Sergey Blokhin - Photo, Biography, Plastic Surgeon, News, Personal Life 2021



Plastic surgery has long ceased to be luxurious for chosen. More and more people can afford to correct appearance and get rid of deficiencies with specialists. Professor Sergey Blokhin earned a reputation as an experienced and reliable master, and therefore the services of the surgeon enjoy the stars of the Russian show business. A man demonstrates professionalism not only in the office, but also on television, being an expert of a popular reality show about rejuvenation.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Nikolaevich was born in 1960 in the family of doctors. The profession of his parents predetermined his further journey, but if Mom was a otolaryngologist, and his father was a military doctor, the son chose a specialization, not the most obvious to the Soviet physician. After graduation, the young man left his native Petrozavodsk and went to Moscow, where he began to study at the First Medical University named after Sechenov.

After graduating from the university in 1986, the graduate went to the residency of the oncological center, where he began to engage in reconstructive surgery. The head and mentor of Sergei - Academician Nikolai Blokhin sent a young man as the border, where he mastered advanced experience in the field of plastic surgery. Returning from Germany and Brazil, he resumed work in the center, and also took up research work. In 1992, Blokhin became a candidate of medical sciences, defending the dissertation "The reconstruction of the breast."

After 8 years, Sergey Nikolayevich received a degree of doctor of science, continuing to develop the previously chosen topic. In parallel, he improved his skills of a plastic surgeon, spending hundreds of operations per year.

Personal life

The personal life of the plastic surgeon has developed successfully: with the future wife, he met in his youth. Irina Blokhin became the faithful girlfriend and mother of his children. The profession of women is also associated with medicine, for education she is pharmacist. The spouse resorted to the service of her husband, entrusted to the beloved suspender of the face. But the daughter he refused to operate, assigning the rhinoplasty to his colleague Igor Vulfu.
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The daughter wanted to increase the chest, but the father was opposed. A man argued this solution to the peculiarities of the anatomy of a girl who would prevent achieve the right effect. But Sergey Nikolayevich changes many stars and willingly, and does not hide the names and details of the manipulations carried out above them.


Blokhin began to carry out plastic operations in the late 1980s, becoming a pioneer among surgeons, practicing suspenders and breast augmentation. Specializing in mammoplasty and reconstructive surgery, a man became the author of monographs and articles published in Russia and abroad. His authorship has a patent for surgical treatment of breast cancer.

Sergey Nikolaevich works with other parts of the body, successfully operating patients with different requests. Together with Dr. Igor Vulf, Blokhin founded the center of plastic surgery and cosmetology "Frau Clinics", working on international standards.

Since 2014, Professor has become an expert from the show of the Channel One for 10 years younger, "where participants come to transform. The surgeon takes on a part associated with plastic operations, which are held in its clinic.

Sergey Blokhin now

Sergei Nikolaevich continues to lead the "Frau Clinics" network and conduct numerous operations. Clients of the surgeon are becoming stars and ordinary people, but prices for services for pocket are far from everyone. However, the queue to the reception to Blokhin is painted for many days ahead.

I was able to get to the Master's operation blogger and singer Adele Sergeyenkov, who in 2019 the professor replaced the old implants to new, smaller. A woman with a weight of 50 kg with a height of 164 cm admitted that it was tormented with an old increased breastfeeding of the 5th size, and now with a confident "troika" feels naturally and comfortable. On the work done and its results, Sergey told in "Instagram".

Here, a man regularly lays out photos and videos, which illustrate its professional achievements and advertise services, among which abdominoplasty, reconstruction and reduction of breasts, blepharoplasty, facelifting and much more. Full information about the biography and activities of the professor is available on the official website, where you can read the reviews of grateful patients. Among them, Alena Vodonaeva, decorated to reduce the chest, the size of which after childbirth began to deliver serious inconvenience to a woman.

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