Angelina Monk - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Stepan Menchikov, "Instagram", "House-2", Daughter 2021



In former times, in order for the pair to decide on the maximum rapprochement, mandatory procedures were to meet - familiarity with their parents, their blessing and wedding. In the modern world, no one is surprised by the advent of the child after the first meeting after the first meeting. If, in the case of Alexander Golovny, the situation ended with a scandal, then Stepan Menchikov did not hide what was happy that the new chosen of Angelina monk was wearing his son or daughter under the heart of his heart.

Childhood and youth

Blonde businesswoman is not averse to share photos from the past on personal pages on social networks and tell about the sphere of activity of close relatives.

Her "Instagram" keeps pictures from childhood, where the girl, together with her father, participated in the celebration of Victory Day in his native Vladivostok. There is also a short biographical reference about Uncle Pavel Vasilchenko, who instilled the niece of love for sailing, the sea and the skills of handling the yacht "Wind".

But the age of Angelina, as a true lady, prefers to hide, pointing only day and month of birth - October 7. Where the woman received a secondary and higher education, is unknown, as with whom she wanted to become when he grows, and how she came to the profession of the realtor.


A couple of concise facts are known about the professional life of the Menshchik's wife. Angelina Nikolaevna quite succeeded in real estate, sprouting business in Russia, and then continuing his development in Pattaya, where he lives since 2009. It was this and pushed by users of social networks and a former spouse Stepan Evgeny Shamayev to the idea that the famous Lovelaus New Passia was interested only in his wealth.

Personal life

Before the meeting with the Star of the Scandalous "House-2", the monk managed to be married and donate the spouse of two children - Olga, born on February 10 in about 1998, and Karina, which appeared on October 14, 2000. About former husband Details are not provided, but thanks to the photos on the Oli page in VKontakte, you can see how he looks like.

The first Angelina meeting with the Menchikov took place in the middle of zero. With her daughter, she came to the concert of popular residents of the reality show, then the man even kissed her on the cheek. On this, their paths were separated, and a full acquaintance occurred only in December 2019 in Thailand.

"We encountered the verge of establishment. I immediately recognized him, and my hidden feelings suddenly broke out in the heart with an incredible force. I sadly greeted him, he smiled in response, reading so much tenderness in my glance that he suggested sit at sunset in a cafe. Since then, we have not parted, "Angelina shared in an interview.

Exhaustive details of a dating Stepan, accustomed to live under the sight of the TV game and put everything at once, published in Instagram, saying that after the first closeness, the chosen is pregnant.

The next step of lovers in personal life was legalizing relationships: the couple played a wedding in July 2020 in the estate of Aleksandrovo, located in the Tula region of Russia. The groom had a black tuxedo with a traditional butterfly tie. And the bride, abandoning Fata, stopped the choice on a decolted white dress with open shoulders and a neat train.

The second joyful event occurred in August of the same year - the spouses became parents. Angelina Monk gave birth to a daughter.

Judging by the affordable publications of a woman, it is impossible not to notice that it clearly resorted to the services of plastic surgeons and at least increased her lips. By the way, the fans of the participant of the telestroyka, famous for the relationship with Victoria Boni, Alexandra Kharitonova and Alena Vodonaeva, noticed some external similarity from his wife with the latter.

Monk to maintain the harness of the body, actively engaged in sports, loves running, boxing and proper nutrition.

On March 5, 2020, on the air of the program "In fact," where Dmitry Shepelev said that he finally spent from the post of lead, Stepan appeared in the company with the ex-wife of Zhenya, the current wife of Angelina and his mother. Hope.

The reason for such a mass collection was that Shamaeva claimed to be allegedly pregnant from the first husband (this news was actively supported and its ex-mother-in-law), and he, in turn, is extremely interested in the income of the wealthy beloved.

As a result, experts with the help of a lie detector found that the Mother of the Showman and the previous Passiage sentenced and gave false testimony to prevent his new marriage and try to restore the family. The men himself did not hide that it was serious, and in relations with the monk, the main and sincere feelings of the latter are now.

In the middle of the release in the studio there was indeed the second guest in an interesting position. The eldest daughter of Angelina, to the surprise of the gathered, supported the thought of the rival of the mother that the man is primarily important for the money of her parent. And added that once popular, and now the forgotten TNT star is driven exclusively mercenary purposes.

Angelina Monk now

In July 2021, the Miners and the monk were again in the studio of the show "In fact": the showman came to find out whether the stronger was truly - his daughter. Doubts were substantiated by the fact that the child was born 8 months after dating. Angelina explained this by childbirth before the deadline. The DNA test dispelled the doubts of Stepan, confirming his paternity.

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