Dmitry Rogozin - biography, personal life, photos, news, head of "Roskosmos", songs, "Twitter", "Facebook" 2021



Dmitry Rogozin is a successful Russian politician and a diplomat who held the position of Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation until May 2018. Until 2012, he was a representative of Russia in NATO. He oversawed maritime politics, military-industrial complex, national defense, rocket-space and atomic, aviation, shipbuilding, radio electronic industry and export control, civil defense, military-technical cooperation, the Arctic and border policy. From May 2018, Dmitry Olegovich heads "Roskosmos".

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Olegovich Rogozin was born on December 21, 1963 in Moscow in an intelligent family. By nationality, he has Russian citizenship. The father of the boy Oleg Konstantinovich was a military personnel, a lieutenant-general, which occupies high-ranking positions. He consisted of the head of the department of promising systems of arms and the first deputy head of weapons of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR. Tamara Vasilyevna's mother worked as a dentist at the Moscow Med Institute.

Young Dmitry turned out to be the only child of the parents who paid the utmost attention to the upbringing of the Son. Learn the boy was given to a specialized school, where he in-depth learned French and showed significant successes. In addition to the main sciences and languages, the future politician and the diplomat in childhood was actively engaged in sports, and in senior grades mastered the Jasia journalism at the school of a young journalist at Moscow State University.

In 1981, after the release from school, Rogozin entered Moscow State University, the International Faculty of Journalist, which in 1986 graduated with honors, for the first time for the history of the university defending two-dimensional work at once. Having received a diploma of the journalist-international, the future politician continued to receive education at the University of Marxism-Leninism at the Goretiem of the CPSU, who graduated with honors in 1988 and received a specialty economist.

Career and politics

Immediately after graduating from the university, the future diplomat was headed by the International Sector in the Committee of Youth Organizations of the USSR. Literally in a few years, he became the first vice-president of the Rau-Corporation organization, and soon headed the Association of Young Political Leaders of the USSR "Forum-90".

In the period of the events of the August 1991 coup in Moscow, Rogozin was an activist of events organized in defense of Russian President Boris Yeltsin. In 1992, he created an inter-party structure entitled "The Union of Renaissance of Russia", which united Christian Democrats, Cadets and Social Democrats. In the spring of 1993, he led to the patriotic movement of the Congress of Russian communities created by him, which included almost all Russian communities and earthly countries of the CIS countries and the Baltic States, the Centers of National Authority and Public and Political Organizations of the Russian Federation and some foreign countries.

In subsequent years, Rogozin defended the rights of compatriots in the CIS countries, Yugoslavia, the Baltic States, participated in the events for the liberation of hostages in the theater on Dubrovka, in Chechnya and Beslan, when the terrorist act was performed in one of the schools of the city.

In 1995, Dmitry Olegovich as part of the CRO in the elections of deputies to the State Duma, according to the results of the voting, the necessary barrier of recruited votes did not overcome and did not become a deputy of the State Duma. Two years later, Rogozin managed to enter into the lower house of parliament, he became a member of the Russian Region Deputy Group and was elected deputy chairman of the Committee on National Affairs, which included the solution of the problems of the Russian population in the North Caucasus.

In 1998-99, Dmitry Olegovich was a member of the State Duma Commission on the impeachment of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin, and after the next elections again became a deputy, but since the block of CRO did not overcome the electoral barrier, allowing to enter the State Duma, moved to the People's Deputy Group. At the same time Rogozin headed the International Affairs Committee and the Delegation of the Federation Council in PACE.

From 2002 to 2003, Dmitry Olegovich was responsible for negotiations with the EU and the Republic of Lithuania. Then he managed to achieve success and simplify the visa-free procedure for moving Russians through Lithuania. But in 2004, Rogozin was removed from the office due to the transfer of this issue to the Russian Foreign Ministry.

In 2003, the deputy came out of the NPRF and entered into the ranks of United Russia, commenhaning his decision to create one political party supporting the President of the Russian Federation. In the same year, Rogozin was elected co-chairman of the Supreme Council of the Block Block, from which the voter with a record indicator in 79% of the votes was held to the State Duma and took the position of Deputy Chairman.

In 2008, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Rogozin was appointed Russia's postman in NATO, where he skillfully showed himself and earned the highest diplomatic rank of emergency and authorized ambassador.

In 2011, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev appointed Dmitry Olegovich to the post of Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. A few months after the entry into position, Rogozin created a volunteer movement of the All-Russian Popular Front in support of the military-industrial complex of Russia, Army and the Fleet of the Russian Federation.

In 2012, the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation was liberated from the office of the representative of Russia to NATO, but he retained the post of Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and after the election of Putin for the presidency.

Against the background of the situation in Ukraine, Western media were confident that Dmitry Rogozin is the main hawk of Russian foreign policy. In 2014, Rogozin, like many Russian and Ukrainian politicians, was blacklisted by the United States. He was still banned from entering the EU countries, Canada, Australia and Switzerland. At the same time, the arrest of property Dmitry Olegovich was announced on the territory of these countries, but Rogozin assured that he has no real estate and accounts outside the Russian Federation.

