Ekaterina Didenko - biography, personal life, news, dry ice, photo, "instagram", Vlad black 2021



Ekaterina Didenko - Russian blogger, author of videos, exposing the features of medical preparations. As a copyright direction, Didenko chose pharmaceutical advice to social network users, calling themselves "pharmacy auditorroo." Having organized its own project in "Instagram", the girl helped subscribers and partners in relevant activity to disassemble the first-aid kits and gave comments on the substances that found them.

The well-known Didenko became after the tragedy at a dry ice party.

Childhood and youth

About the nuances of the biography of Kati in the course of a millionth audience of subscribers. But most of the Falls joined the girl's author's blog, when she already led a family life. The years of childhood and adolescence of Catherine rarely extends, so they remain behind the curtain of the mystery.

The girl was born in Pyatigorsk. Subscribers Didenco know that she grew up with her sister, Catherine, which periodically appears in the blogger's video. It is known that Catherine graduated in the native city of the Medical Institute and became the owner of a red diploma in the specialty "Pharmaceutics". She decided to apply the acquisition with the benefit, which was the motivation to create a blog in "Instagram".


In the author's profile in "Instagram" Catherine is represented by "pharmacy auditor." Using professional knowledge, it helps subscribers to save on a campaign in a pharmacy, focusing in the nuances of the composition and production of medicines.
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Katya often cooperated with partners and other bloggers, helping to disassemble their first-aid kit. The essence of the meeting was that with the help of Didno from the reserves of her "customers", useless drugs were eliminated and those whose shelf life came to an end. Catherine advised how to choose effective analogues, and told about the features of the use of certain drugs.

Using the blog as an additional income on maternity leave, the girl was also an ambassador of a service that supplies unique diapers for kids to the house. Being a partner of the brand, Catherine removed rollers about the composition of products and its use.

Personal life

Catherine was married. In 2016, the pair was born daughter Anastasia, and in 2018 the family was replenished - the son of Alexander. The spouse of the girl, Valentin Didenko, fully supported the beloved in any endeavors and welcomed her desire to evolve, being on the decree. The family traveled a lot in Russia and sometimes led the abroad, as told in their rollers.

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Didenko, according to her, was happy in his personal life and loved the spouse very much. In the video, she often chose him "boy", talking about how the biography of his beloved man was. In an interview, the blogger told that the success of her account was largely dependent on her husband, which was responsible for the technical side of the project. Valentine was engaged in creating and processing photo and video content. Specializing in Internet earnings and peculiarities of promotion, Husband Didenko has developed a strategy for sales of pharmaceutical recommendations from Catherine.

Unfortunately, on the day of the 29th day of the birth of Catherine, the trouble came.

Tragedy at a dry ice party

February 28, 2020 Didenko turned 29 years old. His birthday girl decided to celebrate friends and loved ones. For the celebration, a bath called the "ninth shaft" was chosen. From the early morning, the birthday man showed Follovers Cooking for the holiday. With the help of her husband, she posted a photo on which posing in a swimsuit in a cold with golden balls in his hands. Surprising subscribers, Katya and his spouse joined guests.

Everything you need to celebrate young people brought with them. In addition to treats, the spouses captured an unusual and spectacular surprise - dry ice. Valentin decided to arrange a show for guests, loading the pool in a thick pairs, which is released when contacting dry ice with water. The fact that the idea can provoke PE, the man immediately warned ice vendors, but he did not calculate risks.

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Specialists warn that when contacting the large volume of dry ice with water, a reaction begins, which provokes the appearance of poisonous evaporation and burn burns. The strongest excretion of carbon dioxide is often leading to death due to mechanical asphyxia.

All what is happening the birthday girl shot on video to share with subscribers. Guests put on protective white costumes and glasses. Men took a dry ice refrigerator and poured the contents into the pool. Chemical reaction began almost instantly. It added Azart and fun, so two guys dived into the pool. The buddy of the blogger having fun of the fog, while the rest admired the event.

