Anniversary of Innokentia Smoktunovsky: biography, personal life, filmography, in youth, years


Innokenty Smoktunovsky was recognized as a genius during life. In the star filmography. Roles awarded international recognition. On the scattered and oddities in the behavior of the artist walked theatrical bikes. To the 95th anniversary in the material 24cmi remember interesting facts from the life of the Actor of Space Space.

Sleep on the windowsill

Children Innocent Mikhailovich often told that in his youth in the house at the corner of the Prechistenki and Gogol Boulevard, on the fifth floor slept on the windowsill. Later in the memoirs, he described the details of Moscow conquest in 1955, when he had to spend the night in the entrances, because people who had intended to live first, left to relax. And it was not warned.

Smoktunovsky somehow said: "People are small looking for comfort, popularity, money; People are large - themselves ".

Allowed to consider yourself a Jew

In the biography of Innocent Mikhailovich, until 1964 stood the nationality of the Pole, and later Belarusus. However, the Jews allocated Smoktunovsky as "their". In the moments, when the actor saw manifestations or the consequences of anti-Semitism, he joined the grief and shouted with tears in his eyes "Shal!".

He taught to talk to the dog

The creative talent of Innocent Smoktunovsky is so great that even dogs talked in his presence. Smoktunovsky's daughter once launched Cocker Spaniel. After a while between the animals and the owner of the house there was a warm attachment. The actor brought her bones from the performance and taught the pet to move the road on the team "You can".

And then Smoktunovsky managed to force the dog to pronounce the word "mother". For a piece of sausage, the animal was asked to pronounce the letter first, then the syllable.

Called himself a "smart artist"

After the monologue about the fools in the film "Nine days of one year", the actor emphasized that as an artist he was a smart, but as a person - no. And recognized that she did stupidity and allowed the tactlessness, which would never have done if it was originally well thought.

Suffered from "Hamlet"

During the filming of Gamlet, Innocent Mikhailovich almost lost sight. Shooting a black and white film demanded expressiveness. To do this, put the bright light of Jupiters who beat into the eyes. After working as "Gamlet", Smoktunovsky had to three months in the eye clinic.

By the way, the Hamlet's medallion in the frame is the personal thing of Smoktunovsky, in which the photo of the Father was hidden.

Family is primarily a wife

Personal life Actor did not advertise. Although in an interview, where they asked about the achievements for the year, boasted the success of children. For him, the family was supporting. "And if you ask what Smoktunovsky is, then this is my wife!" The artist said. According to eyewitnesses, the questions of the creative biography of Smoktunovsky always discussed with his wife.

Accompanied on the last way applause

Innocent Mikhailovich Smoktunovsky died on August 3, 1994. Heart could not stand the load. On the last path, the audience accompanied the favorite actor with applause. Such a farewell for a creative person was for the first time in Russia. After his death, N. Barabash wrote: "On this last day, Innocent Mikhailovich, everything was as always."

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