Anniversary Federico Fellini: 2020, films, wife, "Sweet Life"


On January 20, 2020, exactly 100 years old from the moment the Italian film director and Writer Federico Fellini appeared on the world. He removed more than 20 paintings, which truly became popular. Among them - "Sweet Life" and "Eight and a half".

In honor of the memorable event, the editorial office of 24cmi collected interesting facts from the life of the director in this selection.

Path to glory through non-residents

As a child, Federico Fellini loved to compose noby on himself, which helped him to develop creative abilities. In addition, the boy was constantly satisfied with mini-presentations, always thoroughly prepared before the performance. He painted all sorts of masks, sewed costumes, created dolls and, of course, wrote scenarios himself.

Military service

The future famous film director did not attract the service in the army at all. In order to "disappear," he invented and simulated all sorts of illness.


It is known that Fellini began his creative path with cartoons, drawing for newspapers and magazines, and then began selling his paintings in a small bench. Becoming director and screenwriter, Federico did not throw creativity, periodically pleased with his sketches. It is noteworthy that in bloating over the scenario of another picture, Fellini often painted naked women with lush forms.

"Sweet life"

After the famous Picture of Fellini "Sweet Life" appeared on the screens, censorship and the Vatican were made against him. Once during the premiere of the tape in Milan, the director even span in the face. Federico himself did not understand how such discontent could cause. Yet over time, even though opponents remained a lot, the film still switched to the category of cult and became popular.

"I do not want and I will not"

Interesting is the fact that Federico Fellini after passing his paintings to the rental preferred them more. He explained it by the fact that after watching he always came across those moments that would be better to fix, and even if everything was perfect at first glance, he always found what he did not like.

Love for machines

Fellini really liked driving a car, he changed them a few. However, one incident in the root changed his attitude towards Iron Horses. One day, a cyclist boy jumped out before his car, and fortunately, the tragedy did not happen. The child fell off with a light fright, but Federico immediately sold the car for a snot and had preferred hiking.

Federico and Juliet

The only love of Fellini was Juliet Mazin. The wife began to the director an inexhaustible source of inspiration, without it he could not work and make films. The only thing that overshadowed the life of the couple is the absence of children. Two weeks after the wedding, Juliet became pregnant, but due to the accidental fall there was a miscarriage. In 1945, their son was born, which was very weak and died two weeks after birth. Juliet rejected her husband's offer about the admission child, and since then the pair has called their films with children.

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