Valentina Birthday Matvienko: 2020, Biography, Personal Life, Family


On April 7, 2020, Valentina Matvienko celebrated his birthday. The legendary policy of the Russian ladies are grateful for 1.5 years paid maternity leave, which helped to appear by the generation of psychologically healthy demanded children, was 71 years old. Interesting facts from Valentina's biography Ivanovna - in the material 24cm.


In his youth after the university, Valentina Ivanovna went through the party career ladder and quickly found himself in the commander of Komsomol. Evil languages ​​began to say that the meetings ended with a drink with drinking. During the election Debates, Matvienko, without the shadow of embarrassment, commented on the origin of the watch "Valka-Glass" with the irony characteristic of her: "I don't remember the glass, it was half a cup. And you did not have? "

Bright appearance

Valentina Ivanovna stands out in bright appearance and even in Soviet times remained at the peak of fashion trends. After the end of the Medchildren, Matvienko went to conquer the Chemical Pharmaceutical Institute with Flusted Hair, in a mini-skirt and with make-up. Teachers at the entrance exams were doubted that such a fiery beauty could own deep knowledge of chemistry, and offered an appropriate memory to draw a Mendeleev table. Matvienko successfully coped with the task.

Free time

Valentina Ivanovna is dedicated to Sports and creativity in public activities. In sports hobbies politics - tennis, skiing and swimming. In the mornings in the schedule of Matvienko - Yoga and the morning set of exercises, and the time after the working day she devotes walking.

In the work prefers a classic, rereading the famous works of Russian and foreign writers who enrich intellectually and spiritually.

Favorite position

In the biography of Valentina Ivanovna - work by the Komsomol leader, ambassador, governor, parliamentar. However, the question of which position turned out to be the most beloved, politician with tenderness speaks of St. Petersburg, where she was entrusted to become the governor of the city. Matvienko remembers that she did not work as a governor, but he lived, trying to turn the northern capital into the city of European standards.

About family

Valentina Ivanovna's personal life was happy. 47 years she was his wife Vladimir Matvienko, with whom he met in student years. Later, her husband taught at the Military Medical Academy. In 2018, unfortunately, politician widowed.

The only son is Sergey Matvienko - a famous St. Petersburg banker and a businessman. Despite the fact that the Career of the Son developed synchronously with the political success of the mother, Matvienko did not assist in promoting family members. When it was time, she sent Sergey to serve in the army, emphasizing that this is his duty. The granddaughter of Valentina Matvienko - Arina is the pride of the grandmother. Politician emphasizes that Arina inherited hardworking from her grandmother, commitment and responsibility.

"A person can be successful when he is happy in life when he has a family when he has a house and he feels good," Valentina Ivanovna emphasizes in an interview.


Valentina Ivanovna does not like to affect gender issues in politics. Therefore, praise from friends and loved ones perceives favorably. However, when the compliment is trying to make colleagues, the whole view shows such a reaction that more attempts to emphasize femininity from the speaker are not being taken - Matvienko does not like flattery.

"Holding chic"

Valentine's style Matvienko is called "powder". Celebrity prefers ruby, emerald and sapphire shades and golden palette. The Kremlin style icon in an interview admitted that a personal shopper helps to support the business image in appearance, which takes into account the preferences of the celebrity to the motley outfits in the style of Fendi, hungry brothers, beaded blouses.

Matvienko supports business etiquette with designer cervical headscarves. In the wardrobe, Matvienko contains double costumes for official meetings, and in the days of national holidays, Valentina Ivanovna is observed in a fur coat.

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