10 rules of life of the actor Alexander Petrova


Alexander Petrov is a popular young Russian actor and cinema actor. On his account dozens of main and secondary roles in films, serials and productions. In 2019, in an interview with journalists, the actor spoke about the main life principles and the rules he adheres to in life.

About the attitude towards women

To the weak floor, Alexander is a trembling and gentle attitude, he considers unacceptable to use physical strength to girls and women and could not hit the person who is weaker physically. Also in one interview, the actor said that he would not go with a girl in a restaurant without money and would not allow the companion to pay for himself.

About helping needy

Alexander told that he believes that good was always returned in a multiple amount. Its principles will certainly help those who need this, it sometimes feels too acute, and for this it is not sorry for any money or the time or forces.

About friends

"There are no many friends, one or two, but in the end there is one." At the same time, friendship for Petrova is more important than love. Meeting with friends he would prefer boring secular outlet.

About alcohol and cars

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Cars and speed are the passion of Alexander Petrov. With a personal driver, the actor goes on the shooting, and on weekends leads himself. But sit down drunk behind the wheel - there is nothing worse, it is one of the main prohibitions.

About fate

Alexander admitted that he is a fatalist - believes in fate and that everything is programmed in life. All chance, according to the actor, is not accidental, but regularly and are destined for fate. Therefore, life needs to enjoy and enjoy.

About opportunities

The main principle and the life belief of the star is "possible everything." Alexander Petrov Polon Plans and Ideas, dreams of playing at the director Scorsese and play with Da Caprio in one film and confident that dreams will certainly return to life.

About comfort and prosper

Petrov in one interview admitted that he loves comfort and prosperity. Some and in the hut is good, and someone needs a soft bed and a bath. Also, Alexander, since childhood, adores chocolates "Snikhers", for him it is also a sign of prosperity.

About people

The showing, the taller expression of feelings and emotions does not like the popular actor. In humans, he appreciates sincerity and openness, without roles and masks.

About talent

Alexander believes that people are talented, but fear prevents themselves to realize themselves. He helps people to liberate on stage, eliminates the fear of people and themselves.

About future

Father since childhood taught Alexander to calculate the situation a step forward, think about and consider the variants of the development of events - and driving, and in life. This skill was useful while studying, Petrov prepared in advance to adult and independent life, clinging for every chance.

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