Film "Invasion" (2020): Actors, Roles, Fedor Bondarchuk, Release date, Trailer


Inspired by the success of the fantastic painting "Attraction" (2017), the founder of the ART Pictures Studio film company Fedor Bondarchuk in March 2017 decided to shoot the second part of the blockbuster - "invasion". The film was presented at the Festival "Kinotavr", Comic Con Russia 2019. On the actors, roles and interesting facts will tell the editorial board 24cm.


July 25, 2018 in Moscow started shooting the film. The blockbuster of human destinies will show the complexity and reincarnation of characters characteristics, reflecting the problems of the modern world in them.

In addition to Fedor Bondarchuk, the producers of Alexander Andrushenko and Dmitry Rudovsky worked on the film.

In the plot of the film, the events unfold three years after landing an alien ship. "You can only win in the coming collision in one way - to find the strength to remain people," the signatures say to the trailer.

The budget of the paintings is estimated at 645 million rubles, planned cash receipses - 2 billion rubles. The release date of the film is January 1, 2020, the picture will be shown in IMAX.

Actors and roles

The main role in the film will play Irina Star'shenbaum (Julia Lebedeva). Julia after contact with extraterrestrial civilization in the face of Haron (Rinal Mukhametov) gained the power that began to explore in the classified laboratories of the Ministry of Defense. In 2019, Irina was involved in the series "Designs", as well as in 2017 played in another film Bondarchuk - "Ice".

Julia's father, General Valentin Lebedev (Oleg Menshikov), stands on the defense of his daughter, whereas in the first part of their relationship did not make shape.

Sergey Garmash will remain the vice-prime minister. In the list of works of 2019, the famous actor and sounding of shepherd in the full-length animation film "The Secret Life of Pets 2".

In the "invirmation" also appears for the former guy Yulia - Artem (Alexander Petrov). The actor also played the main character in the film "Text", which was published on October 24, 2019 and approached the mark of $ 6 million cash charges in Russia.

Yuri Borisov will play the role of Ivan. The actor can also be seen in the main role of the film "Red Ghost", published on December 3, 2019.

Interesting Facts

Directed by Fedor Bondarchuk notes that the "invasion" is not the second part of the film "Attraction", but rather "Prix", as it tells about completely new events.

The script of the paintings was changed twice, but in its basis the "Little Love Story" is unchanged.

The film was filmed inexperienced filmmakers, but Fyodor Bondarchuk appreciated their efforts and remained satisfied with the quality of work.

The main place of events was not Chertanovo, as in the first part, but a fever. Also shooting the film took place in Kamchatka, where the group flew on helicopters.

According to the director, the water, the central image of the film, will cover all over Moscow, and the history of love will unfold against the background of the catastrophe. As Irina Star'shenbaum notes, she is used to the time of filming to a constant contact with water in large volumes.

A lot of special effects used in the blockbuster, all frames have been graphic processing, and some are drawn from scratch. The picture turned out to be much larger than the previous one, so the audience await her with impatience.

The film "Invasion" - Trailer:

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