Bernie Sanders - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Presidential Candidate 2021



Bernie Sanders is one of the candidates for the presidency of the United States in 2020. For 50 years in politics, he has established himself as an honest, who is not indifferent to the future of the managerial country. High rates of Bernie Sanders among the indigenous population and a program aimed at raising the standard of living may well provide him with the desired position in the White House.

Childhood and youth

Byrnard Sanders biography began on September 8, 1941 in Brooklyn, the most populous Boro New York, in the family of Eli Sanders and Dorothy Glassberg. His parents Jews: Father - a native of Poland, and the mother is the daughter of immigrants. By nationality politician - American.

On April 25, 1935, the elder brother of Bernie Sanders Lawrence was born, he was Larry. Now he is also interested in politics and is part of the Green Party.

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Senator studied at the Brooklyn College, then at the University of Chicago, who graduated from the Bachelor of Humanities in Political Science in 1964.

In the youth of Bernie Sanders often participated in strikes and rallies. For example, in 1962, he joined the "seating" of Protestants against segregation in universities, and in 1963 he stood up in the column "March to Washington for workplaces and freedom." Once the policy was even fined $ 25 for resistance to arrest.

Personal life

In 1964, Deborah Shiling became the wife of Bernie Sanders. Their personal life was not palpted, and 2 years later, the marriage collapsed, not bringing offspring.

Already being the mayor of Burlington, Vermont, the politician met Jane O'Miari, who became his wife in 1988. Together with his wife's lovers, her children from the first marriage Dave, Karina and Heather Driscoll became close to Bernie. Politician perceives them not as a stepper and steppers, but as a blood son and daughters.

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Bernie Sanders and Jane O'Miara honeymoon spent in Yaroslavl, USSR. Initially, the cause of the tribe was the program.

Yaroslavl, with the architecture and saturated cultural life, wanted to receive many cities of the West in partners and a rich cultural life, including Berlington. Only when the thoughts about the wedding, Sanders and O'Miara decided to combine a business trip with a honeymoon.

In the memoirs "Outside the White House" (1997), Bernie Sanders wrote so much about a trip to the USSR: "Believe me, it was a very strange honeymoon." The spouses batted in the bath brooms, slept on traditional Russian feasts, dressed in the caps-Ushanki. " By the way, Berlington and Yaroslavl cities-twigs still became.

Bernie Sanders has the son of Levi Sanders. He was born in extramarital relations with Susan Campbell Mott in 1969.

Senator at a respectful age, which greatly affects health. So, in October 2019, at the election event in Las Vegas, Nevada, Bernie Sanders was hospitalized with pain in the chest. Completed operation. Later, the doctors confirmed that the politician survived a heart attack.

Since then, the state of health Bernie Sanders leaves much to be desired. He often complains about discomfort in the chest. However, the politicians look very cheerfully in the photographs.

In addition to the heart attack, in November 2015, the United States senator moved an operation to remove hernia, and in December 2016 he found cancer tumors on the cheek, which managed to localize.

Career and politics

Bernie Sanders political career began in 1971 as part of the Union of Freedom Party. He was put forward to the candidates for the post of governor of the state of Vermont in 1972 and 1976, as well as to the post of senator in 1972 and 1974. All the election campaigns of the American lost and in 1979 came out of the party.

In February 1981, with the support of a close friend of Richard Schuharman, Bernie Sanders won the election of the mayor of Burlington, overtaking the operating chapter of the city of Gordon's package for only 10 votes.

In 1987, Bernie Sanders called one of the best mayors of the United States. And all because he saved from the industrial development of Lake Shamplane and balanced Burlington's budget. Politician left the post in April 1989 to climb higher.

In 1990, Bernie Sunders entered the Chamber of US representatives as a self-confineler. The case is almost unprecedented: for 40 years, the places were only taken by the party. The Washington Post and other publications dubbed the policy of the "first folk chosen one."

Bernie Sanders and now positions itself as a socialist. In 1998 there was a moment when he remained the only adherent of this building in Congress.

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In 2006, Bernie Sunders scored 65% of votes in the elections to the US Senate. He actively opposed the policy of mass surveillance - for example, the patriotic act, until the 2015 resolution of the special services and the police, to record telephone conversations and the Internet history of each US citizen. Politician also raised financial inequalities and ecology.

From the term during Bernie Sanders with a high rating was elected to the US Senate. Public opinion poll 2011 showed that it is supported by 67% of Americans. It made Bernie Sanders Third in popularity by Senator. In 2017, the approval rating was 61%.

In 2014, the next munch of Bernie Sanders political career began: he decided to run for president. The candidacy was supported by the democrats-socialists. His main rival was Hillary Clinton.

Throughout the pre-election race of Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton walked on the same level. The scale of the scales outweighed in one direction, then to another. A significant number of Americans called the Senator with the most honest candidate, but did a choice in favor of a woman.

New hemphire and Iowa are one of the few states of the United States, who voted for the primaries for Bernie Sanders. As a result, Hillary Clinton came to the elections.

Bernie Sanders did not deny that it would run once again. For several years he dedicated to the study of public opinion, trying to understand whether to see him as president. February 19, 2019 the Senator announced the start of the election program.

On the primaries of Democrats Bernie Sanders opposed Joe Biden. Polls showed that the senator wins the opponent at least 2 times.

Senator's successes caused joy not only among Americans, but also among the political forces of Russia, for example, Alexei Navalny. After Bernie Sanders won the primaries in New Hampshire, the activist wrote in Twitter:

"It's so nice to wake up and find out that Bernie won! I was sick for him. "

At the same time, Alexey Navalny called his favorite "Communist", hinting for his connection with Russia. For a loyal attitude to Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin Bernie Sanders is called the Kremlin agent. In June 2017, he became one of the two representatives of the US Congress, who did not support the introduction of new sanctions against this country.

Now the tabloids are rumored that Russia supports the candidacy of Sanders in the presidential election of 2020. Disseminate their mainly competitors. Michael Bloomberg, for example, wrote in Twitter:

"Russia tries to help Bernie [Sanders] become a candidate from Democrats, because they know - this will help [Donald] Trump again win [presidential elections] in 2020. It's simple".

In fact, Bernie Sanders support about 20% of Americans and US political forces - Senator Patrick Lyha, members of the Chamber of Representatives Alexandria Odeau-Cortes, Mark Pona, Chui Garcia, Peter Welch and others. Based on this data, the leading tabloids state that the chances of Bernie Sanders are high.

Bernie Sanders now

In the case of successful primaries on November 3, 2020, Bernie Sunders will compete with powerful politicians, for example, by the applicant US President Donald Trump. All candidates have clear views on the future of the country. Senator relies on life without GMO, military well-being of the Middle East and the improvement of the financial welfare of Americans.

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