William Shetener - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



William Shetner dedicated to Cinema for more than 70 years, and to this day in his filmography did not find a role, which by the cult of the captain James T. Kirk from the franchise "Star Path". And not in vain - about 30 years of life, the actor is associated with this series. Despite the old age, William Shetner and now actively removed, in 2020 the premiere was held with his participation.

Childhood and youth

The early biography of William Alan Shetener is not distinguished by events. He was born on March 22, 1931 in Montreal, Canada, in the family of Ann (in the Maiden's Garmais) and Joseph Shetener, hereditary Jews. Brought up with sisters Joy and Farla.

The basic knowledge of Shetener Drapel in Willingdon Elementary School and West Hill High School, and acting skills absorbed in the Montreal Children's Theater. In his youth, he studied the economy at the University of McGill, and in June 2011 he won a doctoral degree in the commercial sphere.

Personal life

In 2019, on the threshold of the 90th anniversary, William Shetner was in a broken-produced process with the fourth wife. This is unnecessary confirmation that the actor has a saturated personal life.

For the first time in legal relations, Shetner joined on August 12, 1956. His chosen was the actress Gloria Rand. The spouses brought up three children, Leslie (1958), Lisabeth (1960) and Melanie (1964), but broke up when the Star Path came to the life of Shetner. Officially divorce is decorated in March 1969.

The next wife of Shetner became the actress Marti Lafferti. Their marriage lasted from 1973 to 1996.

Perhaps the Union with Neurin Kidd would be longer if on August 9, 1999 the actress did not sink in the pool. The body found Shetner himself. In the blood of KIDD contained alcohol and diazepam, but the cause of death was called an accident.

Later in an interview, the actor admitted that Kidd "suffered from a disease, which no one likes to speak - alcoholism. It brought it to the tragic end. " From a detrimental dependence of a woman was helped to be treated by Leonard Nima, the executor of the role of Captain Spock. The general problem has brought together partners in the shooting area of ​​the Star Route.

In 2001, Shetner married Actress Elizabeth Martin. After 18 years of living together, the spouses were divorced.

The growth of the actor is 177 cm, the weight is 86 kg.


After graduating from the University of McGill in 1952, William Shetner went to theaters, and a serious film took place in the Karamazov Brothers Drama (1958).

Before tieting life from the "Star Route" universe, Shetner starred in dozens of TV shows and films. The role of Captain James T. Kirk actor received in 1965. He became the first man in the US "White" man, who was kissed on the televiser with a dark-skinned woman Nickel Nikols, the executor of the role of Lieutenant Nietot Wura.

To the shooting of a debut project in the framework of the "Star Path" Universe, William Shetner began in 1966. Despite the high ratings, the series closed 3 years later. After that, the actor faced difficulties in finding work. He even sold the house, because barely reduced the ends with the ends. Agree accounted for any roles.

In the 1970s, Shetner became the star of the TV series "Department 5-o", "Dr. Marcus Welbi", "Woman-policeman" and the cult "colombo" with Peter Falka in the lead role.

Despite the lack of work, it was in the 1970s that Shetner became an icon of cinema. The creators of the Star Route thought about the resuscitation of the series, but the success of the "Star Wars" (1977) forced them to switch to a complete format. The premiere of the debut film took place in 1979.

Shetner played James T. Kirk in all films, up to the "Star Path: Generation" (1994), where his character died.

Since the 1990s, William Shetner wrote books, produced movies, recorded music albums. As of January 2020, the actor discography is 10 solo discs. It did not cost, of course, and without filming.

William Shetner now

Actor in old age, but still removed. Thus, at 2020, the premiere of the Fantastic film Creators: The Past was planned, in which William Shetener played side by side with Gerard Depardieu and Bruce Pain, performer of the role of Captain Kirk in the modern version of the Star Route.

About the news from the life of Shetener tells fans itself: he actively leads "instagram", publishes photos from filming and congratulates on holidays.


  • 1957-1960 - "Alfred Hichkok represents"
  • 1960-1963 - "Twilight Zone"
  • 1964 - "Beyond the right"
  • 1966-1969 - "Star Path"
  • 1971-1972 - "Mission impossible"
  • 1976, 1994 - "Colombo"
  • 1979 - "Star Path"
  • 1982 - "Star Path: Han's Anger"
  • 1984 - "Star Way III: In Search of Spock"
  • 1986 - "Star Path IV: Road Home"
  • 1989 - "Star Tour V: Last Frontier"
  • 1989-1996 - "Salvation Phone 911"
  • 1991 - "Star Time VI: Unopened Country"
  • 1994 - "Star Path: Generation"
  • 2019 - "The Theory of Big Bang"

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