Vasilisa Mikulishna (character) - pictures, epics, Stavr Godinovich, heroine, character, image


Character History

Vasilisa Mikulishna is the epic heroine, a woman-boys of the non-real power and at the same time unprecedented beauty. It is believed that the legend is based on real events.

History of character creation

According to archaeologists, the Slavic Amazon women who own the sword really existed, and the prototype of Vasilisa Mikulishna, most likely served as one of them. The mention of the warriors who accompanied their husbands in the campaigns and kneaded their shoulders to shoulder were preserved. The burial of female warns, also called raspberries (from the word "field"), were found on the territory of Ukraine in 1971, and earlier - in the Rostov and Ryazan regions.

Biography and image of Vasilisa Mikulishna

Father Vasilisa - Bogatyr Mikula Selyaninovich. Her younger sister Nastasya Mikulishna later became the wife of Dobryni Nikitich. About the early biography of the heroine, besides her origin, nothing is known. When the girl grew, she was married to Stava Godinovich from Chernigov.

In the eponym, the appearance of Vasilisa appearance is reflected - luxurious braids, the face "like white snow", sobular eyebrows and "clear eyes".

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According to the epic story, the husband of Heroine Stasr on the feast at Prince Vladimir began to praise his wife, which is not only amazingly good, but also "Schitra Muda with a robust heart." At the same time, he unallocably responded about the princely squad and hinted that his spouse in military business was not less than in the household, and could easily defeat any fighter. The speeches of the subject accepted and at the same time interested the prince. Having put on a bouncer in the dungeon, he sent two heroes for the mysterious wife, Alyosha Popovich and Dobryna Nikitich.

Beautiful Vasilisa, having heard about the trouble, in which the husband fell, cropped braids and herself came to meet the messengers, changing the Tatar ambassador. The prince first did not suspect the prodap and kindly accepted "good well", arranged a feast, but his wife apraxia was involved in Vladimir's ear, that a woman was hiding under the distortion of the ambassador: she understood it on a "quiet right", soft manners and what she "hid Kneeztsy ", sitting on the shop.

The prince did not believe his wife and decided to experience the ambassador to give himself. Vasilis had to bathe in a hot bath, fight with other heroes and beat the prince to the card (in the cartoon chess). She was tested with honor and finally shot down Vladimir, taking his daughter's daughter to his daughter. Nothing remained, as agreed.

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At the pre-wedding party, the hedgehog was clearly sad, and to cheer her, Vladimir ordered to deliver from the dungeon of Stavra, who heard a talented Huslar. According to another version, the Vasilis itself demanded him to lead him. Having learned a disguised wife, the Stavr rushed to her. The expositible woman in all-dry announced a deception and demanded from Vladimir Freedom for her husband. The amazed prince admitted that his warrior boasted his wife is not in vain, and soon the spouses together went home.

The episodes ends the return of Stavil and Vasilisa under native shelter. This heroine is opposed to "higher light" and state affairs: no matter how great its strength is, the interests of Vasilis are primarily focused on the family and its security. Woman-boys is not trying to "make a career" at the princely yard, although Vladimir, no doubt, would wish the warriper replenished the ranks of his squad. She does not seek to demonstrate the nature and power, it is not going to defend Russia from enemies and is not looking for adventures - it is more important for her home.

It is believed that the basis of Vasilis is based on historical facts: allegedly "Virgin of unprecedented beauty" one day really cunning resulted a husband from the dungeon, where he fell for the provinces and political disagreements. The events described took place a hundred years earlier than in the eponym - in 1118: the case happens at the court of Vladimir Monomakh, and not Vladimir Red Sunshine. Stavr with his wife fled secretly, but then still returned to the prince and everyone confessed to him. The ruler, wincing the tricks of the subordinates, not only forgiven both, but also bestowed his mercy, allowing the Stavser to trade in the capital duty free, which hints that the hero belonged to the merchant, and not a boyars.

Vasilisa Mikulishna in cartoons

In 1975, the Soyuzmultfilm Studio released a drawing film about Vasilis Mikulishna. He became the second director's work of Roman Davydov, who was engaged in the filmms of the epic and historical plots. He voiced the heroine Anna Kamenkov. The cartoon is distinguished by a stylized picture, a good humor and slightly caricature characters.

The image of Vasilisa Mikulishna, Davydov turned out to be loving and selfless, but in general the characteristic of the character differs from the epic interpretation. Here she is not a hero, but just an intelligent woman who has invented and embodied plan to save her husband. She is brave, but it is hard to part with his femininity: cutting off the luxurious braids, Vasilisa cries bitterly. Sentimentality, however, does not interfere with it is deftly controlled with weapons and horses, shoot onion and lead smart conversations with the prince. At the end of the heroine, he returns her husband in exchange for money, equivalent to Dani for 12 years, which she wrapped off the prince after successful testing.


- Hello, my love, Vasilisa Mikulishna! Only where are your braids blond? - And I, my beloved, my beloved, pulled you out of the cellars! - Something sadly to me, the prince. Ugly. You do not have the Houchrs, not Sverborn, - Wolves have been waving! - Does you want to try with me, play chess, the game is overseas?


  • The epics "About the beautiful Vasilis Mikulishna"
  • Epics "Stavr Godinovich"


  • 1975 - "Vasilisa Mikulishna"

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