Film "Queen of the benzokolontka" (1961): L'pai, Roles, Facts, Episodes, Actors


The film "Queen of the benzokolontka", shot on the color film in 1962, is one of the favorite film engines of Soviet and Russian television viewers, which has become a classic and within a few decades does not disappear from the screens. The editorial office of 24cmi amounted to a selection of interesting facts about the filming of the picture and actors, as well as kinolyaps made by the authors of the film.

How to removed the famous comedy

The shooting of the film was failed from the first time - the directorate of the film studio did not like the initial result, as a result, the leadership changed the director and the executor of the leading role. The first director was Nikolai Litus, and Alexey Mishurin became the second.

On the first actress approved on the main role

The director ignored the recommendations of the Khsoveta members who saw in the role of Lyudmila goodowequer precisely the hope of Rumyantsev, and approved the beginning of the Estonian actress Lyuk. However, the footnished material criticized the leadership of the film studio, Luyk was removed from the role, and the project was presserved until the next summer.

Where they filmed the film

The film takes place at the filling station, and the creators planned to organize the shooting process on the present gas station in the city of Piryatin Poltava region. However, the lighting equipment did not comply with the requirements of fire safety, and the film crew had to build a layout of refueling, where they shot the main scenes. The present gas station and the water tower from the film exist and in our time and are a city attraction.

Curly on the set, which entered the film

"Butaforskaya" AZS was located next to the present and was its exact copy. Once the driver was mistaken and demanded from Rumyantsev to urgently fix it with a car. The actress explained that the cinema was removed here. The driver apologized, and Rumyantseva gave him an autograph and orange. The scene was decided to include in the plot, but instead of an orange in the frame used an apple.

Rooster on the set

In one episode, Lyudmila at refueling meets the crude rooster. To do this, they invited a circus bird and a trainer, but it was not possible to force the pennate artist "Cooking". In a joke, someone offered to "drink" the bird and Petukhu Dali to try alcohol. After that, the singing rooster did not shut for a long time.

Invalid facts and "Lypa"

Comedy genre allows some inaccuracies and discrepancies with reality. In the "Queen of Gas Station" there are quite a few inconsistencies and mistakes that are noticeable attentive viewer:

  • Gasoline At that time, drivers of enterprises received on the coupons, which issued an enterprise, and did not pay for the fuel in cash. Therefore, the scene about the forgetful driver of BelAZ - artistic fiction;
  • In the film on the gas station, the drivers of passenger and trucks are refilled at the same time, while in reality there were different refills for this;
  • The picture made a mass of non-compliance with decorations and the surrounding environment during the change of angles and plans.

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