How to tell partner about treason: painless, ways, tips


Treason is a common problem in relations, meaning the beginning of the crisis. Is it worth confessing in treason or not, each person determines himself. Screw the fact of treason, the likely to receive further problems in the future. And the frank conversation will cause pain and can become the end of relationships. How to tell a partner about treason is painless - in the editorial material 24cm.

Straight Talk

Methods of painless inform the partner about treason

This is a difficult decision, but sometimes circumstances are forced to confess in what happened. Before deciding to this step, you need to thoroughly think about the course of the conversation, choose the necessary words. It is important where and in what conditions a dialogue will occur. Warn about a serious conversation, ask to hear to the end and not to interrupt. Choose the right moment, in a relaxed home setting, without distracting and irritating factors. Consider the temperament of the spouse and try not to give your will to emotions, guided common sense and logic.

Paper or diary

Not all people are able to confess in betrayal personally, looking into the eyes of the partner. Describe your feelings on paper or electronically - in a letter or in a personal diary. Disasseerate your own experiences and emotions about what happened. When the revelations fall on the eyes of his beloved person, the conversation would not be avoided. But before that moment, both will have time to think about the situation and not "block firewood" in the mouth of a quarrel. This method will help to figure out the reasons, understand and forgive betray.

Expensive gift

Ways to painlessly admit partner in treason

Material gifts, for example, a new car, expensive jewelry or a ticket to the sea, will help express repentance in the mistake made, and ask for forgiveness. Pleasant emotions will stop pain and insult. This advice is not suitable for everyone, there are no such opportunities for everyone, and the reaction can be unpredictable. Instead of forgiveness, you can get even greater insult and aggression. But this method is successfully used in life and cinema, and it has the right to exist.

Creativity and Creative

There are other, budgetary, but equally original ideas and methods of recognition and repentance. It all depends on your imagination and financial opportunities. Do not forget to take into account the tastes and the nature of the recipient of your "surprise", think about a possible reaction. Not everyone can estimate this approach. Bake the cake with the inscription "Sorry for treason" or print a poster with a prayer for forgiveness and the words of repentance.

Recognition "To" treason

Methods of painless inform the partner about treason

If the relationship between a man and a woman is tense to the limit and reached the edge of the gap, the spouses moved away from each other, but the fact of treason has not yet happened - to discuss the situation before it happens. Tell us about emotions, feelings and thoughts about what is happening. Honestly, admit to the fact that you are going to start new relationships and are ready to complete the previous ones. Revelation will cause a smaller pain than the news postfactum.

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