known that the younger twin daughters went in the footsteps of the famous parent, becoming doctors of philological sciences.

Those who knew the wife of Vsevolod Alexandrovich closely responded about the woman enthusiastically:

"The man of high culture and a fine taste, artistic, beautiful, always ready to come to the rescue, she belonged to the Pleiad of the Old" Orbelievsky "Hermitatives, Leningrad Museum Intelligentsia, who took love to their business and a sense of partnership from teachers."


For five years, from 1921 to 1926, from under the pen's pen, which was numbered in the "Poets Workshop", and later in the "Commonwealth", three poems were released at once: "Summer", "Golden spindle", "Big Messenger", in which critics noted the influence of poetics of aqmeism, developed by the "exotic" line, ascending to Nikolay Gumilev, and especially allocated landscape lyrics.

Christmas is one of the few actively printed "younger" acmeists: about 10 collections and selected writings in two volumes in his arsenal.

In addition to poetry, Vsevolod Alexandrovich was engaged in translations and editing of Western European literature in the Gorky "World Literature", during the Great Domestic worked by a front correspondent and participated in the blockade breakthrough. In addition, he was not alien and theatrical art - he created several libretto and operas.


Until the end of the life, Christmas did not stop literary activity - he was engaged in translations of books, he worked as a journalist in the "star" and "Neve", introduced readers with new verses. Unfortunately, on the last day of the summer of 1977, his heart stopped fighting. Death has come for natural reasons - Vsevolod Alexandrovich died in 82 years.
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In 2015, in honor of the 120th anniversary of the outstanding artist of art, the Museum of the Tsarskoyelsky Nikolaev gymnasium held a solemn evening, where the exhibition was opened and meeting with members of his family. Learn interesting facts and get acquainted with archival photos of your favorite poet, fans can be on the city site of the city of Pushkin "Encyclopedia of the Tsarsky village".


  • 1914 - "Gymnasics: Poems of Youth"
  • 1921 - "Summer. Rustic Jamba: Poems 1918, "" Golden spindle: poems "
  • 1926 - "Big Major: Book Lyrics. 1922-1926 "
  • 1929 - "Granite Garden: Book Lyrics. 1925-1928 "
  • 1933 - "Ground heart: Book of lyrics. 1929-1932 "
  • 1939 - "Window in the Garden: Book Lyrics"
  • 1943 - "Voice of the Motherland: Poem"
  • 1945 - "Ladoga: Poems"
  • 1947 - "Native roads: verses. 1941-1946 "
  • 1962 - "Russian Zori: Lyrics of different years"
  • 1963 - "Poems about Leningrad"
  • 1973 - "Good day: Lyrics"
  • 1975 - "Steppe Spring: Poems, Translations"
  • 1976 - "Face for dawn: Book of poems"
  • 1980 - "Psyche: Lyric Book"

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