Strange viruses of recent decades: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, death


Panic caused by events in the Chinese city of Wuhan, forces residents of Russia to be afraid to travel, open the parcels of Aliexpress, there are bananas and buy smartphones. So far, shocking headers appear on television screams, computer monitors and smartphones with details of the proliferation of coronavirus in China, 24cmi will tell about strange viruses of recent decades.

Nipach Virus (1999)

7 strange viruses of recent decades

The Nipakh virus was first registered in 1999 in Malaysia - then there were 105 deaths on 265 infected people, which is 40%. Subsequent outbreaks took less lives and occurred in India, Singapore, Bangladesh. Nipacle virus nipchs - volatile dogs of the genus Pteropus. A person can get infected by contact with infected pets (for example, pigs with high contagiousness). Symptoms, in addition to the main signs of influenza, includes complaints about dizziness, altered consciousness, convulsions (features indicating the development of acute encephalitis).

Diagnose the disease is possible using the PCR method, immunofluoriscent and immunosorbent analyzes. However, the science has not yet developed methods of treatment of illness, in practice supporting symptomatic therapy is applied.

Bird Flu (A / H5N1, H7N9, 2003-2009)

Bird flu - infectious diseases of birds caused by the spread of strains of a shell virus A. A person's infection occurs when self-contained with domestic birds, eating eggs and meats that have not passed sufficient heat treatment. WHO reports about 464 cases of infection and 262 deaths, mainly in Eurasia and North Africa.

The symptoms of the bird flu infection include classic manifestations of ARVI: an increase in body temperature, malaise, chills, abdominal pain, cough and runny nose. The most dangerous complication manifested by atypical pneumonia, kidney damage and liver.

Diagnose disease is possible by virological studies and PCR method.

Treatment and prevention of bird flu:

  • Symptomatic: antipyretic drugs, abundant drink, moisturizing and ventinging the premises;
  • the use of antivirus drugs;
  • in particularly severe cases, the use of glucocorticoids, protease inhibitors;
  • Elimination of infected poultry, compliance with hygiene rules, contact restriction with bird feces, thermal processing of eggs and meat.

California (Pork) Influenza (A / H1N1, 2009)

7 strange viruses of recent decades

Swine flu is a respiratory viral disease that was first revealed in 1930 in pigs. Then the identified strain did not have the ability to be transmitted from the animal to a person, however, as a result of mutations, they became possible to get infected, using meat, which has passed insufficient thermal processing. In 2009, the virus could have already been transmitted by air-drip from a person to a person and acquired the character of a pandemic: about 220 thousand cases of infection were confirmed, of which 1906 - with a fatal outcome. In Russia, the official number of dead - 19 people.

The symptoms of the ailment corresponds to ARVI: an increase in body temperature, overall malaise, dry "barking" cough and runny nose.

The diagnosis of California influenza includes collecting pathological material from mucous membranes and the study of PCR-method (polymerase chain reaction).

Treatment and prophylaxis of swine flu are the same as in ordinary ARVI:

  • Symptomatic: antipyretic drugs, abundant drink, moisturizing and ventinging the premises;
  • the use of antivirus drugs;
  • vaccination.

Ebola (Zaire Ebolavirus, 2014-2015)

Ebola philovus has 5 types, distribution is associated with the use of needles without sterilization and eating meat of bats. February 2014 For the inhabitants of Guinea, an outbreak of Ebola was marked. Cases of infection in Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Liberia and other countries are reported. At 28,640 sick accounted for 11,315 dead.

The symptoms of the illness include a characteristic fever (Ebola fever), muscle weakness, throat pain. After the illness begins vomiting, bleeding, impaired kidney functions and liver.

The diagnosis of the ebola virus is carried out by fenceing blood or smear from the oral cavity and the study by the method of amplifying nucleic acids.

The confirmed treatment of the virus does not yet exist, the maintenance therapy is applied, aimed at preventing dehydration of the body.

Zika virus (NS1, 2016)

7 strange viruses of recent decades

The mosquitoes of the genus Aedes (yellow-solid) - Flavivirus Zika carriers. For the first time, the disease was found in Macak Rhovkov in 1947 in the forest Zika (Uganda).

FlaviaVirus infection is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, migraines, pains in joints and muscles, conjunctivitis, characteristic spindles on the skin. In some cases, fever, vomiting, diarrhea occurs. In 2016, the outbreak of infection with the Zika virus was registered in Brazil and was distributed in 33 countries. The deaths of death are not mentioned. In Russia, the media wrote about 5 tourists infected on vacation in the Dominican Republic, which were safely recovered.

Treatment and prevention of Zika virus:

  • Protection against mosquito bites (clothes, closing hands and legs, repellents);
  • Symptomatic: antipyretic drugs, abundant drink, moisturizing and venting out the room.

