Embet Davidz - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Embet Davidz is an American actress who conquered the talented game of the heart of many viewers. The performer can be fully called a universal - a woman masterfully gets in diverse roles. Bright appearance, fine features of the face, height 173 cm and a small weight, as well as professional acting skills make an artist in demand among the directories.

Childhood and youth

Actress, the full name of which - Amblem Jean Davidz, was born on August 11, 1965 in the city of Lafiett. The girl's family was from South Africa, and soon after the birth of daughters, parents moved to Africa. She studied in the Glen school in South Africa, and then became a student at the University of Rhodes in Greiamstown. Already then the embet began to be interested in theatrical scene and the world of art.

Personal life

The actress does not hide the details of personal life from the press. It is known that in the summer of 2002, the performer took place a wedding. Davidz's husband became lawyer Jason Slone, a couple of children. In the year of marriage, the spouses were born a daughter, which Charlotte Emily called. In 2005, a woman presented the wife of the son of Asher Dilan.


Before filming the cinema, the young actress tried the forces in the theater. Davidz played in classic plays in the theater in Cape Town. The performance of the performer was highly appreciated by theatrical critics. In 1988, an embet film was held. The girl performed a role in the horror movie "Mutator". A year later, the artist was sampled for the role of Verder Karen in the popular African television series "Private Life".

In 1992, the Artist's filmography was replenished with serious dramatic work in the 19th night tape. Here, the performer sewed to embody on the screen the image of Van Dyak, the girl who became the victim of rape and lost due to this hearing. In the same year, finding the agent, the actress moved to Los Angeles. She received a major role in the horror movie "Army Darkness" directed by Sam Raymi. Also, the embet plays several episodic roles.

A talented game of a young performer attracted the attention of Stephen Spielberg. Davidz was invited to shoot a tape "Schindler List", where the girl introduced the image of Helen Hirsch, a Jewish maid. This work has become a turning point in the creative biography of the artist - after the release of the film, different film companies began to offer their roles in the film.

Since the 2000s, the performer is filmed in popular American TV shows, such as the "clinic", "Anatomy of Passion", "Raising California", but the Most of the Film Affitua makes art films. So, the viewers fell in love with the woman's image of Natasha Glajlville in the film "Bridget Jones Diary". Here the actress was able to reveal the talent in the comedy role.

Annikon Blumquist, the heroine of the cult tape "Girl with a dragon tattoo" became one of the bright dramatic roles in the work of Davidz. In addition, the performer received an invitation to be held in two parts of the American fantastic blockbuster "New Spiderman". Basically in the Pictures of the 2010th, the woman appears in the images of secondary characters, nevertheless, the embet is able to demonstrate in each of the heroines a unique character, behavior features and more.

Embet Davidz now

In 2019, the actress continues to be filmed in the cinema. The bright work of this year was the role of Page Kessler in the comedy TV series "Morning Show". Here, with her, such stars like Jennifer Aniston, Steve Karel, Reese Witherspoon, took part in one set. Now the artist does not lead an "instagram", not removed nude or in swimsuits, as it did on photo shoots in youth.


  • 1989 - "Mutator"
  • 1992 - "19th night"
  • 1992 - "Army of Darkness"
  • 1993 - "Schindler List"
  • 1996 - "Matilda"
  • 1999 - "Mansfield Park"
  • 2001 - "Bridget Jones Diary"
  • 2002 - "Imperial Club"
  • 2011 - "Girl with a dragon tattoo"
  • 2012 - "New Spiderman"
  • 2014 - "New Spider Man. High voltage"

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