Film "Parasites" (2019): Release date, actors, roles, trailer


In July 2019, the South Korean comedy drama was released on the screens with elements of the parasite thriller director Pon Zhong Ho. Interesting Facts of the film and actors who performed the main roles are in the material 24cm.


The idea to relieve a picture of the social stratification to the director Pon Zhong Ho came during the filming of the film "Through the Snow". Initially, the concept was easier. However, in the process of preparing the scenario, a storyline appeared, which mixed several genres in one picture.

The tasks of the director came to show the heroes of the film not from the position of "bad" and "good", but deeper, allowing you to worry and sympathize with everyone. Changes in the film flow out of the characteristics of the story, which creates the effect of believability and sincerity.

In the center of the plot, the history of two families: rich and poor. The unemployed family is trying to survive at the expense of a secured family, choosing unconventional ways to implement. The interaction of two families occurs at a parasitic manner.

Release date - May 21, 2019. The premiere in Russia took place on July 4, 2019.

Actors and roles

Kim Ki Taek is a former driver who lost his job. The head of the family is on the verge of despair and is trying to earn, folding the boxes for pizza. In the role of Ki Taek - Dream Kan Ho. The actor is known for roles in the film "The Invasion of Dinosaur" and "Through Snow".

The situation in the family unexpectedly changes when Min Hyuk appeared in a semi-base apartment of Kima - a friend of the son of C. Mini offers a young man who has not entered the university, to make a tutor in a rich family pack. Min Hyoka performed Pak with Zhong. The actor is known for the Costumed Master Series Drama "Detachment Hwaran".

Ki ya accepts a friend's proposals, fakes documents and finds himself in a rich house in the role of a tutor. Suddenly, the young man comes to a young man comes to a junior sister. He informs Pakak about the artistic talent of their shy son and says that there is Jessica, who owns the techniques of art therapy. Ki had chke at Sik. The actor is known for the role of Kim in the film "Okcha".

Sister ki y, ki john, also turned out to be in the house of Pakov. She decides to attach the driver to the packs of his father. In the role of Ki John - Pak with the ladies. Filmography - 4 filmmakers. In 2019, the actress starred in the Fukuoka film, fulfilling a key role.

The head of the Pak family does not suspect a collusion. However, it is constantly confused by an unpleasant smell emanating from the driver who in the ribbon finals will become a landmark event. Pak Tony performed the dream of Gün. In South Korea, whether the dream of the gyun is a sought-after actor. And the Russian viewer is given the opportunity to get acquainted closer with his work.

Interesting Facts

The premiere took place in Cannes at the 72nd Film Festival within the "Basic Competition". The audience after watching 15 minutes applauded the creators of the film. In 2019, the film received the Golden Palm Branch in the nomination "Best Movie", which made the picture by the applicant for Oscar.

At the budget of 8 million dollars, the rental of the film collected more than $ 100 million.

The meaning of the film is not only in the social drama. The metaphoricity of the picture is emphasized by the lifestyle of two families: some live on the hill, others - in the mixing room. The culmination and the ending of the film remain on the verge of fantasticity. Critics are convinced that the director does not take away the dream of heroes, even if it is a parasitic existence.

The film "Parasites" - Trailer:

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