Patrick Zyuskind - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Books 2021



Patrick Zyuskind considered his novel "Perfumer. The story of one killer "by the work that," possibly, and read something, "therefore, initially released 10 thousand copies. Publishers had enough pairs of months to understand - in front of them the masterpiece that will be immortal. Today, the "perfumer" has been translated into 49 languages ​​(including the "dead" Latin) and sold out with a circulation of 20 million copies. Despite the recovery lifestyle, Patrick Zyuskind remains one of the most famous German-speaking writers.

Childhood and youth

The future author of the "perfume" was born on March 26, 1949 in the German commune of Ambach, which near Munich, in the family of Publicist Wilhelm Emanuel Zyuskov, Germans by nationality. The creative alkali of his father was transferred to both children - Patrick and his older brother Martin, who became a famous journalist. Zyuskind is a hereditary aristocrat. In his family there is a theologian Johann Albrecht Bengel and composer, Pianist Johann Brentz.

The childhood of the writer passed in the Bavarian settlement Holzhausen. Here, the young man received secondary education: first in an ordinary school, then in the gymnasium. They say, once in the lesson of literature in response to "injections", Zyuskovind teacher said that he would write a book in the future, which would understand his name. As the biography of the writer shows, the prediction came true.

Serving in the army after school, Zyuskind in 1968 entered Munich University of Ludwig Maximilian at the Faculty of Medieval and Modern History. For 6 years of study, the young man could not get a diploma.

In 1974, with the financial support of the parents, Zyuskind moved to Paris, where she wrote short artworks and filmcenery. None of the texts were then published. Some ideas that are strongly distorted compared to the initial version, formed the basis of the TV series "Monaco Franz" (1983) and Kir Royal (1986), Rossini films (1996) and "On the searches of love" (2005).

Before with his head plunge into the literary world, Patrick Zyuskind worked as a table tennis coach, manager at Siemens, a pianist in the bar. In a word, I was interrupted by random earnings, while at the beginning of the 1980s, the play "Double Bass" was born.


"Double Bass" initially thought as a radio station, but turned into a full-fledged monograph about a small man. The premiere of "double bass" took place in September 1981 and failed to the viewer. From the season in the season, the performance collected the full hall. So, in 1984-1985, the production played more than 500 times. The name of the young playwright was on the lips at the members of the German and French society, which mainly ensured the popularity of "perfume".

The main hero of the novel "Perfum. The history of one killer "(1985) Jean-Baptiste Grenui since childhood had a subtle sense, but in a closer to external uglyness this talent rather frightened people than surprised. The reality story of Manuel Blanco Romasanta, the first serial killer of Spain, was based on the novel. Under the influence of clinical lycantrophide (a man thought it turns into a wolf) he ruined 13 people. From the fat victims, the murderer did soap.

Roman Patrick Zyuskinda initially released 10 thousand copies with a circulation, later printed another 150 thousand books. Now "Perfumeer" is the best-selling work written in German.

The shielding of the book, which was held on the bestseller list of 9 years, was waiting for success, but Patrick Zyuskind has refused to sell rights for a decade. The writer believed that the only director who could probably convey the idea of ​​the novel is Stanley Kubrick, the creator of the "clockwork orange" (1971) and "radiance" (1980).

In 1999, Kubrick did not, and Zyuskind considered senseless to continue the fight against directors. As a result, the right to shoot went to the German to the pumpkin. The film cost € 50 million - the highest budget in the history of German cinema - and went to large screens in 2006.

Creativity Zyuskinda on "Parfumer" did not exhaust: the stories "Golub" appeared (1987) and "Thrust to the depth" (1995), a collection "Three stories and one observation" (1995), Essay "On Love and Death" (2006) But none of these works at least a third compares with the cultivation of the "stories of one killer".

Personal life

The autobiographical in the "Tale of Mr. Sommer" is the image of not a boy, but a strange dislike of a man. Personal life of Patrick Zyuskinda is colorfully hinting that he himself would not be away a few dozen times to repeat the phrase: "Yes, leave me, finally, alone!". After all, it is not known whether the writer has a spouse and children where he lives what he does.

Zyuskind is so harsh to the borders of the personal space, which does not agree to the interview and rewards. When the "perfumer" awarded the premium "For the Best Debut" in 1986, the writer did not agree to accept it, so that the journalists could not decorate his pictures of newspapers.

Tanya Count, wife Patrick Zyuskinda

In the media field there is only a couple of photos of Patrick Zyuskinda and 3 interviews that the writer gave in the late 1980s.

In 2016, Zyuskint married his long-standing acquaintance of Tanya, which raises his son. The writer's spouse is also related to literature - it is the publisher and literary agent.

Patrick Zyuskind now

Presumably, the author of the "perfume" lives like a hermit in the German city of Schechaim-Yuggheim, Lake Starnberger-Ze, or in the French province of Montolo.

Due to a closed lifestyle Patrick Zyuskind, he received nicknames writer-phantom, mysterious Mr. Z., Scent genius. Indeed, the German Master so tightly lowered the "iron curtain" that even the news of his death can reach the world with the decoration.

There is no news about the soon release of new books.


  • "People can close their eyes and not see the greatness, horror, beauty, and shut up ears, and do not hear people or words. But they can not bother the aroma. For the fragrance is a brother's brother. With aroma, he will enter people, and they will not be able to defend himself from him if they want to live ... who owns the smell, he owns the hearts of people. "
  • "Climb up is not a question. But how to fall again? ".
  • "In every art, as well as in every craft, you burn it on the nose before you go - the talent does not mean anything, the main thing is the experience gained due to modesty and adjacent."
  • "I always need a woman who I can not get."


  • 1980 - "Double Bass"
  • 1985 - "Perfume. The story of one killer "
  • 1987 - "Dove"
  • 1991 - "Tale of Mr. Zommer"
  • 1995 - "Tracting to the depth"
  • 1995 - "Three stories and one observation"
  • 2006 - "On Love and Death"

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