Yulia Shilova - photo, history of creation, composition, news, books 2021



On February 25, 2019, in an interview with a journalist "Komsomolski", the well-known detectionist Yulia Shilova decided to disarming recognition. For example, she reported that men 'heroes are always really existing people from her environment, and the plot for the book "Shaw for me one" is taken from their own life. The writer had to risk and get involved in the Internet correspondence with a marriage sweat. Fortunately, luck was on her side, and as a result, the light saw a visual allowance, for which the fraudsters are ready to go for the sake of profits and how women will protect them from them.

Childhood and youth

On the second day after the Victory Day - 1969 in the Antonian family (such a maiden name of the writer), who lived in the city of Shakhtarov, a daughter called Julia was born. Lyudmila's mother worked by the dispatcher on the electrical resistant, the father of Vitaly served as investigator Ur. And it was the "working" meeting with a criminal who killed her husband, led to the man who threw his family and friends, having fascinated the child with a new beloved and moved to the village for exile, where his whole life was held.

In parallel with studying in the middle educational 11th school, a girl was engaged in ballet, dreamed of getting into a large theater. At the age of 14, when Julia first turned out to be together with classmates in the capital of Russia, she immediately decided to move here by anything. But the conceived had to do not immediately - the first love had granted. And in order to avoid her consequences in the form of a registry office and eternal existence in Artem, the girl had to flee into Moscow straight from under the crown. In the capital, she subsequently managed to graduate from the current Moss and Nib.

The capital met arriving non-smarter. On the first day, the gullible Julia, who was looking for the night, almost raped "benefactor", which suggested a hotel room. Then it was not possible to enter several theatrical schools - then the 2nd round did not work.

In order to somehow live and extract the food of Shilov and her girlfriend for a communal apartment handed over blood, in the future switched to commercial entrepreneurship - "Cook" jeans, sewed the labels of famous companies and sold on the market.

In the future, in the "creative" biography, a resident of Artemum was also a pharmaceutical affair, and participation in the dance team "Recital", demonstrating their choreographic art in Japan. The first soon displaced the last, and for a couple with the first husband, Julia was engaged in a family business in Vladivostok, then, already alone, in Moscow. However, all the accumulated disappeared overnight due to default in 1998.


Julia decided to write books from hopelessness. Then she, the whole bandaged, lay on the hospital bed, where he pleased after the as-spouse-splashing attacks in the elevator. Joyless thoughts dispersed the old familiar, a journalist of the Moscow Komsomol Center, who advised his friend to pour his pain on paper. As a result, it turned out a whole novel, which Shilova, again, on the advice of a friend of the correspondent, obediently carried it to the publisher.

From year to year, the bibliography grew in geometric progression, as the writer said, she writes one work in two months. Among your favorite Russian readers in the genre of criminal melodrama, necessarily confused by the love collision and already disassembled on quotes, - "The changing world, or my name is Lady Bitch," "Azart hunting, or the trophies of my love", "Turkish love, or hot nights of the East "," Spare Wife "," Alphonsees in the TVogs, or how much should you forget you? "," Harem in Russian, or I am a lover of your husband. "

Personal life

The first husband of Yulia, who gave her a sonorous last name was the entrepreneur Oleg Shilov. Acquaintance of young people, lightningly grew into real love, happened in Tokyo - here the girl danced, and the man was engaged in buying cars and pharmaceutics. The feelings covered them with their heads, so on returning to their homeland, the lovers got married. But happiness turned out to be short-lived - 3 years after the advent of the daughter of his daughter, Lolita Oleg was killed.

After the death of her husband, Julia fell into depression and, in order to somehow cope with her, decided to get married literally for the first oncoming. Igor, who suggested the Shilovo to convey the bags and replaced the car, soon turned out to be the second legitimate spouse. Despite the birth of a common child of Zlata, a strong family did not come out - the satellite did not share the views of his wife and dreamed that she sat at home with children. Followed a divorce with the consequences.

The third chosen one is a Chernogorsk businessman named Bo, with him Yulia Vitalyevna even married. In 2018, in the social network, the writer published a sad post about sad changes in his personal life - her beloved man did not.

Yulia Shilova now

In 2018, from under the pen's pen, novels came out "You are my eternal joy, or tips from the next world", "unforgettable, or I will be better than she," "get to get and retain, or what women are" and "from the pawns In the ladies, or I do not need to keep me, I buy myself. "

In the winter next year, "the show for me for me, or I was the last, who loved you to tears" and "Men from the markup, or married himself - stopping another", in the spring - "I collect male hearts, or a wolf look."

In addition to writing, Shilova willingly participates in secular events, creative evenings, comfortably feels like a jury of the vocal competition and organizer of trainings and rehabilitation marathons for representatives of the fine sex. Communication with fans prefers to support through "Instagram", where and now publishes both personal and working photographs.


  • 2007 - "The changing world, or my name is Lady Bitch"
  • 2007 - "Turkish love, or hot nights of the East"
  • 2010 - "Azart of Hunting, or Trophies of My Love"
  • 2011 - "From the beach to the altar, or tango of the resort passion"
  • 2011 - "To envy everyone, or a mercantile bastard is looking for its oligarch"
  • 2012 - "Garem in Russian, or I am a mistress of your husband"
  • 2015 - "Window in the soul, or how we were looking for a paradise"
  • 2017 - "Alphonsees in tag races, or how much should you forget you?"
  • 2018 - "You are my eternal joy, or tips from that light"
  • 2018 - "Unforgettable, or I will be better than she"
  • 2018 - "Dream and keep, or what women are"
  • 2018 - "From the pawns in the ladies, or I don't need to keep me, I buy myself"
  • 2019 - "Shaw for me alone, or I was the last who loved you to tears"
  • 2019 - "Men with a reference, or married himself - stopping another"
  • 2019 - "I collect male hearts, or a wolf look"

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