The same Aedes mosquitoes are carriers of a dengue virus, causing fever, but refers to "forgotten tropical diseases."

Lasse Fever (2018)

Lasse fever causes the most dangerous Lassa Mammarenavirus virus, whose carriers are green monkey and multi-seal rats. A person is infected by contact with animals, their urine or feces, the spreadsheet is central and West Africa. Characteristic ulcers in the oral cavity, papulese rash, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps are added to the symptoms of influenza. In severe cases, death comes.

In January-February 2018, a record number of lash fever was recorded in Nigeria: 144 deaths accounted for 524.

You can diagnose the Lasse virus not only with the help of serological and virological studies, but also by conventional blood tests (general and biochemical) and urine.

Treatment and prevention:

  • An infected person is placed in a medical institution and isolate;
  • antiviral therapy;
  • disintellation therapy;
  • In complications, antibiotics are prescribed;
  • There is no prevention against the fever of Lasse, it provides protection against the penetration of rodents into the room and the complete equipment in contact with infected people of health workers.

Coronavirus (NCOV, 2019-2020)

7 strange viruses of recent decades

The beginning of the new year in China was marked by an outbreak of atypical pneumonia in the city of Wuhan. Later, they found out that this complication causes Coronavirus 2019-NCOV. To avoid the spread of the ailment, Wuhan was closed for entry and departure, stopped transport. The media report that Coronavirus spread in 22 countries (Russia in this list) and burned over 2,000 people.

It is assumed that volatile mice and snakes became carriers of the virus. Diagnostics is carried out by PCR.


  • Symptomatic: antipyretic drugs, abundant drink, moisturizing and ventinging the premises;
  • Supporting therapy.

Strange viruses of recent decades: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, death 8929_5

10 facts about the "Chinese virus"


Strange viruses of recent decades: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, death 8929_6

10 facts about the "Chinese virus"

1. The epidemic broke out in the Uhana at the end of December 2019, but the first infection was recorded even at the beginning of the month.

Strange viruses of recent decades: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, death 8929_7
Strange viruses of recent decades: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, death 8929_8

10 facts about the "Chinese virus"

2. The situation with the virus is exacerbated by the fact that in many cases the carriers do not have symptoms and are not suspected of infection. For this reason, everyone who has undergone infection is sent to the 14-day quarantine.

Strange viruses of recent decades: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, death 8929_9
Strange viruses of recent decades: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, death 8929_10

10 facts about the "Chinese virus"

3. Actor Jackie Chan promises 1 million yuan man or organization for creating a vaccine from coronavirus.

Strange viruses of recent decades: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, death 8929_11
Strange viruses of recent decades: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, death 8929_12

10 facts about the "Chinese virus"

4. In China, due to the coronavirus epidemic, it was forbidden to eat wild animal meat. Also, banned hunting, transportation and trading in animal species, which were threatened with disappearance.

Strange viruses of recent decades: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, death 8929_13
Strange viruses of recent decades: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, death 8929_14

10 facts about the "Chinese virus"

5. The new virus becomes the cause of a disease resembling a viral pneumonia. It is manifested by fever, dry cough, difficult breathing and visible changes in the lungs on X-rays.

Strange viruses of recent decades: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, death 8929_15
Strange viruses of recent decades: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, death 8929_16

10 facts about the "Chinese virus"

6. New York Times argue that China's authorities deliberately provoked the atmosphere of suspicion and hostility in the country. Allegedly the authorities call on to convey on all citizens with signs of the disease.

Strange viruses of recent decades: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, death 8929_17
Strange viruses of recent decades: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, death 8929_18

10 facts about the "Chinese virus"

7. Many Russian trading networks suspend the purchase of Chinese products. Now you have to change logistics, because there are products from China are unprofitable.

Strange viruses of recent decades: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, death 8929_19
Strange viruses of recent decades: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, death 8929_20

10 facts about the "Chinese virus"

8. At the moment, no one can say for sure how the infection is infection. Scientists from the Imperial College of London believe that each patient infects two or three others.

Strange viruses of recent decades: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, death 8929_21
Strange viruses of recent decades: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, death 8929_22

10 facts about the "Chinese virus"

9. Most likely, the immunity to coronavirus in humans will not work out. By analogy - people can become infected with different strains of influenza every year, even if the disease has previously suffered.

Strange viruses of recent decades: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, death 8929_23
Strange viruses of recent decades: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, death 8929_24

10 facts about the "Chinese virus"

10. The mask will not save from coronavirus, because it is intended for short-term protection of the health worker from an infected patient and does not give reliable protection.

Strange viruses of recent decades: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, death 8929_25
Strange viruses of recent decades: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, death 8929_26

10 facts about the "Chinese virus"


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