James Barry - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Books, Death



Like many other storytectors - Hans Christian Andersen, Lewis Carroll, Selma Lagerleof, Scottish Prose and the playwright James Barry did not get his children. In the case of the creator of Peter Pan, the impression was explained by the fact that the author, as well as the hero, did not want to become an adult.

Childhood and youth

The writer looking sad in all photos, was born in the Scottish Tea David Barry in the spring of 1860. James was a tenth child born a housewife Margaret Oglvi, but two sisters, Elizabeth and Agnes, died before the boy's appearance.

Of all the brothers and sisters, the writer lived the most long life, although he was low and fragile (the growth of the writer in 1931 was 161 cm). In 1867, on the eve of his 14th birthday, Brother James died - Mother David's mother's favorite.

To facilitate Mother's Mount, the future writer began to imitate David and wear his clothes. As a result, Margaret comforted, imagining that his favorite son was left forever to not leave the mother, becoming an adult. The biography of the mother, uneducated, but inquired and romantic woman, who has given the education to all children, Barry described in the work of "Margaret Ogilvi".

In training, James helped his older brother and sister - Alexander and Mary Ann, who taught the Academy of Glasgow at the School. In addition, Barry graduated from the Academy of Damfris and the Edinburgh University. In 1882, the guy got a correspondent to the newspaper "Nottingham Gornel".

Personal life

The personal life of the writer is difficult to describe how happy or unhappy. James was friends with many great contemporaries: writers by Jerome Clap Jerome, Bernard Shaw, Herbert Wels and Arthur Conan Doyle, travelers-researchers Joseph Thomson and Robert Scott.

Thanks to the creator of the image of Sherlock Holmes, Barry's libretto was replenished with the Libretto of the comic opera "Jane Annie" and several stories about Sherlock Holmes. James is one of the seven addresses of the death letters of Robert Scott. The Antarctician researcher asked the writer to take care of widows and children who did not return from the expedition of polar shoes, and the writer fulfilled the request.

In 1894, Barry married Actress Mary Encell, but there were no intimate relationships and children. The marriage ended in a divorce in 1909 due to Roman Mary with James's younger colleague Gilbert Cannan.

In 1897, Barry, walking in the Kensington Park, met a pregnant woman with a third child of Silvia Llulelin Davis. A woman accompanied her older sons, George and John's weather, and their nanny. The writer made friends with Silvia, her spouse Artur and their children - Peter, Michael and Nicholas soon were added to George and John.

James entertained the boys with fairy tales and the ability to move the ears, became a comrade of their games, and after the death of parents - a guardian. The story of an unusual friendship director Mark Forster recreated in the cinema - in the picture "Magic Country" The image of Barry embodied Johnny Depp. The life of three of the Llawely Davis brothers ended tragically: George died in war in 1915, Michael drowned in 1921, and St. Petersburg rushed under the train.


Barry is the author of many successful plays, novels and stories. However, James became famous, in the 1913th Baronet, and in the 1928th President of the Society of British writers, thanks to the cycle about Peter Pen. The character, first that appeared in adult Barry Barry "White Bird", established monuments. Bernard Shaw called the play "Peter Peng, or a boy who did not want to grow" a work combining fun for children and complex metaphors for their parents.


James died in the London Nursing House in the summer of 1937, 40 days after his 77th anniversary. The cause of the death of the writer was the inflammation of the lungs.

Barry left a detailed testament. Most of the property and copyright departed to the secretary of James Cynthia Asquith, subsequently became the writer. Annual payments for the ex-wife of the writer lifelibly translated.

John, Peter and Nicholas Lluelina Davisi received a part of the inheritance. 500 pounds of sterling got the Church of Bauer in Catenyssa to commit memorial services on James Winter - the bridegroom sisters Barry, who died a month before the wedding.

All copyrights of the books about St. Petersburg Pan The writer bequeathed a children's hospital located on Great Ormond Street. 50 years after the death of the writer, the British Parliament made these rights indefinite. All deductions from the films and theatrical performances of Peter Pan continue to enter the clinic.


  • 1888 - "Better to die"
  • 1891 - "My evening with Sherlock Holmes"
  • 1893 - "Dear Sherlock Holmes"
  • 1896 - "Margaret Ogilvi"
  • 1896 - "Sentimental Tommy"
  • 1900 - "Tommy and Grisel"
  • 1901 - "Quolity Street"
  • 1902 - "Island of Equality"
  • 1902 - "White Bird"
  • 1904 - "Peter Peng, or a boy who did not want to grow"
  • 1906 - "Peter Peng in Kensington Gardens"
  • 1911 - "Peter and Vandy"
  • 1912 - Rosalinda
  • 1923 - "Care of co-authors"
  • 1932 - "Farewell, Miss Julia Logan"


  • 1927 - "Quolity Street"
  • 1937 - "Quolity Street"
  • 1953 - "Peter Peng"
  • 1991 - "Captain Hook"
  • 2002 - "Peter Peng 2: Return to Netland"
  • 2003 - "Peter Peng"
  • 2004 - "Magic Country"
  • 2011 - "Neverland"
  • 2012 - "Once in a fairy tale"

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