18 May 2018 Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev presented to President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin a new list of the Cabinet of Ministers. As expected experts, Dmitry Rogozin's names were not among them. Instead, Yuri Borisov became the Deputy Prime Minister of the Industrial-Defense Mission.

The fact that Rogozin leaves the deputy prime minister, it was clear right away. This is explained by a series of failures. Firstly, Dmitry Olegovich did not cope with the construction of the Eastern cosmodrome in the planned time. Secondly, he was also given a fault with the launch of satellites in orbit.

The politician accepted the resignation and soon got a new appointment as the head of Roskosmos. Earlier it was reported that at the initiative of the new head, the state corporation in the future will become a rocket and space holding.

Head of Roskosmos

On May 24, 2018, by Decree of the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Rogozin was appointed Director General of Roskosmos. He began his entry into position from the fact that he voiced the 10 commandments of the state corporation. He also identified the main task of its activities - expansion in space and on Earth.

In June of the same year, Rogozin announced the possibility of using the "Union" ships for flights to the moon. He also initiated the development of the new ship "Federation". In 2019, Roscosmos provided the launches of 25 cosmic missiles.


In January 2005, members of the "Motherland" faction, headed by Dmitry Rogozin, declared a hunger strike. It was a protest sign against the law on monetization of benefits. In the room in which the deputies were boycotted, cameras were installed, everything that happened was broadcast on the Internet.

On the eve of elections to the city Duma, Dmitry Rogozin again became a key figure of a loud scandal. Scandalous fame deputy brought a video "Clean Moscow from garbage", for which Rogozin was accused of xenophobia and extremism. After hitting the information boycott, the Motherland's party lost registration to all regional parliaments of the Russian Federation and became the object of criticism. For the sake of conservation of the Party, Dmitry Rogozin liberated the post of the head of the "Motherland" and returned to the "Congress of Russian communities" created by him, which soon headed.

In August 2017, the surname Dmitry Olegovich replenished another list of persons Non Grata. So, Moldova's authorities approved the candidacy of Rogozin as "non-mail" in their country. This decision was made due to the fact that the politician is a "sanctions person" in the EU. A little earlier for this reason in Romania did not let the plane, in which the politician and 164 more passengers flew.

Then Dmitry Rogozin called the situation "wild and provocative". The man stated that he agreed on the flight route with the Moldova authorities.

In December of the same year, another scandalous moment appeared in the vice-premier biography. Ksenia Sobchak, a candidate for the President of the Russian Federation, announced a statement to the prosecutor's office for Dmitry Rogozin. A woman outraged the incident when the politician demonstrated the new Russian development to the President of Serbia - an oxygen-containing liquid, thanks to which you can breathe under water.

On the frames of the video recording of the experiment, it can be seen as the laboratory staff in the presence of officials stuck the resisting dog under the water and kept there until she was mastered and began to breathe. Ksenia stated that this cruel spectacle was not for the faint of heart. The organizers of the experiment shared that the animal was not injured.

In 2019, Alexey Navalnya published a video "Space Wealth of Russia" on his Youtyub-Channel. It has been reported that Dmitry Rogozin and his test belong to two neighboring cottages with a total value of 350 million rubles.

In April 2020, Rogozin argued with the head of the company Spacex Ilona mask. He stated that Russia intends to reduce prices for launching services by 30% in response to the dumping of American companies. At the same time, the general director of Roskosmos stressed that the market price of the Spacex startup is about $ 60 million, but NASA pays for the same services several times more. Mask answered that Russian rockets are not suitable for re-launch, while Spacex rockets are reusable.

In February, Rogozin was involved in a dispute with Ivan Urgant. The news that negotiations are underway to reduce the requirements for cosmonauts, the TV presenter joked:

"If a person has a dream to fly into space, he lives this dream, why is some easy mental deflection that manifests itself in a pull to make holes drill in the trim, should prevent his dream fulfillment? Why is the conviction in the darkness should slow down the process of Russian cosmonautics? Why, if a person robbed the old woman at the subway, he can't first go down on Mars? "

Dmitry Olegovich did not appreciate the sense of humor Urgant and wrote in his twitter account:

"Well, what do you want? Eight years almost every day to conduct an entertainment transfer ... Not only jokes and humor will end, but the language will be overwhelmed. So you have to laugh at the religious feelings of Orthodox believers, then about the cosmonauts-heroes. "

Personal life

Personal life Dmitry Rogozin is stable. Even in the youth, being a student, he married a student MSU Tatiana Serebryakova, who is the daughter of Colonel Gennady Serebryakov, who served in the US Direction in the main management of the KGB of the USSR, which was engaged in foreign intelligence. Rogozin's wife works in the Folk Field Support Foundation and heads the Inva Academy Board of Trustees.

