Boris Ivanov - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, movies



Boris Ivanov - actor of the theater and cinema, who found in each of the heroes, even in the deployed villains, human features. The artist trembled to makeup and photo in different roles looked differently.

Childhood and youth

The actor was born at the end of 1920 in South Palmyre in the Russian-Jewish family. The non-Slavic appearance of Boris contributed to the approval of the artist on the role of foreigners (including spies) and criminal antagonists of the main characters.

Parents - Locksmith Vladimir Grigorievich and Housewife Evdokia Romanovna - were far from art, and the fan of Melpomen and the Boy's waist made a neighbor, who worked in the theater and gave Ivanov to the Council on performances.

At the age of 14, a teenager, having mastered the aria, settled to work as a statistically in the Odessa Opera House, and at 17 he entered the theater school under the wing to the teacher Mikhail Tilkera. The premiere of the diploma performance Ivanova took place on June 22, 1941.

Already in July, the actor called on the army. At first, the guy passed short-term courses in the Kharkiv Intendantic Academy, which soon after the release of Boris was evacuated to Tashkent. Lieutenant Ivanov had a chance to serve in the headquarters of the battalion, and on the front line.

In April 1942, Boris found among the piles of those killed. The guy had injuries to both legs, heads and spine, but the wound wound turned out to be especially difficult. Over the hand of Ivanov, several months hung a threat to amputation. In the fall of 1942, the actor was demobilized, and Boris after a number of adventures donkey in Rybinsk, where he quickly became the leading artist of the dramatic theater.

Personal life

The fact that the wife of Ivanova was a colleague on theater Natalia Bogdanova, not news. Love for the elderly, not a surrender and bald actor, whom everyone called Uncle Borea, originated from the girl when a man kissed her hand on stage.

Boris Ivanov and Natalia Bogdanova

However, in the transfer "To remember" Natalia Sergeyevna told that the Ivanov had already been married to the meeting. The first wife of Boris Vladimirovich was seriously sick, the artist touching her and was taken for any roles to pay for medicines and feders.

All who knew Ivanov celebrated the manners and accommodation of the actor. Boris Vladimirovich elegantly dressed and prepared tasty.

Theater and films

From 1944 and before the death of Ivanov, played the scene of the Theater of the Mossoveta. The actor implemented the vocal data in the formulation of the musical of Andrew Lloyd Webber "Jesus Christ - Superstar." Some performances with Boris Vladimirovich became televisers. So it was with the productions of "Edith Piaf", "Next - silence" and with the Swan Song of Ivanov - the tragicomedy "comedians", the premiere of which was held a few months before the death of the actor.

Boris Vladimirovich debuted in the cinema, but he also managed to be held at the aging Gregory Alexandrov (in the picture "Skzorten and Lira") and in the young Eldar Ryazanov (in the film "Hussarskaya Ballad"). One of the most significant tapes in the filmography Ivanova is the mini-series "Mirage", filmed by the Baltic cinematographers on the work of James H. Chaise "The whole world in his pocket." Viewers sympathized with the actor's character - Burgle of safes Giuseppe Mandini.

With the artist George Tarautkina Ivanov crossed first on the set in the SMSon SMSonov detective Samsonov "Pure English murder", in which Irina Muravyova played the first major role. Then Boris Vladimirovich and Georgy Georgievich met at the Mossovetovsky stage in the play based on the Roman Fyodor Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment".

Ivanov willingly duplicated foreign films. Among the paintings of Boris Vladimirovich, there are leaders of the Boris Vladimirovich, as "in jazz only girls", "high blond in a black boot" and "toy".


Boris Vladimirovich died in early December 2002. The cause of Ivanov's death was stroke. 2 hours before death, a man, as with the birth of love, kissed the hand of Natalia Bogdanova. The actor is buried at the Vagankovskaya Cemetery of Moscow - Failure, where Sergey Yesenin, Vladimir Vysotsky and Vladislav Leaves, found the last shelter.


  • 1961 - "Night Passenger"
  • 1962 - "Hussar Ballad"
  • 1971 - "All Royal Raint"
  • 1971 - "The investigation is conducted by experts. Black Macker "
  • 1974 - "Skzorets and Lira"
  • 1974 - "Pure English murder"
  • 1974 - "Agony"
  • 1976 - "Mad Gold"
  • 1978 - "Father Sergius"
  • 1978 - "The version of Colonel Zorin"
  • 1978 - "Next - silence"
  • 1983 - "Mirage"
  • 1984 - "Mimosa Bouquet and Other Flowers"
  • 1984 - "Merry Widow"
  • 1985 - "Tevier Milk"
  • 1986 - "Court of Judges"
  • 1997 - "Countess de Monsoro"

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