Movie "Number One": Plot, Actors, Interesting Facts


March 19, 2020 - the date of release in Russia of the Criminal Comedy "Number One" director Mikhail Solvnikov with Ksenia Sobchak and Philippe Yankovsky in high roles. In the material 24cm - about the plot of the movie, actors and roles, as well as interesting facts about the shooting.


The famous kidnapper of the works of art Felix on nicknamed "Number One" is undermining the next grand robbery along with a newcomer in this area, a guy named Artem. The purpose of the kidnappers is the legendary expensive masterpiece, a picture called "No. 1 (Royal Red and Blue)" abstractionist Mark Rothko, which is kept in the gallery of Felix's ex-wife and her new spouse.

Artem accidentally meets with a marina girl, the acquaintance will develop a guy into love. But the hero does not even suspect that Marina is the police captain and the investigator, which has long since dreamed of catching the famous laptop of masterpieces on the hot.


In the film, the main roles played:

  • Philippe Yankovsky - Felix (the famous kidnapper works of art);
  • Dmitry Voskin - Artem (beginner robber);
  • Ksenia Sobchak - the former wife of Felix (Schever and the owner of the fashionable art gallery, where the expensive work of the art "number one" is stored);
  • Rina Grishina - Marina (investigator who hunts Felix).

Also in the film filmed:

  • Nikolay Schreiber;
  • Maria Lobanova;
  • Andrei Fedortsov;
  • Igor Mirkurbanov.

Interesting Facts

  1. "How to steal the picture" - the slogan of the film.
  2. Actress Rina Grishina, who played in the film by Marina's investigator, not the first time the police form on the screen. In the film "Policeman from ruble", Rina Grishin also plays Captain Police Alice Rybkin. But, according to the actress, it is absolutely different and opposite outwardly and internally characters.
  3. The shooting of the film was held in the estate of Saltykov-Chertkovy in Moscow and the signs of the northern capital (Petropavlovsk fortress, St. Isaac's Cathedral, the Academy of Arts, Prisons and Vintage Mansions). Several scenes were removed on the roof of the Baltic Home.
  4. The heirs of the American abstractionist artist Mark Rothko gave the creators of the film Official consent to the use of the name of the picture "Number 1". Seven copies of the masterpiece created for filming.
  5. The original masterpiece of art in the style of abstract expressionism created by the artist in 1954 is also the name "Royal Red and Blue". The picture is sold to a private collection in 2012 with auction for $ 75 million.
  6. For the actor Filippe Yankovsky, who used to play in the film of dramatic characters, the role of Felix became the first comedy role.
  7. In one of the filming days on the site, 15 fire trucks were involved, of which 2 left the challenges.
  8. The premiere of the film "Number One" was originally appointed on March 5, and later she was postponed to March 1920.

Movie "Number One" - Trailer:

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