Lyubov Assumption and Tatiana Plaksina: What is the cause of conflict


In December 2019, Lyubov Uspenskaya with Chikom noted the birthday of the daughter of Tatiana Platsina. The event was attended celebrities and friends girls. However, later their conflict thundered to the whole country. The girl even gave the scandalous interview with the Star Program on the NTV, in which he told that her mother stood and stored in the room.

Lyubov Uspenskaya in an interview with Andrei Malakhov for "Direct Ether" in 2020 admitted that at a certain point ceased to learn his own daughter. Details Special Education Show - in Material 24cm.

Essence conflict

For some time, Tatiana lived on Costa Rica, where he fell off the bike, broke his leg and knocked out several teeth. According to the artist, after the operation, which was needed by Tatiana after that, she closed in himself, became less sociable. Despite the fact that no one stored her at home and was not limited to freedom, once without a visible reason, she called the police. Guards about the girl told that she was staggering, stored in the room. The performer assures that it is slander.

After this incident, the girl went out of the house. The housekeeper of the star family assured that after the girl was injured, Uspenskaya began to restrict her freedom a little, began to patronize more, but before that he gave the heir to the truth too much space, balung.

According to the artist, the main enemy of her daughter - Father Alexander Plaksin, who has been living in the United States for a year. When the girl was 4 years old, Uspenskaya wanted to divorce him, in response to which he became blackmailing her, threaten that he would not give the baby permission to leave. It lasted until the age of Tatiana.

A man corrupted the girl with money, she led an overlooking the bohemian lifestyle, he did not need anything, and in the end began to spend too much. Alexander allowed the girl many things that the singer did not allow, closed his eyes even for drug use. Mother to support the daughter in such hobbies could not, and therefore became an enemy for her.

Tatiana Malakhov herself explained his behavior a little differently. She noted that he wants to take place as a serious actress, to prove his worthwesome and independence, but the mother does not support her interests and is trying to "attach" the stage all the time.

Than it all ended

As a result, Plaksina came to the conclusion that they need a small pause in communicating with her mother. Only "pulling away from the umbilical cord", she will be able to fully feel self and independent.

"No one holds you," Lyubovanna Lyubovna flew into it shortly.

Facts from Lyubov Assumption

Facts from Lyubov Assumption


Facts from Love Assumption - Background

Facts from Lyubov Assumption

Love was born in prison. Her brought her grandmother, as mom died at birth.

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Facts from Lyubov Assumption

The fact that her grandmother is not her mother, love learned at the age of 14. The grandmother got angry with her and told the whole truth. Then she ran away from the house.

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Facts from Lyubov Assumption

At the age of 16 in the restaurant, his father asked her to sing in honor of the birthday. Love noticed musicians, and after invited to their group. So the Career Assumption began.

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Facts from Lyubov Assumption

At 18, love earned enough to contain himself and relatives. She even had a car.

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Facts from Lyubov Assumption

Lyubov could have two children. She was pregnant twins. But one child lived just a couple of days, and the second was born dead.

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Facts from Lyubov Assumption

Uspenskaya was married several times. But marriage is not for her. She was the first to leave their family, as she believed that her husbands did not give it to develop and grow.

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Facts from Lyubov Assumption


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