Robbie Kay - Photo, Biography, Actor, Personal Life, Films, News 2021



British actor Robbie Kay began his career in a very young age, and now his memorable face is familiar to millions of television viewers. He also starred the boy in fairy tales, and later began to make his way into adult movies, having every chance of becoming a star. The guy in the arsenal is not only talent and charisma, but also a solid experience that includes dozens of works in films and serials.

Childhood and youth

The actor managed not to live in one country. The first was the United Kingdom, where he was born in 1995 and lived for several years before the family moved to the Czech Republic. It was in Prague that the acting career of a boy began, who grew up in an atmosphere of love and friendship with the support of older sisters Fiona and Camilla.

The third country is the United States where they had to move after the acting was the profession. In this case, the guy did not receive a special formation. Mom Stephanie was surprised by the talent of the Son and emphasized that no one taught it.

The boy went to a regular school, was fond of rugby and football and, just starring in several films, began to attend the StageCoach English theatrical school, where he was engaged in dancing, singing and acting. The middle school of the young man eared in Houston, where he lived since 2011.

Personal life

Robbie focuses on a career who is gaining momentum, but he has time and his personal life. Kerry Hennessy, with which the guy meets since 2016 is reserved in it. The girl is American, lives in California and works by the artist in the costumes. Lovers spend a lot of time together, no interference difference in the age: Kerry older boyfriend for 11 years.

In September 2019, the pair noted the 3-year anniversary of the relationship, as the artist informed subscribers in "Instagram". There are often joint photos, as well as pictures from travel, frames from filming and household sketches. Kay is also active in Facebook and Twitter, where the latest news tells and shares fresh facts of biography.


The first chance to play in the movie Robbi received at 10 years old when he lived in Prague. The nationality played on the arm, because the selection went among English-speaking children. The role in the film "Illusionist" Kay received, but the frames with it in the final version were cut out. But if it became a reason for grieving, then the motivation did not understand: the boy continued to try his strength in other projects.

Robbie Key and Thomas Sangster

In his filmography, "Hannibal: Climbing", "to heal at the bottom in Brugge" and "Pirates of the Caribbean Sea. On strange shores. " But if the boy played episodic heroes in these ribbons, then in 2008 pulled a happy ticket and received a major role in the fairy tale "Magic Story Pinocchio". Thomas Sangster became partner here. At Cay managed to be touching, sweet and convincing, and in professionalism, the child was not inferior to senior colleagues.

The moment came when Robbie has already grown from children's characters, and literally (the guy's growth is 171 cm with weight 63 kg). Then the actor began to appear in the series "Heroes: Revival", "Anatomy of Passion", "Sleepy Hollow". The work followed and in the full-length movie, among which "delivery is guaranteed" and "in search of a silver lake." In 2018, the artist performed a major role in the Comedine Slasher "Bloxt".

Robbie Kay now

In 2018, Kay was last starred in the project "Once in a fairy tale," where periodically appeared as Peter Pan. Since then, his filmography has been replenished with participation in the police series "Novice", where Robbie played the lawyer Simon Parca - Jr. The actor travels a lot and enjoys life, in October 2019 visited Japan.


  • 2007 - "Hannibal: Climbing"
  • 2007 - "Shards"
  • 2008 - "Magic Story Pinocchio"
  • 2010 - "Made in Dagenhem"
  • 2011 - "Pirates of the Caribbean: on strange shores"
  • 2013-2018 - "Once in a fairy tale"
  • 2015-2016 - "Heroes: Revival"
  • 2017 - "Delivery Guaranteed"
  • 2018 - "Bloxt"
  • 2019 - "Newbie"

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