Habits that damage the skin: scrubs, masks, cream


The skin is the organ of the human body, which performs many functions: thermoregulation, maintenance of water balance, protection against mechanical damage and ultraviolet radiation, assimilation of useful trace elements and getting rid of side. The beauty industry is developing leaving, actively introduces cosmetic procedures to maintain the health of the epidermis.

Nevertheless, it will help to avoid problems and premature aging will help the material of the editorial board 24cm about the daily habits damaging the skin.

Oh, dusty new world!

5 habits that damage the skin

Mobile devices are the abode of microbes, because during the day there are not only in their hands, but also the pockets of clothes, bag, on the tables. On Android developed the Locket application, which made it possible to find out that on average, the person removes the lock from the mobile phone screen is 110 times a day. It is advisable to periodically wipe the gadget to avoid skin and hand skin problems. Harm the epidermis and late replacement of bed linen. In addition to dead skin cells, fabrics accumulate pathogenic microorganisms.

Another factor capable of damage to the epidermis is clothing. In order not to interfere with the skin of the thermoregulation and metabolism, it is advisable to buy things from natural fabrics in the wardrobe: cotton, flax, wool.

Oh yes, food!

If the leather is treacherously peeling, covered with acne and acne, and masks, creams and scrubs do not help, then the cause of such a reaction can be power. Alcohol, sweet and flour harm not only the state of health and the number of kilograms on scales, but also skin cover.

For example, the morning cup of coffee with milk is often the cause of edema, bags under the eyes, the appearance of white eels. And the harmless glass of wine contributes to the early appearance of wrinkles.

It is undesirable to forget that drinking water has a positive effect on elasticity, skin elasticity, slows down the aging processes.

Water treatments

5 habits that damage the skin

Paradoxically, but frequent water treatments (morning shower, swimming in the pool, wash, washing, hand washing) do not moisturize the skin, but cause irritation, the feeling of strutty and itch. The fact is that tap water contains chlorine, harmful to epidermis compounds of metals. Nevertheless, water procedures effectively purify skin coverings. So you have to stock with moisturizing creams, tonic and scrubs for washing.

Leaving money

When selecting leaving funds, it is necessary to focus on skinny features (type, age), observe all the steps of its processing (cleansing, toning, moisturizing, power, protection), study the composition (the presence of peptides, hyaluronic acid, proteins, antioxidants). When cleaning the skin with scrubs, it is important not to overdo: excessive use of funds violates natural protective mechanisms of the skin, thinks and thus harms her.

What is in the cosmetic?

5 habits that damage the skin

Makeup is present in the life of every woman. Decorative cosmetics toxic in composition and can harm the skin of the face. For example, a tonal cream that hides the shortcomings, pollutes the pores, disrupts the metabolism and contributes to premature aging. If without makeup it is impossible to do, then minimize the harm - real. It is undesirable to negative and washing the meycapa before bedtime.

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