Films about the blockade of Leningrad: Soviet, Russian, Military, 2019


The theme of the Blocade Leningrad Art Flags devote their works even after 7 decades. About the blockade heavy years and fate of the people of that time cinematographers created dozens of artistic and documentary films. The editorial office of 24cmi amounted to a list of 5 best modern and Soviet films about Leningrad's blockade.

"Save Leningrad" (2019)

Military dramatic film of the Russian director Alexei Kozlov. Based on the film - the real events of 1941, which posted the beginning of the Great "Road of Life". Couple in love, Kostya and Nastya, after the death of the father's father turns out to be on Barge 752, which in Ladoga, the lake should evacuate more than a thousand people from a blockade city in the rear.

Barge falls into the storm and suffers disaster, the tragedy is first noted not by Soviet rescuers, but pilots of German aircraft. The ship was damaged and flooded, most passengers died, some managed to escape - the toning people picked up a tug.

"Votes" (2013)

Movie Creators - Screenwriter, Journalist Katerina Gordeyev and director Sergey Nurmamed removed a documentary dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Leningrad's liberation from the blockade. In the film played actress Alice Freundlich.

The heroes of the 2-serial ribbon are people who survived terrible events, the last who remember and can tell about those years living in our time. Memories of live witnesses blockade, drawings and recordings from the diaries of people who did not live to the present day, striking the audience to the depths of the soul. Also, the creators of the film used an unusual artistic technique: the frames of the modern city are combined with the photographs of the war years, people "come to life" on them and speak with the audience.

"Winter Morning" (1966)

Nikolai Lebedev removed the film based on the story of Tamara Qingberg "Seventh Symphony" about the horrors of war. Heroes are experiencing losses and separation with loved ones. But the war is sometimes capable of combining other people's people nearby. Katya girl finds a neighbor-sirota boy during the bombing and cares about him, despite the fact that it is hard to survive in a besieged Leningrad. In the life of the children, a military - captain of the raven, who lost his family appears. The fate of the heroes are closely intertwined.

"Baltic Sky", 1960-1961

Directed by Vladimir Hungarian removed the ribbon on the name of Nikolai Chukovsky, called the most truthful and reliable film about the blocade in the history of Russian cinema. Soviet-time film stars starred in the film: Rolan Bykov, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Mikhail Ulyanov, Mikhail Cossacks, Oleg Borisov. The tape tells about the life of ordinary citizens, residents of the city, as well as about the heroic defenders of Leningrad, military pilots who fought for the liberation of the city.

"There was a girl", 1944

The first Soviet feature film about the blockade of Leningrad and the military time of the director Viktor Eysmont. Partially ribbon was filmed during the blocks of the blockade, the premiere took place a year after the final liberation of Leningrad.

Spectators see all the horrors and events of that time with the eyes of two girls - 5-year-old Kati and 7-year-old Nastya. Girls together with adults suffer hunger and cold, go to heavy frost through the entire city to the Neva. They also have to survive the death of a loved one and wound. Despite the harsh reality, the girls remain children, and in their world there is a place to children's joy - dolls, games, laughter and children's songs.

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