Jewish holiday Purim-2020: March 9, holiday, date, essence, Israel, Judaism


Purim is a Jewish holiday, the history of the emergence of which is rooted during the time of the ancient Persian kingdom. The Jewish people celebrate Purim as a symbol of victory of wisdom and love over evil, in memory of the salvation of ancient Jews from destroying them by the Persian Torad, Aman during the reign of Tsar Arksenksx. Events are described in the Old Testament and in the Biblical Book of Esphyri.

In 2020, Purim is celebrated from 9 to 10 March. On the main traditions of the holiday Purim and interesting facts - in the material 24cm.

As noted in Israel

Mark the holiday starts with reading in the synagogue of the evening prayer and the books of Esphyri at sunset (in Israel, the day begin in the evening). In the morning, continue to read prayers, and those present at the same time are noise with musical rattles (grag gerors), whistling and hurried with their feet, expressing hatred for Aman when mentioning his name.

In Israel, where you usually do not approve of drinking alcoholic beverages, it is allowed to have fun and drink wine in Purim. In Talmud, it was said that the wines need to drink so much so that the person stop distinguishing whether he would say the words of hate to Amana or praising Mordechai, who, together with the queen, the Esphyri consider the Saviers of Jews.


On the festive day, Purim, the Jews adopted a special delicacy of Homentashne ("Ears of Aman"), which children love very much - special cookies or pies with stuffing from poppy, nuts and dried fruits or jams. Patty, cookies and other sweets are made to treat relatives and loved ones, send delicious gifts to relatives, as well as treat in need of poor people. Also in Purim should help the poorest women and give them the necessary things.

During the festive feast, which begins immediately after the morning prayer and lasts before sunset, Purimschpil passes - a humorous representation or scenes, which sometimes turn into theatrical productions with numerous actors, songs and music. During the days of the Middle Ages on urban areas, the stuffed by Aman, which after burned.

There is also a custom associated with changing men in women's clothing, which is allowed to Purim, but is prohibited by Jewish law on ordinary days.

On this day, carnival processions and masquerades are arranged in the cities of Israel, where participants wear masks and bright unusual costumes. In the streets, children are walking with ratchets, which this day is supposed to have fun, laugh, scream and make noise, expressing joy about salvation from the death of the Jewish people.

Interesting Facts

  1. The history of the holiday is associated with the name of the cunning slander of Aman, Judea Mordechie and Queen Esphyr. After Mordechai did not stand on his knees before Aman, he told the king that in his kingdom there is a recurrence, who does not want to worship the ruler. Aman deceit forced the king to sign a decree on the destruction of Jews. But Esphyr, the wife of the king and the Jewishness by origin, achieved from the ruler of the new decree, according to which the Jews could apply self-defense, and the insidious Aman and his sons eventually executed.
  2. The date of Purim changes annually, also the day of the celebration differs in different cities of Israel. In some places, the holiday celebrates one or two days, which do not fall on Saturday, and in Jerusalem, they celebrate Triple Purim, which lasts from Friday to Sunday.
  3. The word "Purim" translates from the Akkadian language as "lot" and is due to the fact that Aman offered the king with the help of a lot to determine the day when the Jews can be destroyed. The lot fell on the 13th day of the month of Adar.
  4. Before the holiday of Jews, follow the post. And on the holiday to fast and be forbidden to be forbidden.
  5. On a festive day, Purim is carried out by the rite of sanctification and dedication to the rabbis - Thanaz.

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