The son of Rogozin, Alexey, born in 1983, heads the public organization "Self-defense", is part of the Moscow Regional Duma and chairs the regional organization of the Federation on the practical shooting of Russia. At the same time, Alexey Rogozin is actively engaged in business - in 2012, a young man appointed the General Director of the State Enterprise "Aleksinsky Chemical Plant", producing powder, rubber products and polymer coatings. The only son of Rogozin has 3 children - the sons of Fyodor and Artem (2005 and 2013, respectively) and the daughter of Maria, born in 2008.

In addition to work and family, Rogozin collects small arms, is fond of practical shooting, handball, tennis, football, basketball, underwater hunting. He heads the Board of Trustees of the Russian Federation for Handball, Sambo and Practical Shooting. Another Dmitry Rogozin can manage a private helicopter, as in 2015 he was issued a corresponding certificate in Rosaviation.

Politician is registered in the Twitter social network, where it shares the records and photos with thousands of readers. In July 2017, Dmitry Olegovich presented on his page the song "Lenka - naked knee". He posted a video where the song sounds against the background of frames from the films of the Soviet period. Another Rogozin shared that wrote an essay on the road to Baikonur. And the music came up with the composer Andrei Ktitiet.

This is no longer the first song of the leader. Peru Dmitry Rogozina belongs to the compositions in the "Transnistria, we are with you one blood!", "Fried Baran", "Dyatlov Pass", "fly over Russia", "White City" and others. The compositions "Over Russia", "We are torn the sky in the shreds", "the ship flies above the ground", "Dancing in the sky" and "Do not shoot!" Posted on the official website of Roskosmos.

In April 2018, Rogozin published meme in Twitter, who dedicated the head of Estonia's Foreign Ministry to Sven Mixer. This entry was the answer to the member of the mixer, which he gave in an interview. Sven stated that Russia takes an active part in an armed conflict in Ukraine, so Estonia should build relations with the Russian state, "based on the position of force, unity and determination."

Another official is an active user of Facebook's social network.

Dmitry Rogozin now

In February 2020, information about the fact that Dmitry Rogozin leaves Roscosmos was actively replicated in telegrams. However, the press service of the State Corporation made it clear that these are rumors.

On July 7, the adviser on information policy Ivan Safronov was accused of the Gosimin. In "Roskosmos" he worked only two months. Dmitry Rogozin stated that the claims of Silovikov to Safronov were not related to his work in the corporation. In October, he gave an interview with TASS for the "First Persons" special project, which explained in detail the situation.

In August, Roscosmos began to develop technology for planting spacecraft on asteroids. It is planned that it will be ready by the end of 2030. Dmitry Rogozin told about this to journalists: "There is a task - to learn to plant the device on an asteroid, and not a simple spacecraft, but to plant a spacecraft. The complexity is to cling to asteroid. " He also noted that the task is understood by the engineers of the corporation, so they know how to implement it.

Another development, which is now engaged in Roskosmos, is a new analogue of the ship "Buran". Rogozin said that he was needed to replace the outdated "union".

In September, the head of Roskosmos said that Russia plans to send his own mission to Venus. The nearest mission to this planet should take place in 2027.

In October, Dmitry Olegovich agreed with Vladimir Putin a unified Space Program of the Russian Federation until 2030. Its purpose is to ensure the guaranteed presence of Russia in outer space. But in November, he received reproach from the president for the fact that the deadlines for the implementation of a number of other projects are torn, among them the development of a heavy rocket.

In December, the head of Roskosmos asked Russians to share his ideas for creating a new orbital station:

"I am waiting for competent proposals on the composition of service modules and the appearance of the station, altitude, form and inclination of its orbit."


Awards of the Russian Federation:

  • Order Alexander Nevsky
  • Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow"
  • Stolypin Medal P. A. I degree
  • Medal "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth"
  • Medal "In memory of the 200th anniversary of the Ministry of Justice of Russia"
  • Medal "200 Years by the Ministry of Defense"
  • Medal "200 years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia"
  • Medal "For merit in nuclear support"
  • Medal "200 years Consular service of the Russian Foreign Ministry"
  • Medal "90 years old service of the diplomatic-courier communication Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia"
  • Honorary Sign "For Merit" of the Maritime College under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • Gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation for active work on solving the problems of the Kaliningrad region related to the expansion of the European Union
  • Gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation for merits in the implementation of the foreign policy framework of the Russian Federation and many years of impeccable diplomatic service

Awards of foreign states:

  • The anniversary medal "25 years of peacekeeping operation in Transnistria" for active participation in the restoration of peace in Transnistrian land
  • Pistol "Walther PPK" from President of Serbia
  • Laureate of the State Competition of the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic "Man of the Year-2012" in the nomination "Honor and Valor"

Honorary titles:

  • Honorary Professor of the Voronezh State University and Transnistrian State University named after T. G. Shevchenko

Public and regional awards:

  • Medal "For Valiant Labor" for many years of fruitful cooperation and a great contribution to the implementation of joint projects for the development of the defense and industrial complex

Confessional awards:

  • Order of St. Burgrim Great Prince Dimitri Donsky II degree

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