In a matter of minutes, tragedy occurred. People in the pool began stroking attacks. 18 people who were in the pool were confused. Employees of the bath complex aroused ambulance. Two people died in place, the rest were hospitalized with varying degrees of health damage. Being in the corridor at intensive care, Catherine reported that he did not know who became victims of the ill-fated holiday.

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In the morning, Didenko posted a few Storsith in the profile, which reported that because of the fatal ventii, her spouse Valentine and two friends, Natalia Monakov and Yuriy Alferov died. The cause of the death of all three was the consequences of the dry ice reaction with water: young people, diving into the water, quickly lost consciousness and drowned. Pregnant sister of the girl also suffered.

On the morning of February 29, 2020, many Internet channels, printed publications and TV reported news about the tragedy that happened in the family of a blogger. The Investigation Committee has opened a criminal case to clarify the reasons for what happened at the bath party. Catherine asked for psychological assistance from Follovers.

Grass in the network

Soon after what happened to the girl, a squall of critics collapsed. Instead of support, Catherine received many accusations: someone did not like that Didno continued to lay out the story in "Instagram", someone considered that she was to blame for her husband and friends.

Andrei Malakhov dedicated this tragedy a separate release of the program "Direct Ether". The opinions of the guests of the studio were also divided: some sincerely sympathized with all the victims, but were those who expressed accusations of Catherine. Same Didenko admitted that he was very hard to experience the loss of her husband and friends and asked everyone to stop writing nasty about her and her loved ones. The girl stressed that anyone would have wished to be in such a situation.

Later, Catherine appeared on television in the program Dmitry Borisov "Let them speak" and the show Ksenia Sobchak "Docking", which caused the next wave of Heita. Many users of social networks, including well-known people, such as Fitness-coach Elena Sanzhanarovskaya and blogger Liliya Abramova, were unaccepting against the girl.

Didno reacted very sharply to all the offensive statements, stating that she intends to demand a response from the commentator through the court, but after a while he removed an angry post. At the same time, its further actions only aggravated by the ambiguous reaction of people on the tragedy and the further behavior of the blogger, which, according to Folloviers, is not similar to the suffering of widow.

Ekaterina Didenko now

"Audioralo" continues to actively lead the page in "Instagram", participates in collaborations, periodically diluting the tape of sorrowfulness in memory of the husband.

Catherine admitted her income after the tragedy and wide publicity increased significantly. Blogger 3 months after what happened under the Knife Surgeon, having increased the chest, which once again caused a wave of indignation by subscribers.

Didenko released a series of storage and posts with the participation of the young singer Josh. Young people have repeatedly provoked rumors about the novel, but later the blogger reported that he could not answer the feelings of a young fan.

In July 2020, the Folloviers of some thematic publics "merged" photos of a girl in the arms of a young man. The journalists found out that, presumably, the new boyfriend of Catherine became a novice actor Vlad Black. Later, Didenko confirmed information about the new novel, exposing a joint photo.

A new post caused a flurry of critics and accusations of torrentiality grief along her husband. Some users spoke out about the possible indignancy of Valentine's mother, others called not to blame the girl in the desire to live, there were those who considered this post next Haip in the hope of increasing the army of subscribers.

However, it soon became clear that the new relations of Catherine were serious: Vlad became friends with the children of Didenko and, according to her confession, helped her recover from the tragedy. And in November 2020, the blogger admitted that she was waiting for a child from Vlad: she made an express test and received a positive result. Unfortunately, the joy was premature: at the reception at the gynecologist, pregnancy was not confirmed. Moreover, as Didno admitted, the doctors suspect her oncological disease and insist on a serious examination. Fortunately, the diagnosis was not confirmed.

And on the eve of the 2021, it became known that Catherine and Vlad broke up. Allegedly, Didno drank a lot of alcohol and a man made her a remark. Swimming rearranged into a serious clarification of relations, as a result of which black insisted on parting. According to his own admission, Katerina was seriously worried about the gap and even intended to take revenge on the ex-beloved. Fortunately, a month later, the relationship with Vlad was improved.

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