Women bodybilders: Russia, photos, beautiful, Natalia Trukhina


The history of female bodybuilding leaves the origins at the beginning of the 20th century. During the existence, the discipline was experiencing ups and downs, public attacks and admiration. The peak of popularity of bodybuilding fell in 1980, and in the 2020s, women prefer fitness, but some athletes are still increasing the inconceivable muscle mass. A selection of famous women-bodybuilders - in the editorial material of 24cmi.

Oksana Grishin

Fans celebrate that Oksana Grishina is a beautiful girl with a muscular body. As a child, the Russian bodybuilder was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, until 2004, "pumped up" the body for bodybuilding competitions, and then fully fond of fitness. Oksana Grishina lives in California, produces its own clothing line and accessories OG and works as a personal fitness coach. The athlete married a personal mentor in Sport Boris Ivanova.

Natalia Trujina

Natalia Trujina (Kuznetsova) is a unique forces athlete. Amazon (so also called it) possesses five world records, and after all, in 14 years he came to the gym in order to increase its own body weight due to excessive thin. With the future husband, Vladislav Kuznetanov, Natalia met on the Internet. The spouse supports his favorite bodybuilder and flies with her at competitions. In Instagram account, Natalia drunk half a million admirers who monitor the achievements of Amazon in professional sports.

Julia Vince.

"The girl with the face of Barbie and the body of Hulk" - so called Julia Vince in September 2013 in the media. The fragile beauty of the face and the incredible power of the body glorified the athlete not only in Russia, but also abroad. Julia denies the use of steroids and in an interview with the British newspaper Daily Mail notes: "Young girls make a big mistake when used steroids, because they radically change their voice and face." The Master of Sports of International Class on Powerlifting in Instagram-Account is divided with almost a million audience with photographs of his incredible body and reveals the secrets of training.

Natalia Batova

Natalia Batova - Russian Master of Sports of International Class, Media Personality and Mom. Having been married once and disrupted solitude destructive power, the girl left bodybuilding and in 2007 she gave birth to Sofia girl, the name of the father of which remains secret. It is worth noting that before, and after pregnancy, Natalia was engaged in the hall, but in 2020 simply supports the figure, and does not increase muscle mass.

Alina Pop

Romanian bodybuilder Alina Pop is professionally engaged in bodybuilding since 19 years. All his life, the girl devoted sports, so personal life smoothly flowed into the background, leaving behind the seal of a failed marriage. Alina Pod lives in the United States, takes part in the competition and works by a personal trainer in a fitness club.

Irene Andersen

Irene Andersen is a Swedish athlete, enters the class of professional bodybuilders since 2006. The girl in childhood was keen on Thai boxing and kickboxing, but Bodybuchism believes the vocation. In addition to success in the sports field, Irene brings up three children and even time to lead business.

Yaksen Orikuin

To everyone who admires the body of Arnold Schwarzenegger, who in 2020 will be 73 years old, it is worth paying attention to the Women's "version" of the actor and bodybuilder - the Venezuelan bodybuilder of Yakseni Orikuin. On September 3, 2019, the winner "Miss Olympia 2005" noted the 53th anniversary in the gym. A woman is married, brings up a teenage son and still professionally engaged in bodybuilding.

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