The best phrases for dating a guy


Men do not know how to read women's thoughts. You can surprise the opposite floor with simplicity, without foggy hints and grimles. About phrases that best use for dating - in the editorial material 24cm.

Clear instructions

First step: 10 best phrases for dating a guy

Duty phrases, like "hello. How are you? "," Where have you been all this time? " Or "We have not met before?", Outdated. A man is afraid of hints and avoids communicating with a lady that manifests such an initiative.

Modern girl declares her readiness for communication openly. Phrases for dating, calling for action, should be understood, without additional hidden meaning.

"Let's drink a cup of coffee."

Hearing such a phrase, the guy understands that in front of him confident in his charm girl who is polite and not compacon.

"Let's call. Here is my phone number".

Join the phrase with a smile. And in order to give an intrigue situation, go through the "flying" walking or depicting a stranger, which suddenly appeared and also suddenly disappeared.

Selection without choosing

Such an approach will fit the girls confident. Offering call back, you specify when it is convenient to do. And no psychological pressure: the choice remains for the chosen.

"When is it convenient to convene you - in the morning or after lunch?"

In fact, the goal of the girl is a call, and when it takes place, it does not matter. So for a man preserves the illusion of choice.

About the weather

Oddly enough, but the best phrases for tying a dating still remains for the weather. According to researchers, phrases that distinguish intelligence and addiction to a healthy lifestyle are considered useful for dating.

"Today is wet. There are no better weather for training. "

Emphasize the instinct leader

First step: 10 best phrases for dating a guy

Men essentially leaders. Do not deny them the pleasure of managing ourselves or be in the eyes of a woman alpha male.

"I beg. Make the view that we are waiting for me. This type pursues me 5 minutes. "

The phrase will work, because the advocate instinct wakes up in the guy. By the way, if there is no urgent plans for the evening, you can expect that the cavalier spends the house's entrance.

"I feel bad about it. What would you choose? "

With such a conversation in the store a man is difficult to refuse to help the girl.

"They say that this smartphone has a powerful camera ... What do you say?" Or, as an alternative: "Speak, this author writes exclusively for intellectuals?"

Here, the conversation with the guy will start around the works of the author or the features of the gadget. Support the conversation, share your impressions and do not forget to exchange phones.

The crown method, which united not one thousand couples of lovers, is:

"Do not tell me how to get ...?"

Help a confused woman is a gift to male pride.

Acquaintance on the Internet

Familiarity on the Internet has become the norm. Take a conversation with a man who is interested in the original phrase.

"Sky, sun, playground ... and what is seen from your window?" Or "I accidentally saw you on the page ... I want to ask ..."

A man with a sense of humor will continue to communicate. And if the conversation moved to a serious tone, it means that either the interlocutor is not in the spirit, or does not want to get acquainted.

Japanese spell

First step: 10 best phrases for dating a guy

A group of Japanese psychologists brought a formula that helps to take the first step and increases the likelihood of continued relationships. Enough if you add a stranger in a conversation formulation: "In the next year we will laugh together on the same day."

And although Europeans did not believe in the Japanese miracle, the spell, as a rule, works. The main thing is to believe.

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