Falcon - character biography, image and character, actor, photo


Character History

The Universe "Marvel" introduces fans with important famous characters and secondary heroes, which have not yet been awarded personal film. Falcon refers to the number of heroes who have repeatedly appeared in the frame next to Captain America, Black Panther and other Avengers. His biography is little known to fans of films, but comic lovers know everything about its origin and abilities.

History of creation

The first appearance of the character on the pages of the paper edition took place in 1969. The authors of the image, Stan Lee and Jin Polana, introduced the hero in the duet with captain America and allowed him to join the detachment of people with superconductances. After some time, Steve Englhart worked as a biography of the character. At first, he performed in the form of a social worker interested in youth movements and the life of teenagers. In an alternative version, a man was a thief, a criminal, the memories of which distorted the space cube. The second embodiment of the hero is practically not used "Marvel".

Falcon (ART)

Men's real name - Samuel Thomas Wilson. Appearing on the pages of comic about the "Avengers", he managed to visit the ranks of "defenders". The use of the hero was due to the fact that, in the idea of ​​authors, he is an African, and racial equilibrium is extremely important for the mass culture of Americans. Therefore, the character quickly gained popularity and discouraged the sympathy of the public. In 1983, the character acquired a personal series of four issues. The author of the publications became Jim Ocesley. Then hero again appeared in the thematic comics about the captain of America and the Avengers. The image of the falcon is used by the authors today.

Comics "Marvel"


The leaving from the New York district Harlem, Sam was a third child in the belonging family of Wilsons. The boy since childhood was interested in birds. He started the pigeons and coached them. Hero's father died when it was 16 years old. This event greatly influenced a teenager, and since then he decided to act only on conscience and create good. After a couple of years, Sam's mother died. The death of parents led to a spiritual fall of the guy. He became a thief, took himself a nickname grip and turned into a criminal authority.

When I am flight to Brazil, Sam crashed in the Caribbean Islands. There, a man faced representatives of the group of red skull. Villains planned to use their victim in the fight against the captain of America. Their leader Schmidt used the space cube and endarily Sam's ability to communicate with birds. Wilson, having received superpowers, bought a falcon and together with the bird and captain America defeated the gangsters.

Falcon and Captain America in comics

Becoming the superhero assistant, Sam took the name of the falcon and decided to ensure order on the streets of his hometown. For some time, until Captain America was considered missing, Falcon wore his suit and supported the image of the hero. A man met a black panther and received special equipment from him and a suit with wings, allowed to fly.

Sam's former partners were aware of his new life and wanted to kill the accomplice, but the hero managed to survive and give enemies. When cooperation with captain America came to an end, Wilson joined the squad "Sch.I.T.". Combining unusual hobbies with the activities of the social worker, Sam managed to prevent the attempt on President Reagan, fought by the villain by the name of the guard and the opponent on the nickname of electro. Sam planned to become a member of the Congress to clear his name and restore the reputation after the criminal past, but he had to be replaced by Captain America.

Alay witch

Alaty witch, who mastered the spell on Wilson, was the reason why he returned to past atrocities. Again, becoming a criminal, he pushed his superhero friends from himself. The awareness of what is happening has returned when Captain America accepted the Poule's intended falcon. The hero returned to the allies and participated in the search for a winter soldier.

Among the special abilities of Sam Wilson - telepathy, enhanced by space cube. He understands the birds and sees the images broadcast by them. Master of hand-to-hand combat, he served as a paratrooper, and the additional skills of the fight was received from the captain of America. Sam is easily given acrobatic tricks, it feels perfectly in the air. A suit brought by a black panther from the vacancies is equipped with wings and motor, navigation system and Wibranium coating.


Actor Anthony Maci in the role of falc

The characteristic of the comic book hero coincides with the character embodied on the movie screen. Anthony Maki, embodied in the cinema of Samuel Wilson's former paratrooper, has similar features of appearance. The hero was the partner of the captain of America in confrontation with Gidra and participated in search of Barnes. He performed as part of the Avengers along with superheroes when the team left the Iron man.

Wilson participated in the fight against Tanos, who gathered the stones of infinity, and attended the battle with the villain in the vacancies. At the time of the transformation of half the universe in the dust falcon fell victim to Tanos.

Falcon - character biography, image and character, actor, photo 1047_6

Actor Anthony Maki played Sokol in films "First Avenger: Another War", "Avengers: Era Altron", "Ants Man", "First Avenger: confrontation" and "Avengers: the war of infinity." The artist's photo decorates the covers of glossy magazines after the release of each thematic movie circuit. Fans made it by the acting face of art fan fiction on the plot of comics

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