Coronavirus in Iran 2020: Cases, Situation, Illness, Latest News


Updated April 29.

The causative agent of infection with his legs, Coronavirus SARS-COV-2, managed to infect more than 2.3 million thousand people to the current time and demonstrate its own aggressiveness in hundreds of countries.

About the situation now in the Islamic Republic: how the situation changed from the moment of finding the outbreak of coronavirus in Iran, which cities affected the disease, and the last news from the Iranian front of the confrontation of a frightening pandemic will tell the editorial board 24cm.

Cases of Coronavirus in Iran

The first sick with the confirmed presence of coronavirus in Iran was found in mid-February - the 17th infection was revealed by 2 residents of the city of Kuma. After just a couple of days, patients switched to the discharge of victims, as a result of the complications caused by COVID 19, which the organism of the elderly, due to age, could not move.

A high-ranking official from Iran died of coronavirus

A high-ranking official from Iran died of coronavirus

Foreign medical professionals, studying the question of why the first patients in the country died so quickly, argued that the cause of such an outcome could be a low level of development of medicine in the Islamic state. This statement confirmed the hopping growth in the country of the number infected with coronavirus while maintaining high mortality.

Against the background of spreading the epidemic in Iran, panic sentiment was increasingly manifested - it came to the fact that the residents of the city of Bender Abbas burned the hospital, in which, according to the surrendered rumors, should be brought a dozen-infected coronavirus.

The erroneous decision of the Iranian authorities, on time did not undertaken decisive measures to combat the spread of COVID-19, led to tragic consequences. April 29 2020 , in the country there are 92 584. cases of infection 5 877. of which were lethal . More 72 439. Patients managed to cure.

Situation in Iran

Reports about the first cases of COVID-19 infection in the country caused a serious panic that, not only in a hurry buying of masks and essential products, but also in aggressive actions, provoked by the fakes distributed on the Internet.

The deficit of medicines in the Iranian pharmacies that arose due to the artificially spurred excitement pushed local citizens to find alternative methods of prevention - the use of national funds recommended on the Internet led to the death of dozens of people in different regions of the country. The situation was complicated by the fact that citizens repeatedly encountered with false information regarding coronavirus infection, refused to believe information from official sources.

Negative responses from the population caused both a prolonged response of the outbreak of the disease and the solution of the authorities to release political prisoners to resolve the epidemiological situation. The situation was able to stabilize after the announcement of the President of Iran Khasan Rukhani that the number of daily infected coronavirus went to the decline, and therefore the peak of the epidemic in the country passed.

Restrictions in Iran

To regulate the speed of propagation of coronavirus in Iran, at the end of February, they limited the movement of people with suspected infection, but state boundaries were not closed. The inhabitants of the authorities recommended smaller travel, and also established medical blocks, closed educational institutions in Kuma and Arak and banned there to hold religious meetings there. What the fight against the viral threat and stopped. As the result showed, similar actions on the normalization of the situation with the spread of the disease did not have a positive effect.

COVID-19 Pandemic will last 2 years - head of the Koch Institute

COVID-19 Pandemic will last 2 years - head of the Koch Institute

Already in March, the 13th, Hassan Rukhani ordered to take measures to free public places, shopping centers and streets of Iranian cities from the inhabitants. For their implementation, it was implied to connect the security forces of the country and law enforcement agencies. The management of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces Mohammad Baghery reported about such a leadership initiative.

However, these measures to counteract the further spread of a pandemic, which coronavirus provoked, in Iran and limited to Rukhani, assured that quarantine on the territory of the state will not be introduced at least until April 2, when New Year's holidays will end with March 20 in the country.

But the neighbors of the Republic back in February due to reports of the growth of the number of infected coronavirus in the territory of Iran, they took care that the latter is closed and fenced off, breaking the border unilaterally.

Latest news

Iranian authorities banned the export of medicines against the background of a coronavirus infection pandemic.

The manager of the Central Bank Iran Abdolnase Hemmati asked the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to quickly respond to Iran's request for a loan in the amount of $ 5 billion. This money will go to the fight against the Pandemic COVID-19.

Representatives of the judiciary in Iran reported that, according to data on April 7, 2020, against the background of the coronavir epidemic, about 3,000 people were poisoned by alcohol, more than 600 of them died. Iranians had laid in false hopes that it would protect them from COVID-19.

On March 22, it became known that the International Independent Humanitarian Organization "Doctors Without Borders" sent equipment for intensive therapy to Coronavirus to combat Coronavirus to the Iran. The technique is planning to establish in the Hospital of Amin in Isfahan and use for the treatment of patients who are in critical condition. In addition, 9 doctors and logistics professionals will arrive in the country to help work with equipment.

Iran abandoned the help of the United States in the fight against coronavirus infection, referring to the fact that the overseas power is not enough drugs - given this, as well as complex relationships between the two countries, such a proposal of Hassan Rukhani called suspicious. Also, the leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran noted that the United States comes to the number of main suspects in the development of coronavirus SARS-COV-2.

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