Series "Four Time Summer" (2012) - Release Date, 2021, Russia-1, Actors and Roles, Facts, Trailer


On July 3, 2021, the spectators of the channel "Russia -1" presented the opportunity to again see the series "Four Time Summer". The drama will tell about difficult love, complete contradictions and mistakes. The actors, their roles and interesting facts about the project - in the material 24cm.

Plot and shooting

In the center of the plot, the history of relations between Tatah Shapovalova and Egor Smirnov, who were from different social mess. She is a student who parents prophesy a brilliant future. He is a boxer, whom he learned from childhood to defend their interests with fists.

The story begins in the 90s and lasts 16 years. During this time, the heroes will become participants in criminal disassembly, but with manic persistence continue to look for happiness. Egor is waiting for a prison sentence and disappointment, and Tata will try to create a family, but it will not be able to love the spouse.

The emotionality of lovers will interfere with them to make the right deeds and will push in the arms of unloved. Spectators will see broken fate, offenses and forgiveness, which will separate everything in places.

The project creators insist that the series "Four Summer Time" is a drama, since human tragedies will be revealed in the plot.

The screenwriter of the project was made by Natalia Kudryavtseva, familiar to the audience for the TV films "Ferrous Flower" and "Old Guard". The producer chair was divided into Julia Eresko ("Rustic History", "Apple Savior") and Evgeny Lecadevich ("Ax 1943", "Stolen Happiness").

The director of the series - Peter Krotenko. Igor Schelokov was engaged in decoration ("Yellow Dwarf", "Kamenskaya", "Hunt Piranha").

Actors and roles

The key roles in the series "Four Time Summer" performed:

  • Anna Nazarova - Tata, which fell a lot of tests;
  • Ilya Obolonkov - Egor, the impulsivity of which led on inclined;
  • Stanislav Bondarenko - Zhenya, unrequited in love with a tattoo;
  • Sergey Komarov - Viktor Belkevich, Father's father;
  • Alexander Abramovich - Peter, Tathi Father.

The project also starred: Oksana Forest, Maria Antipova, Olga Burlakova, Evgeny Lukyanov, Elena Stetsenko and others.

Interesting Facts

1. The director of the series is known for the projects of Atlantis, "Poor Nastya", "Marusya".

2. The release date of the project on the Russia-1 channel fell on May 1, 2012.

3. The visual series of the project is diluted by newsreel personnel.

4. The rating of the series "Four Time Summer" was 6.5 out of 10. In the reviews, the audience noted the game of Stas Bondarenko. But the performer leads the leading discussion. Fans of drams The image of the tatta seemed inexpressive, the actions of a woman were too ultimative. Many believe that Nazarov did not cope with the role. A multi-sieuled film about strange love at the film films is recommended with the reservation "one time you can see."

The series "Four Time Summer" - Trailer:

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