Anna Hermann Birthday: 2020, Biography, Personal Life, Interesting Facts


On February 14, 1936, the famous singer Anna Hermann was born, the performer of the Echo Love songs, the white cherry, about whose life was removed the series "The Mystery of the White Angel". In the 2020th she could have been 84 years old.

Interesting facts from her biography and personal life - in material 24cm.


Anna Herman consider the Polish singer, but in fact there is not a drop of Polish blood. On the father's line, she is German, the mother is Holland. Such families did not think too much in the 30s. The singer's father was shot when she was only a year, and her mother, having been afraid of such a fate, went to Poland, where he signed a fictitious marriage with Pole and Thai corrected daughter's documents by writing that she was Polya.


Few people know that the wedding Anna Herman and her spouse Zbignev Tukholsky took place on her initiative. This happened in 1972.

"Take all the necessary documents and warn in the registry office, that we will not sign in Warsaw, but in Zakopane. Only no one should know - even relatives! I want to make this act in your life independently, "she said.


Herman and Tukholsky got married 12 years after dating. Zbigniew himself tied it with the fact that the stamp in the passport is simply a formality, and lovers are happy and without marriage. However, the mother of the artist said that Anna was simply not confident in his feelings.


At one of the interviews, after the birth of the Son, Anna met the Estonian journalist of Ants Paus. Hermann later called this conversation a real confession. Young people after that got together, began to correspond. In these letters, the performer called the interlocutor "Favorite". Tukholsky found out about it only after death (the reason is the bone cancer) chosen and very upset.

Culinary addiction

Anna Herman loved to cook, and one of the components she added almost everywhere, garlic. However, since it was impossible to get a good garlic in Poland, she took him with huge packages.

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