Divorce and Oksana Samoilova: 2020, Cause, Latest News, Instagram


After a month, the model and a large mother Mom Oksana Samoilov still accepted a difficult decision. 10 years of happy life and four children did not save the once perfect couple of Russian show business from breaking relationships. The divorce of the song and Samoylova began due to the latest events expected outcome, the story of the love of stars came to an end. What led to a rupture of the once exemplary pair - in the material 24cm.

Nonideal reputation

For 10 years of chat, the star couple turned out to be in the center of the scandal several times. In the approximate circles, rumors periodically walked that Jigan is a nonideal husband. The network leaked information about the free relationship in marriage was knocked and self-signed, and exclusively on the part of the spouse, although the tactics of the behavior of her husband did not attend doubt in respectableness.

The story of love is confused and Oksana Samoylova

The story of love is confused and Oksana Samoylova

For a long time Oksana did not believe the gossip and preferred on compromising information about the spouse to lay out touching family photos in "Instagram".

The situation in the star family has changed when Jigan left Black Star. The behavior of RPER was restrained, abstained from commenting about the causes of care. The starting point of the scandal was unlucky Timati comments to the colleague under the photo in "Instagram". Rapper splashed offense and told the public about the envy of the boss to his success. After that, the artist began to control the characteristics of the character. And since 2019, Jigan has repeatedly turned out to be in the center of attention as a rowdy and a scandalist. The musician always apologized for the non-residential deeds, but the image of a conflict person has become firmly fixed since then.


On February 18, 2020, the long-awaited son was born at the Star Couple. The family planned to spend a year in the United States. However, the response to the joyful event was the inadequate behavior of a happy father. The emotional artist began to lay out on the page in "Instagram" live ether, where it looked eccentric and outcast.

After a stormy celebration on the occasion of the birth of the heir, Jigan was in an elite rehab on a drug treatment and alcohol treatment program. Later, the musician continued to lay out ambiguous posts in "Instagram" on how treatment is undergoing. In the comments, the subscribers expressed concerns for the health of the artist and offered not to hurry with the discharge.

In social networks, there were assumptions about what a gift will be done by Jigan's wife in reconciliation. Oksana Samoilova all this time kept silence, visited her husband on treatment, enjoyed motherhood and remembered the minute when he learned that she was waiting for her son.

In March, Oksana laid out the sad post in which he hinted about the problems in the family and the desire to go home.

Return to the Russian Federation and a divorce application

After the return of the couple, it seemed to Russia that relationships were settled. However, the press appeared information that the pair sells elite real estate worth 140 million rubles. There were rumors that the spouses are preparing for the property section.

At the time of Oksana Samoilova, took a pause, laid out photos of children and only occasionally hint at doubt that she was guess. And Jigan, in turn, indulged in memories and hosted archival photos and videos, admitting to love for children and his wife, periodically diluting the tape even more ambiguous and provokative publications.

On March 31, 2020, judging by the latest news, Oksana Samoilova decided to divorce. The reason for leaving the page in the "Instagram" star argued by deception, treason and inadequate behavior from her husband. Subscribers support Oksana, wanting her strength and reminding that the main thing is children.

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Как сложно принимать решения длинною в 10 лет ,когда у тебя 4 маленьких детей.но мне не оставили выбора .я подаю на развод .все 10 лет счастливой семейной жизни были обманом с его стороны,а я просто жила и верила ему,он говорил такие вещи ,клялся здоровьем наших детей,умолял не верить в сплетни и слухи ,клялся что любит только меня и никогда не изменял.столько всего говорил и я верила ,потому что я не способна на такие обманы ,потому что я добрая и наивная.потому что я не понимаю как можно так поступать .потому что мы были счастливы понимаете?по настоящему ,мы не ссорились особо,я видела что он меня любит,у нас все было хорошо,у нас прекрасные дети и была прекрасная жизнь .и я даже представить не могла что при таких раскладах когда вы живете душа в душу,выходя из дома человек может так предавать. Вторую причину вы видите сами на его странице и думаю понимаете что происходит.я всегда была за семью ,за то что бы у детей были мама и папа ,но в нынешней ситуации я просто не могу поступить по другому .я не хочу что бы мои дети видели весь этот ад .Ариела уже все понимает и мое сердце разрывается от боли.лучше пусть будет только мама,чем такое. все что он сделал с собой и с нашей семьей это его ответственность ,только его .я не знаю когда он будет в состоянии осознать всё что наделал и будет ли вообще .я не знаю что будет завтра или через месяц .я не знаю как буду я с 4 детьми.но мне придётся быть сильной ,и скорее всего сильнее чем когда-либо

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The last months of Dzhagan leaves no attempts to make up his wife, but Oksana Samoilova remains adamant. On April 27, the rapper congratulated the wife and daughter Maya happy birthday songs, confessing to them in love. He published touching photos with daughters and her son and expressed the hope that everything in his family would work out. He even directly stated Samoylova through social networks, which would not let her go anywhere, for which he received a sarcastic comment by the spouses "Drani, Vas".

Not so long ago, Jigan removed recognition into the chamber in love Oksana, but he just snorted and turned away. Previously, she noted that despite the fact that the spouses now live together in their country house, the marriage process is launched and retreat Samoilova is not going.

On June 15, the media reported that Oksana Samoilova changed his mind to divorce with the trick. According to the telegram channel Life Shot, the businesswoman took its application through a lawyer on the basis of reconciliation of the parties. Spouses were also not appeared on a pre-trial conversation.

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