Vladimir Torsuyev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Vladimir Torsuyev, together with Brother, the twin rapidly broke into the world of Soviet cinema in the 1980s. Adventure tape, where two blond teenager played the main characters, it became hardly the most beloved of schoolchildren. But the brilliant debut, contrary to expectations, did not make the first magnitude of cinema of cinema, although played a crucial role in their biography.

Childhood and youth

Two stars of the comedic fiction musical "Adventures of Electronics" were born in the Soviet capital in April 1966. Vladimir's parents and Yuri Torsuva Relationships did not have the secretary of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the TSB, but the cult of books reigned in the house. Children gladly took from the shelves of the novels of Jules Verne, Alexandra Duma and Jack London, coming to the world of beautiful.

Family of Torsuvoy was friends with Joseph Kobzon, and in the neighborhood Alexandra Pakhmutova and Nikolay Dobronravov lived. The combination of factors and circumstances and led the guys in the cinema.

In 1979, director Konstantin Bromberg, thinking to shoot a children's adventure film, began to look for twin boys. They fell on casting and young Muscovites, becoming 368 candidates on the main film meters. Vladimir got the role of electronics, Jura became a cheesery, fussy and not the most exemplary student.

So at the young age of Torsuyevs became stars not only schools and yards, but also the entire capital and country.

Having received the certificate of maturity, Vladimir and Yuri, universal surprise, did not go to the theater university, and entered the Printing Institute. At the 1st year of the brothers were expelled, and they went to Dosaph, then to the army.

After demobilization, Vladimir Torsuyev became an MSU student by choosing the Faculty of Philosophy. Yuri entered the Institute of Asian and Africa.

Faculty of Philosophy Vladimir never graduated, but later received a lawyer's diploma.

Personal life

Both the professional and personal life of Torsuva is replete with steep turns and throwing. In his youth, Vladimir changed wives with an amazing frequency. First married, barely having received a school certificate, and a month later, the marriage was terminated.

The second spouse appeared after returning from the army. With the third wife, Irina, a man also lived for a long time, although her hands sought long 10 years. In total, there were 7 marriages in the life of the artist, 4 of them are official.

In 42, Vladimir Torsuyev became a father: at the end of 2007, Mary's wife presented him with her daughter Lisa. Later, the actor admitted that he dreamed about the girl.

Today, the actor is again in the search for the second half and family happiness. It is in excellent form - with an increase of 1.89 m, the weight does not exceed the norm. Stayed suspended helps crazy rhythm of life: Vladimir and Yuri go on stage, sing, removed, write songs and clips on them, participate in TV show and projects.


The second picture in the filmography of the actor Vladimir Torsuva was the tape "Dunno from our yard." The former electronics was released in the image of the wizard.

8 years passed before the artist appeared again in front of the camera. In 1991, Vladimir played a runaway prisoner in the social drama Nikolai Fomin "Russian Brothers". After 3 years, again received an offer to play in the cinema, this time in the episode of the short films "Venetian glass".

Between rare shooting, the actor worked on Nikita Mikhalkov Mikhalkov's film studio "Three TE". Tried the forces of the Torsuva brothers and in business. Then Vladimir worked as a serving Moscow company, but soon left the capital and moved to Norilsk, where he worked for 8 years in a metallurgical company, solving customs and transport issues. Hitching a hand in customs clearance, a man became the leading specialist of Norilsk Nickel.

The Deputy Governor of the region invited Krasnoyarsk to the post of advisor on customs regulation of Vladimir Torsuueva.

After a big break, Torsuva, returned to the set - in 2010, starred in Drama Vladimir Cotta "Lomozkina". Vladimir played Hero-lover, Yuri - a man, "blessing" couples in the bath.

In 2012, the premiere of the series "After school", in which Sergey Shakurov, Ksenia Rappoport and Anna Mikhalkov played key characters. The Torsvoy Spectators brothers found out in the representatives of the CSKA club.

Shots in the series were steel for Vladimir Torsuva and his brother familiar. Together they appeared in the tapes "Without the statute of limitations", "Points of Support", "And in our yard" and "Female Doctor".

Vladimir Torsuyev now

Fresh photos of the brothers appear on the page in "Instagram". There are also children's pictures of Torsuva, made before filming in the "electronics adventures".

Now Vladimir Torsuyev continues to enter the shooting area. In 2019, he appeared with his brother in the comedy melodrama "Paradise knows everything" with Anastasia Vedenskaya in the lead role.


  • 1979 - "Adventures Electronics"
  • 1983 - "Dunno from our yard"
  • 1991 - "Russian Brothers"
  • 1994 - "Venetian Mirror"
  • 2010 - "Burma"
  • 2012 - "After school"
  • 2012 - "Without the limit term"
  • 2014 - "All this jam"
  • 2015 - "Points of Support"
  • 2016 - "And in our yard"
  • 2016 - Egor Shilov
  • 2016 - "Female Detective"
  • 2019 - "Paradise knows everything"

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