The biggest cities of Russia: top, in population, by area, map


No wonder they say that Russia is an immense country. More than 146 million people live on its territory. The area of ​​the Russian state is slightly smaller than the continent of South America. Here are the largest stocks of fresh water in the world. On one territory, hundreds of nationalities and cultures were united. These people live in big cities and small villages, but they are all part of the Russian state.

On the biggest cities in Russia and interesting facts that are connected with them - in the editorial material 24cm.


The biggest cities of Russia

In the south of Russia, Rostov-on-Don is the largest city. In terms of population, it is listed on 10th place ( 1 133 307 people ). Founded in 1749 with Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. Most people consider Rostov-on-Don Cossack city - this is a mistake. In the cultural and economic development of the city, the merchants played an important role. These people for their own funds installed monuments, built temples and city parks. Rostov-on-Don is a merchant city, because thanks to the educated merchants, commercial, artistic and nautical educational institutions were opened there.

348 square kilometers adjoin 106 nationalities. Most in the city of Russian, Ukrainians and Armenians.


On the Middle Volga region of Russia is Samara. Lives in it 1 156 644 people . The city was founded as a watchdog fortress in 1586. A wild white goat is depicted on the Samara coat of arms. It was there that the rockets were collected, on which Russian and Soviet astronauts went into space. In the Samara region produce famous Zhigulevsky beer. The plant founded in 1881 Austrian entrepreneur Alfred von Vakano.

In Samara, 90% of the population are Russian. In addition to them, Tatars, Ukrainians, Chuvashi, etc. live there, and so on. Most are engaged in industry, because this is the main economic activity of the district. On the territory of Samara, 100 km longer than Rostov-on-Don.


The biggest cities of Russia

In terms of population in Siberia Omsk on 2 place. This city fell into the rating of large cities of Russia, because he is a millionth. It was founded in 1716. The map shows the interesting location of Omsk. It stands on the merger of the rivers Irtysh and Om. The excellent ecological state of the city in the Soviet years is struck. In the people, he was even called the "City Garden". Later, the trees cut down, and the ecologists predict Omsk a trash catastrophe. Polygons are overcrowded, how to solve the problem, the authorities do not know.


Everyone knows what the largest city in Russia, with Moscow in the area is not easy. But Chelyabinsk stood out in the top that there is the largest industrial production. In 1736, it was founded as a fortress for protection. In the industrial base, he owes World War II, when plants and factories have transferred further from the front. In the city lives 1 200 719 people.

In 2013, a meteorite fell in the vicinity of Chelyabinsk. 7 thousand buildings burned out an explosive wave, 1600 people were injured.


The biggest cities of Russia

The city was founded in 1005, in 2005, local residents celebrated his millennia. Kazan is the capital of Tatarstan, where the number of inhabitants reaches 1 251 969 people . Russian tourists visit him more often than other cities. Their journey through their native land begins with Kazan. After the Soviet Union collapsed, only here was built the metro. It is noteworthy that 90% of buses that go around the city, red.

Nizhny Novgorod

Nizhny Novgorod is located in Central Russia, the first mention of which appeared in 1221. He replenishes the treasury of the country, because since ancient times trade is thrive there. During the existence of Nizhny Novgorod, it was not possible to capture the city Kremlin. When the Second World War was in full swing, in this area scientists brought a silkworm, which is resistant to frozen. He gave silk for parachutes. But the discovery remained at the stage of the experiment, since after the end of the war the study stopped.


The biggest cities of Russia

In 1723, Peter I was founded as the Racent Plant, Ekaterinburg. 468 square kilometers can accommodate almost one and a half million people. It was called in honor of Empress Catherine I. It was called Sverdlovsky in the USSR, but after decay, the past name was returned. Not everyone knows that the framework for the Statue of Freedom in America was built from a metal, which was mined in the territory of Yekaterinburg. Here were the first aircraft with a jet engine.


3th place in the population is occupied by Novosibirsk. Lives in it 1 618 039 people , among which a hundred nationalities. The city is called the "capital of Siberia". Foreign residents are recognized that Novosibirsk is associated with Luja Claus in the north of Russia, where people are sitting at one table with a brown bear.

The city built the highest building in the country - the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater. This part of Russia makes a major contribution to the economic and educational life of the state.

St. Petersburg

The biggest cities of Russia

In the northern capital of Russia lives 5 383 890 people . Previously, he was called Leningrad. Attractions of St. Petersburg attract tourists. 3 million exhibits are stored in the Hermitage. Experts considered that if we consider 1 subject minute, you will need 8 years. The city metro is considered the deepest in the world. The 150-meter escalator, located underground, consists of 729 steps.

On the territory of the city of 800 bridges. Some of them are reduced and bred 2 times per night. Until 1703, a dozen settlements stood on the spot of St. Petersburg.


A little younger than Kazan - Moscow, which was founded in 1147. Its area is 2561 square kilometers. It is 3 times more than in New York. In 1812, 80% of Moscow buildings burned down. For almost 200 years, St. Petersburg was considered the capital. The highest structure of the world is built on the territory of Moscow - the Ostankinskaya Telbashnya. The authorities believe that the official number of residents is 20% less than the real one. About 2 million work and live in Moscow illegally. Census showed that as of 2019 lives in the city 12 615 882 people.

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