Coronavirus in the UK 2020: Cases, Situation, Illness, Latest News


Updated April 29.

The national flavor of the country is sometimes manifested in an unexpected way. The kingdom is waiting for the chilence to develop natural immunity against SARS-COV-2 and is preparing for the worst scenario for the development of events. About how coronavirus behaves in the UK and what measures the government takes, in the material 24cm.

Curonavirus cases in the UK

The first 2 cases of COVID-19 disease in the UK were found on January 31, 2020. By March 13, the increase in the number of infected, according to statistics, increased by 35% within 24 hours.

On March 17, 2020, the head of the Cabinet of Ministers of Great Britain Boris Johnson warned that the state approaches the "phase of rapid growth" cases of the disease. In the epicenter, London was, where the sad statistics are ahead of the regions. The episodes of the disease are revealed in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.

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March 25, the media reported that Prince Charles was infected with coronavirus. Son Elizabeth II decided to self-auen in his house in Scotland. The test for the presence of an infection in the body also held his spouse, but the woman did not reveal the traces of infection. Later it became known that Boris Johnson was diagnosed. From the symptoms of the Prime Minister, a high temperature and cough were observed.

By the end of March 2020, the United Kingdom enters the list of 20 countries, in which the contamination of coronavirus among the population is a rapid pace. Already according to today, April 29 2020 , The kingdom takes the eighth position in the world by the number of infected with indicators 161 145 people . Of them 21 678. Died And total 437 recovered.

The medical adviser to the government of Chris Whitty expressed concerns that people suffering from chronic diseases risk not to get timely help. According to Witty, the main thing is to reduce the likelihood of indirect deaths.

Situation in United Kingdom

Authorities with English excerpt sent forces to deterrence the spread of coronavirus in the UK. The population was offered to selfishly, and for advice on the telephone line only in the event of a deterioration in the state.

Johnson expressed an opinion not about quarantine, but about the development of "collective immunity." The press spoke that the state is ready for the fact that 60% of the population is passing. Elderly British over 70 years of authorities are advised to self-insulating and prepare for the fact that forced measures can last until spring 2021.

In a short time, the shelves in the stores are empty. The queues were lined up behind the toilet paper. According to eyewitnesses, they gave out a roll in hand. The intense situation provoked cases of scope and looting. There were queues in pharmacies, but the population stands for medicines without masks.

Panic began among the population, which the government prefers to ignore. 220 UK scientists wrote a letter to the government with the requirement to switch to action.

They are interested in justifying the authorities who explain the lack of quarantine in schools with an additional risk for the older generation, when the grandchildren will come to a forced vacation. And the lack of restrictions on mass events is explained by the fact that this will reduce the number of contacts between people in pubs or bars, where the risk of catching coronavirus is higher.

In London, the hangar was built. Sky News TV channel suggested that it will be a temporary morgue. The situation is glowing. Information about the events in the UK due to the situation with COVID-19 is silent. Unpleasant personnel in social networks are attributed to fakes from Russia.

Restrictions in United Kingdom

According to Boris Johnson's Prime Minister, reversal the situation with coronavirus in the UK will be possible for 12 weeks. While the epidemic does not respond to measures taken in the state.

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Residents of Great Britain It is recommended to avoid contacts. People with chronic diseases, pregnant women and older people should take additional steps to protect against the effects of coronavirus infection. Children are called more often washing hands.

Elizabeth II canceled a number of events, including three May receptions in the Buckingham Palace. The ceremony of presenting credentials from ambassadors is also transferred to the late period. The queen with his spouse moved to the Windsor Castle.

Retailers urge buyers do not panic and convince that there is no need to create food reserves. To cope with the purchasing stir, introduced restrictions on the sale of the number of antibacterial agents, pasta, canned, toilet paper and napkins up to five packs in hand. Restrictive measures have been taken online shopping.

The Government of Great Britain adheres to a gradual change in the lifestyle of the population, which will allow you to push the peak of morbidity for the summer. And then revise the recommendations to the population.

Great Britain's authorities hope that the "ruthless" observance of distance measures will allow the British to overcome the epidemic.

Latest news

In the UK, 28-year-old Mary Agyeva Agyapong, a nurse of one of the clinic died from Coronavirus. The woman was pregnant, but when her condition seemed disappointing physicians, they made her an emergency cesarean section. Newborn daughter managed to save.

According to the Food Foundation charitable organization of April 15, 2020, more than one and a half million British are currently starving. The reason for this is the loss of place of work.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson completely cured from coronavirus. His test showed a negative result.

FC Manchester United has provided assistance to the National Health Service of Britain in Coronavirus Pandemic. Footballers temporarily transferred to the department of Old Trafford Stadium, which is located in the backup list of blood transfusion centers.

April 8 2020 The network has information that the inhabitants of Britain began to approach the 5G-tower of mobile operators, thinking that they were associated with the proliferation of coronavirus. For such thoughts, the British pushed fake news.

As of April 7, 2020, Boris Johnson began to breathe without auxiliary devices. His condition remains stable. The number of the month was transferred to the general chamber.

On April 6, 2020, it became known about the 34-year-old resident of the United Kingdom, who imposed his arms due to loneliness during self-insulation. Briton suffered from a bipolar disorder.

On the same day, information about the unexpected hospitalization of the Prime Minister of the country appeared in the media. He urgently needed ventilation of the lungs.

The United Kingdom does not intend to close the borders. Restrictions concern only London. The Association of Airport Operators stated that the Government should support the industry during the COVID-19 pandemic in connection with the reduction of tourist trips.

In the health care system, negotiations are undergoing procurement of tests for antibodies. An experimental course of treatment is carried out, during which the effectiveness of medicines for coronavirus is specified.

March 23, after the number of deaths from Coronavirus in the UK passed for 300 people, Boris Johnson declared universal quarantine. Residents of the city are allowed to leave houses for essential products, sports 2 times a day and go to work. Restrictions entered for three weeks.

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