The film "Guest from the Future" (1985): Actors, Song, Alice Seleznev, Interesting Facts


The film "Guest from the Future" director Pavel Arsenova was first shown on March 25-29, 1985 for the first program of the USSR CT. After the premiere of "Alice" spread to the Soviet Union, served as a source of children's inspiration for fun. By the 35th anniversary of the anniversary tape, 24cmi has prepared interesting facts about a fantastic picture.

Alisa Selezneva - a popular modest

Natalia Guseva, the executor of the role of Alice Selezneva, turned out to be a modest teenager. During filming, the girl kept away from the noisy children's company. And according to the memories of peers, in school years, Natalia Guseva was popular with boys in the class, which was envied by classmates.

The appearance of the actors was personally a director

The haircut of Natalia Guseva during filming was growing. The director himself corrected the hairstyle actress. But the image of Kolya Gerasimov, who was played by Alexey Fomkin, the film crew worried less. Therefore, in the frames of the film, you can observe the hero, which is neatly trimmed, then it is noticeable.

Mylafon has become a family value

At Kira Bulychev, in the story "One hundred years ago, for which the film was filmed, a detailed description of the Mielfone was not. Designers of the paintings offered as a basis to take the prisms used in the manufacture of cameras. So the crystal of complex shape appeared. The sound of the device was the passage from the first concert of Tchaikovsky, reproduced at high speed.

After filming, myelofon remained from the director, and now Helena Arsenova is stored at the widow. Item road family and does not leave the house even on receipt.

The film causes memories of parallel reality.

In the "Guest from the Future" was not without a phenomenal effect. Amateur karaoke got used to hear the phrase in the second buying "I hear a voice from the beautiful far, he calls me in wonderful edges."

What was the surprise of those who decided to revise the film on Yutubeub, when instead of the usual words heard that the voice of the beautiful is far called "not in the paradise edges." The changes were attributed to the modifications of the past under the influence of public consciousness.

In fact, the initial version of the song, which entered the film, spoke of "non-paradise". Later, the composer Evgenia Kryldov did not like the complex wording, and the poet Yuri Entin rewrote to the "wonderful edges." A radio eroticism was published on the wave of popularity, in which the usual words hear.

The console moving to the future - Rubik's cube

In the distant 1984, there was no computer graphics. The overall plans were made separately, and then imprinted scenery in the footage. The most difficult thing was to create a time machine. The "fabulous" plastic was made to order, and the Rubik Cube was put in the quality of the remote control, which was popular in the 80s.

"Technical problems" due to a verter costume

According to the memories of Evgenia Gerasimov, the actor performed by the verter, the costume was sewn from the material developed for the space industry. Designers tried and made a monolithic outfit without buttons and lightning. Gerasimov was squeezed into the costume and did not remove until the end of the filming day. And this is about 12 hours, which created certain difficulties.

Prophecy from the Future

Costumes for Polina, which Soviet model Elena Metelkin, was performed under the alien appearance of the role of the role. In the trendy trends of that time, it was planned to erase gender borders in clothing. The costume artist did not want to make an intimate creature and emphasized the femininity of the heroine.

Now in the fashion collections of 2020, futuristic trends and the style of the 80s are combined. A dress with a deep neckline, like Polyna, turned out to be in the spring collection of Valentino, and brilliant futurism, like the Verter, is supposed to be trend on the autumn-winter period.

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